Accountability thread - week of Apr 8

How are you and how was your week? What are your goals for the upcoming week?

Goals for this week:

  1. 7/7 healthy coping (it’s tues and I am 1/1 and I think 14 days in a row?)

  2. Journal daily

  3. Hip and shoulder PT as directed

  4. Swim jog plan as PT directed

  5. Be appreciative for what my body can do

  6. 2 x 2 min pauses daily

  7. 6/7 or 5.5/7 depending on how much of a perfectionist I am about it, but one of the days was really bad and I’m mad at myself and not proud of it. I did reach out and got more help than usual this week from counselor-people though, and I talked with a friend for awhile, and my brother.

  8. yup

  9. yup

  10. I’ll give myself a B on this

  11. I did this

  12. I did this some days, which is an improvement on last week

Sports-wise 4 swims, 3 jogs, a couple walks, and Sunday was a 1 mi walk. I unexpectedly had a lot of shoulder pain on Friday. We had a major storm come in Wed/Th and I think shoveling + cleaning my car off irritated it (in addition to having swum and done PT stuff MTW), IDK. I have a follow-up w the hip specialist today, shoulder surgeon today, PT today, - got the MRI results back for hip and the radiologist said ischiofemoral impingement, not high hamstring tendonitis (which is what I thought it was. Hamstring tendons look fine). The MRI didn’t say anything about the calcification that the x ray revealed, which I thought was odd. But we’ll see what the specialist says.

Overall I had another week with a lot of depression and anxiety. I’m hoping the appointments today, and having some plans to move forward, will make me feel a little better.

goals for the week:

  1. 7/7 healthy coping skills!
  2. journal daily
  3. hip and shoulder PT as PT and MDs recommend
  4. swim jog as PT and MDs recommend is ok
  5. be appreciative for what my body can do
  6. 2 x 2 min pauses daily

I’ve been kind of MIA lately…I’ve had to take some down time for a messed up low back and an impromptu trip with my wife to Lisbon…but I’m back in the game now. I’m at home and my back is at 95-98%.

So, this week…
1)Stretch/yoga 5 days
2)Core work 3 days
3)3 times each swim/bike/run
5)Engage in synchronous communication more

How are you and how was your week? What are your goals for the upcoming week?

Training wise I’m only cycling and hitting the gym hard. Work has been busy, and I have a senior in HS that is about to go to college, so family life is also very busy, hence why only riding my bike and doing weight lifting.

The thing I’ve been struggling with is the food. I had made some good gains (or losses) in the weight department, but I feel like I got too comfortable and I’m over eating again. THIS is my struggle.

So goal for this week is to continue working on my eating habits. I’m eating healthy, I’m just over-eating a bit I think.

Now I just need to rest until I’m well again. I’m away overseas visiting my son at uni from Thu-Mon. Hopefully I can get some exercise done before I head off but we’ll see. No opportunity to swim/bike while I’m away but I’ll take running shoes with me. Bit frustrated but at least I’ll be well rested post trip and can get back at it.

I was sick pretty much right up until my holiday. Grateful to be well for my trip though. Managed one short, easy bike and run last week - frustrating but it is what it is and at least I’m well rested for the training ahead!

This coming week I’ll be aiming to get back into the race-build routine (albeit I am working around another, shorter, family trip on Thu/Fri and a wedding on Sat). I’ve been thinking it’s 5 or 6 weeks until my first race but just counted and it’s 7 - so that’s good!

I feel like I’ve made a positive change recently with sleep habits - just need to make that absolutely routine. I’m going to focus on better nutrition this week (which I feel in recent months has been ok but not great). Don’t want to overcomplicate - the plan is simple to choose the most nutrient-dense option I can for each meal and snack.

We were out of town and I took a little break from ST but I am back now.

Goals (starting tomorrow)

  1. workouts as scheduled
  2. track nutrition in loose fashion
  3. journal about goals
  4. finish book, start the next

I’m 1/2 on healthy coping skills as this afternoon was not good. But will use healthy skills for rest of the day!
2/2 for journaling…

Nice job changing the flat tire rather than trashing the whole car (or whatever the phrase is)!

IDK if that is the phrase, but I like the wording, and I’m trying!

I think the phrase might be “don’t throw the baby out with the bathwater”. I thought of that yesterday.

coping skill wise this week
M - really good!
T - really bad
W - really good!

Today will be challenging but I can do it and I want to use the healthy skills. Unhealthy skills → more misery.

Update on use of healthy coping skills
M- really good
T- not good
W - really good
T - really good

I am capable and can do this

5/6 for the week, have been deploying the healthy skills!

Awesome! Good for you!

thanks. It’s HAAAAARD but it’s worth it