A few swim questions (1)

Trying to get better in OWS. Like many, I seem to be much faster in the pool than I am in the open water. I have been wearing my GPS in my swim cap and I may be swimming a lot farther than I should be during races being I am zig-zagging a little. I am trying to work on technique on my own as much as I can being no Master’s swimming groups anywhere near me. I have been reading a bunch on this forum and a few other places to try to help. Questions:

  1. I know your arm should not cross midline or entry, but should it during pull?
  2. I have seen arguing methods on catch, how much wrist flexion should you have? Some suggest imagining a barrel, some don’t.
  3. I am considering using the 12 week Finding Freestyle program, but have only 12 weeks before my A priority race for the season. Would you recommend using it now or waiting until the off season?

If it matters, I have gone 61, 63, and 69 min in 2.4 mile and 34 min and 31 min 1.2 mile in my races in the past 2 years.

Thanks in advance.

1 . You NEVER cross the midline. During the pull the arm will go underneath your body, but not to the extent that you cross the midline. Think about pulling straight through, there will be some natural curvture regardless due to rotation.

  1. The idea with the catch is to have a high elbow, maintaining pressure through the hand and forearm as you pull your body through the water (as opposed to pulling your hand through the water), its about maintaining pressure. Wrist Flexion (if I’m understanding the term correctly) is a tool to get into that high elbow positon. Think about having the palm of your hand facing the wall behind you for as long as possible.

  2. Do it now!