A new database of fitters

Hello fitters

I posted a while back telling you about our project to build a big database of bike geometries with a side-by-side comparison tool. It’s doing well, growing in size and daily users.

We’ve got a new section of the site about to launch now. It’s a global database of bike fitters (you guys), searchable by location.

It’s here: https://geometrygeeks.bike/fitters

It’s free to claim or add a listing, and easy to correct any inaccuracies (or remove it if you don’t want it). If you want to show contact details and other info, we ask you to pay for it - basically to subsidise the rest of the project.

Why will this succeed where other databases have failed? We’re attracting an audience of cyclists already very interested in geometry, and will be (tastefully) cross-promoting fitters from the geometry database. I hope that’s attractive to you!

We are currently doing a “soft launch”, verifying listings and telling you guys about it. In a week or two we’ll be launching to the public, linking properly from the front page and telling folks about it in our newsletter, on forums and in the press.

I’m doing this with a friend as a part time project, with no illusions of becoming rich from it. We’re very open to feedback, so get in touch if you’d like to know more, offer advice or opinions or just chat about it. Drop us a note at hello@geometrygeeks.bike



Hello again

Just to let you know our Bike Fitter database is now live :slight_smile:

We believe it’s the biggest database of its type in the world. Given the work we’ve done to validate as many listings as possible, we believe it’s also the most up to date and accurate.

We’re running a launch offer where you can buy a year of enhanced listing for whatever price you like. A bit mad, but folks seem to like it!

A basic listing is free, and always will be.

Our traffic is biased towards the US and UK - probably because it’s english-language. We’re growing steadily (4-digit hits/week) with a large component of organic search. Details available if you’re genuinely interested in paying for a listing - drop us a note at hello@geometrygeeks.bike

