Trying to get better in OWS. Like many, I seem to be much faster in the pool than I am in the open water. I have been wearing my GPS in my swim cap and I may be swimming a lot farther than I should be during races being I am zig-zagging a little. I am trying to work on technique on my own as much as I can being no Master’s swimming groups anywhere near me. I have been reading a bunch on this forum and a few other places to try to help. Questions:
- I know your arm should not cross midline or entry, but should it during pull?
- I have seen arguing methods on catch, how much wrist flexion should you have? Some suggest imagining a barrel, some don’t.
- I am considering using the 12 week Finding Freestyle program, but have only 12 weeks before my A priority race for the season. Would you recommend using it now or waiting until the off season?
If it matters, I have gone 61, 63, and 69 min in 2.4 mile and 34 min and 31 min 1.2 mile in my races in the past 2 years.
Thanks in advance.