Adding TRX to weekly schedule

My kids got me TRX bands for Christmas and I’d like to add in them for general fitness and injury prevention. I’ve had a hip issue caused last year by muscle imbalance and have generally weak core.

Would it make sense to do a full body after my harder cycling workouts during the week or something else?

Depending on your age, isolated strength training has been very useful to me in managing imbalances and trying to stave off injuries. The TRX could be great for that - especially if you focus on single leg / single arm exercises.

I do a little bit of body weight work everyday, kettlebells 2-3 / week and 1 day of deadlifts

I’ve never felt more pliable or strong in my life, and I’m ~40

I’d say incorporating 3-4x / week will be amazing for Your fitness. Start slow and build up to it

Tangential response.

I’ve found out that for me pilates is absolutely essential for keeping me able to train. And this is continuing as I get older, but was the case from late 30s.

I have a 6am monday and friday regular slot, then add in a third middle of the day midweek during off season/base phase. This means I do it on my ‘rest ish’ Monday after days of long ride and long swim/run and then on Friday building into the weekend. In the peak training months I’ll backup pilates with a 30-60min run straight after, and so I get to my desk 8:30am having done 2 hours of work. Then on a Monday night will typically do either a recovery jog (not if run in AM) or recovery ride. Ditto with a friday easy 8-10k run after work.

For me then it’s fitting in the recovery time after physio/massage that’s trickier for the programme. Still, got to make the coach earn his $$.

Just experiment. I swim, bike, run, and lift 3x each every week with 1 rest day.

My favorite rotation is to swim/bike on days 1/3/5 and lift/run on days 2/4/6. On day 2 I lift weighs (chest, shoulders, legs) in the morning and run in the afternoon. On day 4 I reverse it (back, core, and arms). Day 6 timing is flexible because it’s the weekend and my exercises aren’t heavy (body weight exercises only), so they don’t affect my long run much.

I’ve been doing full body after my harder cycling days. I figure it gives more time to recover. So Monday, Wednesday or Thursday, and Saturday. If I’m doing to strengthen hip flexors / hamstrings where I have imbalances, then it doesn’t matter right? As if I’m tired then I’d work more what isn’t worked?