Actual conversation in the SAN airport

Holy fuck! This Maga bimbo rudely interrupted a 20 something couple who were speaking to each other in Spanish and asked them if they were coming from the border and if they were American. She says she has a house in Vegas, a house in Florida, and a house in San Diego and lots of guns. They were a bit taken aback but are being a hell of a lot nicer than I would be.

I love her security company to the biggest security company in the world.


They should go to security and tell them that they felt threatened by her because she kept mentioning her guns and asking if they were immigrants. It might cause her to get delayed while they question her. She would learn a bit of a lesson about being an asshole.

She just turned all nice now that she figured out they are actually Americans.

I miss San Diego. Coronado was awesome, and Miramar equally so. Even Pendleton was a blast. I used to live in Poway in North County. The town wasn’t known as America’s Finest City for nothing. I can even remember buying a really nice (used) RX-7 over in Kearny Mesa at a Toyota dealership way back in the day, and a new Ford Probe GT in Pacific Beach a decade later.

Sadly, there’s no accounting for idiocy these days, especially given that IQs are now apparently on the decline. Folks should just mind their own business and go out and take care of business.

They should go to security and tell them that they felt threatened by her because she kept mentioning her guns and asking if they were immigrants. It might cause her to get delayed while they question her. She would learn a bit of a lesson about being an asshole.

This. Maybe leave out the part about being immigrants. Mere mention about being uneasy about someone boasting about having lots of guns should suffice.

They should go to security and tell them that they felt threatened by her because she kept mentioning her guns and asking if they were immigrants. It might cause her to get delayed while they question her. She would learn a bit of a lesson about being an asshole.

This. Maybe leave out the part about being immigrants. Mere mention about being uneasy about someone boasting about having lots of guns should suffice.

Or a bomb. Because everyone knows you can’t say “bomb” on airplanes.


They should go to security and tell them that they felt threatened by her because she kept mentioning her guns and asking if they were immigrants. It might cause her to get delayed while they question her. She would learn a bit of a lesson about being an asshole.

And most of the security likely Mexican haha. Lots of white looking Mexican heritage people here you wouldn’t know

They should go to security and tell them that they felt threatened by her because she kept mentioning her guns and asking if they were immigrants. It might cause her to get delayed while they question her.** She would learn a bit of a lesson** about being an asshole.
No she wouldn’t. People who could use this interaction as a teachable moment do not behave in this way in the first place.

It’d just cause her to escalate her rhetoric and double down next time she hears Spanish.

Holy fuck! This Maga bimbo rudely interrupted a 20 something couple who were speaking to each other in Spanish and asked them if they were coming from the border and if they were American. She says she has a house in Vegas, a house in Florida, and a house in San Diego and lots of guns. They were a bit taken aback but are being a hell of a lot nicer than I would be.

I love her security company to the biggest security company in the world.

Was in a similar situation at an airport bar with my wife yesterday. We are sitting and minding our own business and new pops up that Biden is dropping out.

Normal looking guy in business attire clean cut and professional looking sitting next to my wife. At no point did my wife or I look in his direction, speak to him, or anything. He interrupted my wife and I having a conversation that had nothing to do with politics at least 5 times to spew some maga shit, make really poor taste jokes about Biden’s health, and a few anti Covid/vaccine remarks. Ended up finding a different bar just to get away from him because he was so annoying…

… And ending up sitting next to a guy who was absolutely wasted and kept interrupting us to tell us how much he hates his kids and grandkids.

Hell of a travel day.

Holy fuck! This Maga bimbo rudely interrupted a 20 something couple who were speaking to each other in Spanish and asked them if they were coming from the border and if they were American. She says she has a house in Vegas, a house in Florida, and a house in San Diego and lots of guns. They were a bit taken aback but are being a hell of a lot nicer than I would be.

I love her security company to the biggest security company in the world.

Was in a similar situation at an airport bar with my wife yesterday. We are sitting and minding our own business and new pops up that Biden is dropping out.

Normal looking guy in business attire clean cut and professional looking sitting next to my wife. At no point did my wife or I look in his direction, speak to him, or anything. He interrupted my wife and I having a conversation that had nothing to do with politics at least 5 times to spew some maga shit, make really poor taste jokes about Biden’s health, and a few anti Covid/vaccine remarks. Ended up finding a different bar just to get away from him because he was so annoying…

… And ending up sitting next to a guy who was absolutely wasted and kept interrupting us to tell us how much he hates his kids and grandkids.

Hell of a travel day.

Wow! Small world that you ran into Tylertri at an airport.

What was the point she was trying to make, other than she is a rude idiot?

Holy fuck! This Maga bimbo rudely interrupted a 20 something couple who were speaking to each other in Spanish and asked them if they were coming from the border and if they were American. She says she has a house in Vegas, a house in Florida, and a house in San Diego and lots of guns. They were a bit taken aback but are being a hell of a lot nicer than I would be.

I love her security company to the biggest security company in the world.

Was in a similar situation at an airport bar with my wife yesterday. We are sitting and minding our own business and new pops up that Biden is dropping out.

Normal looking guy in business attire clean cut and professional looking sitting next to my wife. At no point did my wife or I look in his direction, speak to him, or anything. He interrupted my wife and I having a conversation that had nothing to do with politics at least 5 times to spew some maga shit, make really poor taste jokes about Biden’s health, and a few anti Covid/vaccine remarks. Ended up finding a different bar just to get away from him because he was so annoying…

… And ending up sitting next to a guy who was absolutely wasted and kept interrupting us to tell us how much he hates his kids and grandkids.

