ACCOUNTABILITY THREAD - Weekly how’d you do / goals for coming week -Feb 26 edition

This is a thread we were doing on Women’s but due to the forum deletion, I am moving it here. Here’s how this works: you tell us how your past week went and set goals for the coming week. This is a SUPPORTIVE thread and negative, heckling comments will not be tolerated. The thread started as a training check-in but has evolved to also include mental and physical health goals.

I start a new thread every Monday. Checking in during the week for accountability, if you need it, is encouraged.

So, tell us if you met your goals for last week and what your goals are for this week.

Last week goals:
7/7 healthy coping skills- done! Yesterday night could have been a tiny bit better but overall I had 7 days w healthy coping skills and none of the unhealthy one I I am trying to eradicate.
Journal daily - done
Hip and shoulder strengthening daily - 5/7
Ease back into jog walk - check

Week was
M- 3500 yd swim
T- 1 mi jog
W- 3300 yd swim
T- 4000 yd swim, 1 mi jog
F- 3000 yd swim
S- 1.15 mi jog, 3200 yd swim
S - rest day

Totals 3.15 mi jog and 17,000 yd swim. Prior week was 1.5 mi jog and 16,150 yd swim (I skipped a planned Sunday swim yesterday because my sat swim felt awful. I made a good choice there - was back to fast this morning).

Goals for the coming week
7/7 healthy coping
Stick to easing back into running
Journal daily
Hip and shoulder strengthening daily
One set of 5 x 100 with some of them under the 1:12/100 I am trying not to plateau at

Good call on the unscheduled break from the pool. I am glad you felt some speed this morning

This week I want to

Run 4x no minimum duration
Swim 4x no minimum duration
Some maintenance strength
Ski as able

Dedicated carve-out time for each family member

Catch up on some reading

I appreciate your check ins; pls keep it up

I’m a semi-regular lurker on the fish thread and admire that community … but as not a fish never had the courage to post there (!) … so thanks for phoenix-ing this over here from the women’s forum … esp. as you all kinda got dunked there :-0

For the past 2-3 weeks I’ve been dealing with an inner ear problem, which affected my balance … which was a bummer as I was all motivated to hit a 3 week block of high intensity training … and instead I’ve been restricted to turbo only and just trying not to lose fitness … which has been compounded by losing a bit of mojo. Anyway, I did some indoor cycling last week … not as much as I might have done … but not nothing.

As of today things seem much better with the inner ear so this week will be a build-back week doing some version of a normal week of training (a little less here and there will be ok) with the aim of feeling like a functioning triathlete again by the end of the week.

After wrapping the 100 days running challenge on the main page and coming up just a little short at 97, I probably will just keep with the daily runs this week. And the week is going to start off here with an unseasonably warm 72 °F afternoon high!

Swim 4x no minimum duration

sometimes my intended swim duration is “just make it longer than the post swim shower”

I’m a semi-regular lurker on the fish thread and admire that community … but as not a fish never had the courage to post there (!) …

Please feel free to post there. It does tend to be those of us who identify as Fish but we’re not at all anti Improving Swimmers. You might see a couple comments to the effect of “I saw some triathletes, they were the people with all the toys”… though I try personally pretty hard to keep it a supportive thread. It is a very GEEKY thread!

We shall accept your admiration :wink:

Last week’s goal was to complete all run miles and not psych myself out about the speed work. Major fail (despite the encouragement of DrTigerchick, which I thought of as I was crapping out and at least got me to start)

This week:

  • All workouts as planned
  • Journal x 7
  • cancel gym membership at gym we never go to

PS I am a big fan of sharing goals so thank you to Dr. Tigerchick for keeping this going and to everyone else for participating.

PS I am a big fan of sharing goals so thank you to Dr. Tigerchick for keeping this going and to everyone else for participating.

sharing my goals helps me stay accountable! A dittoed thanks to others for participating.

Finished the 11th straight week of 20,000 yards in the pool and 2nd AG in a 5k yesterday. One more week of the 20,000 and then that 3 month swim goal will be finished!

nice job on the swim yards and the AG place!

I managed a 1:11 this morning :slight_smile:

Also still on a 2+ week streak of “days in a row w healthy coping skills”!

PS I am a big fan of sharing goals so thank you to Dr. Tigerchick for keeping this going and to everyone else for participating.

sharing my goals helps me stay accountable! A dittoed thanks to others for participating.

Hey, one thought is to rename this thread the weekly accountability thread. It’s what your current title means, but I don’t know if being specific like that could increase interest. The 100/100 run thread served that purpose for that focus. The Dry January thread I was impressed with the supportive community that grew around that, and some added in other things they wanted to be more healthy with in that thread. Just an idea.

How ST handled the Women’s Forum was terrible and appreciate your steadfastness in it all.

Hey, one thought is to rename this thread the weekly accountability thread. It’s what your current title means, but I don’t know if being specific like that could increase interest.

That’s a good idea! Thank you.

age 53 male; my winter routine usually is (14-15 hours / week):

mon & thur: AM = swim 45’ (2700-2800mt); PM = bike indoor 60’
tue & fri: AM = swim 45’ (2700-2800mt); PM = run 60’
wed: AM = strength 60’ ; PM = bike indoor 60’
sat: AM = long ride 2h30’ ; PM = strength 60’
sun: AM = long run 1h30’ ; PM = swim 40’ (2500mt)

once a month, on sundays I do a sprint duathlon simulation (5k-20k-2.5k), instead of the long run

not having an awesome day, so this is one of the days I am going to use the thread for some daily accountability.

  • I stuck to my workout plan this AM instead of doing more to try to lower anxiety (bc the likely effects were things would have hurt, and that would have only served to up my anxiety)
  • I reached out for help in real life (you internet people are fake life :wink:

I’m going to go write in my journal. Then I will prioritize self-care today. The goal is healthy coping skills. Anything else that counts as actual productivity is bonus.

Sounds like good choices

It is 0F here with poor snow this morning

So that means cycling indoors with my friend; we will have a great time

The rest of my day is “family citizenship”

Be nice to yourself

journaling done
got some work done
still in a shitty mood (anxious, frustrated, feeling hopeless)

have a meeting that will go 4;30-5;30 that is my least favorite meeting of the week

I got through my hard day yesterday w healthy skills. V proud of self.