“A sympathetic well-meaning elderly man with a poor memory “

Not a good day for the President.


Ah the documents. Here’s the deal Camille: TFG wouldn’t have faced any charges either if he had acted the way the other elderly man did.


And everything he said about Biden is correct.

Charges aren’t the issue.

Wonder what Hur would say about Pence’s improper holding of classified materials?

The report went on say that Mr Biden’s actions “present serious risks to national security, given the vulnerability of extraordinarily sensitive information to loss or compromise to America’s adversaries”

US President Joe Biden “wilfully retained and disclosed classified materials”, a special counsel has found, but he will not face charges.

Mr Hur’s report says that it would be difficult to convict Mr Biden of improper handling because “at trial, Mr Biden would likely present himself to a jury, as he did during our interview of him, as a sympathetic, well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory”.

The other guy would have pardoned himsel if in office or considers himself immune.

Can the worlds greatest democracy perhaps do better than a Biden Trump election this year.

I’m going to have to tell my mom. She recently flipped out because a doctor put on her chart, “A very pleasant elderly woman.” Even elderly Presidents get that.

The report went on say that Mr Biden’s actions “present serious risks to national security, given the vulnerability of extraordinarily sensitive information to loss or compromise to America’s adversaries”

US President Joe Biden “wilfully retained and disclosed classified materials”, a special counsel has found, but he will not face charges.

Mr Hur’s report says that it would be difficult to convict Mr Biden of improper handling because “at trial, Mr Biden would likely present himself to a jury, as he did during our interview of him, as a sympathetic, well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory”.

The other guy would have pardoned himsel if in office or considers himself immune.

Can the worlds greatest democracy perhaps do better than a Biden Trump election this year.

This point cannot be overstated.

The report went on say that Mr Biden’s actions “present serious risks to national security, given the vulnerability of extraordinarily sensitive information to loss or compromise to America’s adversaries”

US President Joe Biden “wilfully retained and disclosed classified materials”, a special counsel has found, but he will not face charges.

Mr Hur’s report says that it would be difficult to convict Mr Biden of improper handling because “at trial, Mr Biden would likely present himself to a jury, as he did during our interview of him, as a sympathetic, well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory”.

The other guy would have pardoned himsel if in office or considers himself immune.

Can the worlds greatest democracy perhaps do better than a Biden Trump election this year.

This point cannot be overstated.
I know voters have short memories and there will be a new development next week that the media will fixate on, but this one stings.

This should be the straw that breaks the camel’s back for Biden’s re-election campaign… but it won’t.

The report went on say that Mr Biden’s actions “present serious risks to national security, given the vulnerability of extraordinarily sensitive information to loss or compromise to America’s adversaries”

US President Joe Biden “wilfully retained and disclosed classified materials”, a special counsel has found, but he will not face charges.

Mr Hur’s report says that it would be difficult to convict Mr Biden of improper handling because “at trial, Mr Biden would likely present himself to a jury, as he did during our interview of him, as a sympathetic, well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory”.

The other guy would have pardoned himsel if in office or considers himself immune.

Can the world’s greatest democracy perhaps do better than a Biden Trump election this year.

Seems like a pretty accurate if understated description to me. Now project it out almost 5 more years (feel free to go back 5-7 as a reference point)

Yes the worlds greatest democracy can and should

That said, what’s happening right now is just wrong on a lot of levels including what people are allowing themselves to believe and what this says about his wife and family.

And that the Dem party has really allowed no viable alternative, changed primaries etc etc with full knowledge on view

They should just call it pulling a Reagan.

The report went on say that Mr Biden’s actions “present serious risks to national security, given the vulnerability of extraordinarily sensitive information to loss or compromise to America’s adversaries”

US President Joe Biden “wilfully retained and disclosed classified materials”, a special counsel has found, but he will not face charges.

Mr Hur’s report says that it would be difficult to convict Mr Biden of improper handling because “at trial, Mr Biden would likely present himself to a jury, as he did during our interview of him, as a sympathetic, well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory”.

The other guy would have pardoned himsel if in office or considers himself immune.

Can the worlds greatest democracy perhaps do better than a Biden Trump election this year.

This point cannot be overstated.
I know voters have short memories and there will be a new development next week that the media will fixate on, but this one stings.

This should be the straw that breaks the camel’s back for Biden’s re-election campaign… but it won’t.

All he had to do was announce over the summer that he has decided to retire to Delaware and ride off into the sunset the hero that saved us from Trump. He won’t do it. SCOTUS justices won’t do it. Congress critters won’t do it. I don’t know if it is getting drunk off the power or some sort of messiah complex that makes them think only they can do it.

I’ve always found it fdarkly fascinating because it causes serious issues.

Wonder what Hur would say about Pence’s improper holding of classified materials?

You “wonder” yourself away from the current topic. Please, no maga or Hitler yet. Let’s discuss the current topic, the elderly Biden who is suffering from mental decline.

The report went on say that Mr Biden’s actions “present serious risks to national security, given the vulnerability of extraordinarily sensitive information to loss or compromise to America’s adversaries”

US President Joe Biden “wilfully retained and disclosed classified materials”, a special counsel has found, but he will not face charges.

Mr Hur’s report says that it would be difficult to convict Mr Biden of improper handling because “at trial, Mr Biden would likely present himself to a jury, as he did during our interview of him, as a sympathetic, well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory”.

The other guy would have pardoned himsel if in office or considers himself immune.

Can the worlds greatest democracy perhaps do better than a Biden Trump election this year.

Ah, another “But Trump” deflection. Cute but utterly stupid.

They should just call it pulling a Reagan.

More deflection. Pathetic

Remember when speculation or accusation of anything even remotely close to this could get you banned from certain internet sites in the lead up to the 2020 election??

Wonder what Hur would say about Pence’s improper holding of classified materials?

You “wonder” yourself away from the current topic. Please, no maga or Hitler yet. Let’s discuss the current topic, the elderly Biden who is suffering from mental decline.

Well, that’s not really the topic either, and it’s not what it seems like the report said.

Remember when speculation or accusation of anything even remotely close to this could get you banned from certain internet sites in the lead up to the 2020 election??

Yes I do. And I chose the speak the truth and get possibly banned here enroute. If you choose a different route on social media you can get fired for speaking a truth against a liberal opinion but if you allude to conservatives = Hitler or murdering one, then its just fine personal opinion.

I know voters have short memories and there will be a new development next week that the media will fixate on, but this one stings.

This should be the straw that breaks the camel’s back for Biden’s re-election campaign… but it won’t.

Feels like it could go either way. I wouldn’t be surprised if this snowballs to the point that Biden can’t get out from under it. If the pressure starts growing, he might have little choice but to step aside. It would be interesting so see what happens after that.