ADHD - This explains so much

After reaching age 50 and discovering I have ADHD it all seems so obvious now after reading the above article. I would imagine there is a much high percentage of people with ADHD on this fourm?

After reaching age 50 and discovering I have ADHD it all seems so obvious now after reading the above article. I would imagine there is a much high percentage of people with ADHD on this fourm?

Don’t mean to be annoying, but if you think you have ADHD symptoms, you should seek to get professionally evaluated and diagnosed. I only bring this up because I recently listened to a podcast by a doctor who thought that self-diagnosis of ADHD/ADD is an increasingly big problem in the medical world - people who show up and start the conversation by demanding Adderal, etc. And the linked article includes all sorts of behaviors that we all have to some degree (procrastination) that might not be actual ADHD.

After reaching age 50 and discovering I have ADHD it all seems so obvious now after reading the above article. I would imagine there is a much high percentage of people with ADHD on this fourm?

Don’t mean to be annoying, but if you think you have ADHD symptoms, you should seek to get professionally evaluated and diagnosed. I only bring this up because I recently listened to a podcast by a doctor who thought that self-diagnosis of ADHD/ADD is an increasingly big problem in the medical world - people who show up and start the conversation by demanding Adderal, etc. And the linked article includes all sorts of behaviors that we all have to some degree (procrastination) that might not be actual ADHD.

By discoved I meant I was diagnosed last fall. This article just explained more symptoms then I had seen in the past.

One thing that drove me to get tested was my son being diagnosed with it. Exercise is a way to mange excess energy so i would bet there are many people on here diagnosed and undiagnosed with ADHD.

By discoved I meant I was diagnosed last fall. This article just explained more symptoms then I had seen in the past.

Gotcha - I just read it wrong. Carry on!

The article poses that ADHD & ADD are the same thing…I pose that they are not.

I would argue that I have ADD but not ADHD… the “hyperactivity” being the big differentiator…

The article poses that ADHD & ADD are the same thing…I pose that they are not.

I would argue that I have ADD but not ADHD… the “hyperactivity” being the big differentiator…

They were combined. “Mental health professionals in the United States use the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) to diagnose all psychiatric conditions, including ADHD. The latest version divides it into three types:
ADHD predominantly inattentive presentation (what used to be called ADD)ADHD predominantly hyperactive-impulsive presentationADHD combined presentation (both inattentive and hyperactive-impulsive symptoms)”

The endurance sport population has more than double the normal athlete population ADHD prevalence, IIRC.

And triple the OCD :slight_smile:

“And triple the OCD. :)”

There, I fixed it for you.

Or, perhaps this is better:

“And, triple the OCD. :)”

What do you think?

I can’t focus and read the article. Too long.

And triple the OCD :)“And triple the OCD. :)”
There, I fixed it for you.
Or, perhaps this is better:
“And, triple the OCD. :)”
What do you think?There, I fixed it for you.

And triple the OCD :)“And triple the OCD. :)”
There, I fixed it for you.
Or - perhaps - this is better:
“And, triple the OCD. :)”
What do you think?There, I fixed it for you.

I fixed it further

D’Wife would often “joke” about things I do as “your OCD acting up”

When I started therapy, that was one of the first things I asked about

“If you don’t have an anxiety attack when things are out of sorts” she told me “It’s not really OCD”

She may be right, she may be blowing smoke up my ass; but it’s comforting to us, either way

There was a recent article on Cyclingweekly that covered a few neurodivergent cyclists - neurodivergence encompasses ADHD, autism, and a few other conditions.

The headline is that up to one in seven cyclists may have neurodivergent conditions. People should not read that as the article saying “a survey found that cyclists are more likely to be neurodivergent than the general population.” The article said that about 15% (about 1 in 7) of the general population may be neurodivergent. I’d find it plausible that cyclists are more likely to be neurodivergent than the general population, but no specific evidence from a survey was presented.

Folks with ADHD and autism are prone to developing special interests, btw.