Hell of a travel day.
That makes me want a turbine single with anti-icing. Private pilots license doesn’t hide us from airport/airline BS unless the plane is capable. Mine in slow flight can sometimes go backwards in stiff wind.

What was the point she was trying to make, other than she is a rude idiot?

These types of people are full of hate and like to share.

What was the point she was trying to make, other than she is a rude idiot?

I think she really thought they were illegal and had just paid a mule to get them over the border. She mentioned something “illegal immigration something something”. I was standing right across from them and had been listening to them trying to practice my Spanish listening skills (need work) and reading my email and charging my iPad. We were at one of those stand-up counters with electrical outlets, and it took me a minute to realize what she was saying and then I kept looking at the young couple incredulously, like we couldn’t believe what she was actually saying. I think I also looked at her and said, “WTF!” and rolled my eyes at her. BTW - the young couple was (1) an engineer who works for an oil company and (2) an IT guy who works for Morgan Stanley.

Of course all people who do hire mules to get them across the border then go on to get on Southwest flights going to Vegas, right?

They should go to security and tell them that they felt threatened by her because she kept mentioning her guns and asking if they were immigrants. It might cause her to get delayed while they question her. She would learn a bit of a lesson about being an asshole.

And most of the security likely Mexican haha. Lots of white looking Mexican heritage people here you wouldn’t know

Hey, I’m part “Mexican.” Actually, “American of Mexican heritage,” as I suspect the ones that knucklehead woman was insulting also are, as I also suspect much of the airport security force also is

“Lots of white looking Mexican heritage people here you wouldn’t know.”

Are you referring to San Diego, a place I spent more than a few years living in and around? Sounds like a Messican name to me, ese.

Seriously, I love it when white folks come to the rescue of all us poor, defenseless brown people.

They should go to security and tell them that they felt threatened by her because she kept mentioning her guns and asking if they were immigrants. It might cause her to get delayed while they question her. She would learn a bit of a lesson about being an asshole.

And most of the security likely Mexican haha. Lots of white looking Mexican heritage people here you wouldn’t know

Hey, I’m part “Mexican.” Actually, “American of Mexican heritage,” as I suspect the ones that knucklehead woman was insulting also are, as I also suspect much of the airport security force also is

“Lots of white looking Mexican heritage people here you wouldn’t know.”

Are you referring to San Diego, a place I spent more than a few years living in and around? Sounds like a Messican name to me, ese.

Seriously, I love it when white folks come to the rescue of all us poor, defenseless brown people.

WTF are you talking about. Maybe rewrite the above so it makes sense. And FYI - The HOUSTON residents were returning the HOUSTON via Las Vegas. They had been in San Diego on vacation.

Holy fuck! This Maga bimbo rudely interrupted a 20 something couple who were speaking to each other in Spanish and asked them if they were coming from the border and if they were American. She says she has a house in Vegas, a house in Florida, and a house in San Diego and lots of guns. They were a bit taken aback but are being a hell of a lot nicer than I would be.

I love her security company to the biggest security company in the world.

Was in a similar situation at an airport bar with my wife yesterday. We are sitting and minding our own business and new pops up that Biden is dropping out.

Normal looking guy in business attire clean cut and professional looking sitting next to my wife. At no point did my wife or I look in his direction, speak to him, or anything. He interrupted my wife and I having a conversation that had nothing to do with politics at least 5 times to spew some maga shit, make really poor taste jokes about Biden’s health, and a few anti Covid/vaccine remarks. Ended up finding a different bar just to get away from him because he was so annoying…

… And ending up sitting next to a guy who was absolutely wasted and kept interrupting us to tell us how much he hates his kids and grandkids.

Hell of a travel day.

Probably Larry David not wanting anyone sitting next to him.

They should go to security and tell them that they felt threatened by her because she kept mentioning her guns and asking if they were immigrants. It might cause her to get delayed while they question her. She would learn a bit of a lesson about being an asshole.

And most of the security likely Mexican haha. Lots of white looking Mexican heritage people here you wouldn’t know

Hey, I’m part “Mexican.” Actually, “American of Mexican heritage,” as I suspect the ones that knucklehead woman was insulting also are, as I also suspect much of the airport security force also is

“Lots of white looking Mexican heritage people here you wouldn’t know.”

Are you referring to San Diego, a place I spent more than a few years living in and around? Sounds like a Messican name to me, ese.

Seriously, I love it when white folks come to the rescue of all us poor, defenseless brown people.

“San Diego” is German for whale’s vagina.

They should go to security and tell them that they felt threatened by her because she kept mentioning her guns and asking if they were immigrants. It might cause her to get delayed while they question her. She would learn a bit of a lesson about being an asshole.

And most of the security likely Mexican haha. Lots of white looking Mexican heritage people here you wouldn’t know

Hey, I’m part “Mexican.” Actually, “American of Mexican heritage,” as I suspect the ones that knucklehead woman was insulting also are, as I also suspect much of the airport security force also is

“Lots of white looking Mexican heritage people here you wouldn’t know.”

Are you referring to San Diego, a place I spent more than a few years living in and around? Sounds like a Messican name to me, ese.

Seriously, I love it when white folks come to the rescue of all us poor, defenseless brown people.

“San Diego” is German for whale’s vagina.

Makes sense. I think I saw one of those once when I was diving off Coronado, in fact.

They should go to security and tell them that they felt threatened by her because she kept mentioning her guns and asking if they were immigrants. It might cause her to get delayed while they question her. She would learn a bit of a lesson about being an asshole.

And most of the security likely Mexican haha. Lots of white looking Mexican heritage people here you wouldn’t know

My son’s girlfriend is almost half Mexican. Blonde haired and blue eyed. White as can be.

When I heard her last name for the first time I was like, “Huh?”