Adventure Racing - Where to begin?

As tri-season comes to an end for me in October, I’m kind of in the middle of looking for alternative sports by 2007 (I’d still be doing Tri’s, but getting away from the hard-core training for it). Is there any site that can give a good start to Adventure Racing? Any forum sites I can hang out at to start taking a look into researching about the sport. I think my biggest question is where can I start doing research on Mtn Bikes and the differences between them and the tri-bikes that I’ve ridden and used.

You might like to try the muddy buddy series as a place to start. They are a fun, 2 person team event that combines MTB’ing and running.

ever since I heard about Eco challenge, I thought adventure racing would be fun.

here’s a link to the national org:

And a decent site for the michigan club, some info and links:

Here’s a plug for my local AR club, see the attached link for their site:

Lots of useful links here, look on the schedule page for events, and other links.

There are also tips (and again w/ more useful links), suggested gear lists, all that good stuff.

There are a few decent books on AR’ing out there, Ian Adamson’s is probably the best and most complete (I think it’s also the most current, just released last year).

As for mtb info, go to

Congrats! You get to create and nourish a whole new gear fetish! :wink:

Thanks for the info.

The big thing for me is to research Mtn Bikes correctly. When I got into tri’s, it was addictive but I wasted a ton of money on junk crap (at least $3-5k). Now that my gf and I want to do more recreational tandem fun stuff, we also have to budget for this stuff (because now we have to consider family planning and stuff as well).

What are the recommendations for value mtn bikes? I know for tri’s it’s cervelo duals or felt 35s are seen as most effective bikes. What is their equivalent for MTB?

The NYARA has been around as long, or longer, than any other AR Club so that would be a great place to start. We have the longest running 24+ hour race in the midwest right here in Indiana. check out the website

Good luck.

I’d say that Giant and Jamis are kinda to MTB’s, as Cervelo and Felt are to Tri bikes, if that makes any sense.

You also really can’t go wrong w/ Specialized, or Gary Fisher/Trek (Trek owns both). I’m sure there are other good makes I’m forgetting… like Santa Cruz. or Kona. Or…

FWIW, my wife and I (back 11+ yrs ago when she was “only” my GF) got Specialized Rockhopper hardtails (there really was no such thing as full suspension back then), and they are both still going strong to this day: Mine is the dedicated beater/pull my daughter in the trailer bike, hers is the dedicated trainer bike.

Depending on yer budget and goals, you can go anywhere from singlespeed rigid, to front suspension, to full suspension. And anywhere from a few $100 to many $1000’s - have you seen this anywhere before? :wink:

Happy shopping.

I thought about doing one this summer, but found the initial price prohibitive. I have a MTN bike but would’ve had to buy: repelling gear, life jacket, lights for bike, camel back(required for the race? weird), canoe retal fee, area maps, etc. I added it up and it would’ve cost me $500 before race fees. I was disappointed and wondered how anyone gets started in the sport. I know tris are ridiculously expensive, but people can at least do their first one for <$100.

I started doing some Ars this year, three 12-hr races and one 24-hr race from April to July. The folks of the team I raced with have their kayaks and I’ve got a mtn bike myself. The new items I’ve added are (didn’t buy all at once):

NiteRider helmet-mtd light: $260

PFD: $50-60

Salomon pack: $40

Climbing/rappelling harness, ATC, carabiners: <$90

The race fess are relatively expensive though, $90-100 for 12-hr races; $120 for 24-hr races.