Achilles Niggle came back, MRI results

had little tenderness lately and my PCP ordered up an X-ray and MRI while I wait to go see my Ortho on the 22nd. Had the MRI on the 6 Sep, these were the findings from the first look, not my Ortho. Just a heads up for those who think they have chronic Tendentious.

Left ankle/achilles:

  1. Nonspecific subtle patchy subcortical bone marrow edema like
    signal of the posterior calcaneus and calcaneal tuberosity which
    may reflect avulsive stress reaction.
  2. Chronic low-grade partial interstitial tear of the Achilles
    tendon on a background of severe tendinosis.
  3. Mild peroneus longus tendinosis.
  4. Mild FHL tenosynovitis proximal to the master knot of Henry.
    Question distal intersection syndrome.
  5. Sequela of prior syndesmotic ligament sprain, lateral ankle
    ligamentous complex sprain, and deltoid ligament complex sprain
  6. Mild chronic plantar fasciopathy.