Adjustable fitting stems and oversize steerer tubes?

Any fit stems that will work with the new crop of oversize steerer tubes?

Nope. And not sufficient clearance to use a drill-press for modification (I tried;(). Someone should talk to Giant (Dan) about manufacturing fit-product to support the brand.

I agree about getting somebody on this. I’ve had a few Giant customers who ended up just being an educated guess on a necessary stem change due to lack of tools. Does anybody have a contact at Salsa?

The Salsa stem project is kind-of an orphan at QBP. I’ve suggested that the change the design to accomodate tri bars (think Retul), but they “don’t want to get into the fit business”. I’ll let u know if something changes

Interesting. Good point on the Salsa not fitting tri bars, too. Thanks!

I guess I’ll just have to throw down for a Guru Gen2 then :wink:
My Purley Custom fit stem works fine with Tri Bars. The bar clamp is easily removable so I can just attack that to the bars and hold it above the stem when I install.

just purchase a selection of “cheap” 1 1/4 stems. you should be able to make the proper selection very easily from your supply during the fit session—if you know what you are doing.

Not sure about the Salsa thing. Mine fits tri bars fine.
I use a cheap set of 1-1/4" stems and replace as needed. Not ideal, but it’s not a guessing game so 1-2 swaps should be all that is required.

Who makes oversized steerers other than Giant?

7 sizes, so basically you have invested in a $350 Giant/Canyon specific ft stem.

I could only get them through a local Giant dealer, but they gave me a 5% discount for buying 5 of the 7 sizes available.

I opted out of the 60mm, and 120mm because Giant top tubes are long in the tooth.

I did not include the +/- 30* stems.

I emailed salsa about this and was informed that they have no plans to make one of these.

It’s just another front end to invest in to stay current. Just like my French bottom bracket taping and facing tools