A fit question

I went through a number of seats in the offseason and in the process my seat height got a little wonky. I feel like it’s back to where it was but during today’s 100 miler, the area where my left leg meets my crotch just started to bother me. I ran after the ride but it didn’t feel awesome. And now hours later it’s still bothering me.

I know if haven’t given you much to go off but is there something general that would cause this? I’d post a video but I’m moving and I’m not even sure where my trainer is. I’m 5’6" with a 30" inseam on a 51 Cannondale Slice. If there is anything else I can tell you that would help, please ask. I need to solve this and don’t really have the money for a new fit.

Anyone? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

If your seat is too high, and your left leg is reaching too much, it can cause some comfort issues.

Without a video, there’s not a lot of point in speculation.