A few questions about a bike fit

February of 2023 I developed severe sciatica (could not walk more than 100 feet or stand for longer than 2 or 3 minutes without having to sit down). After X-Rays and MRIs the diagnosis was pars fracture which caused Stage 1 Spondylolisthesis and moderate disc degeneration, both on the L5 S1 joint. After different treatment approaches, and several significant setbacks that had me ready to sign off on surgery to fuse my spine, I have been pain free for 6 weeks.

I have been walking, doing the prescribed PT exercises (Core, hip mobility, and hamstring stretching), and doing yoga that focuses on lower body (hips glutes and hamstrings). I have an appointment with my PT next week to discuss what I am calling a “Slowly getting back to movement plan without hurting myself by going to quickly”.

I have been a triathlete for 15 years and competed in mostly in Sprint and Olympic distances with one 70.3 and a few XTERRRA races. Throughout all of that, my bike seat (on either bike has never moved and I have never had a proper fit and I would say that I never had a problem with the seat position on either bike.

To me, getting back to movement looks like biking (mountain bike and road bike), hiking, and swimming. Maybe running but I’m not counting on it right away, but who knows. I only have expectations of performing these activities, no real training goals.

So now onto my questions.

  1. Could getting a bike fit help me by getting into a better position as to not aggravate my condition? I understand this may not be an easy answer.
  2. Are physical conditions/limitations something that are discussed prior to the fit?
  3. Can a fit be used for both a road bike and a mountain bike or are those separate fits?
  4. I live in the metro Detroit area, anyone from MI have a recommendation for a bike fitter?

First off congratulations on making it through and best wishes going forward. My wife and a good friend been through similar, both had surgery but neither had the fuse options.

Just before your 4 specifics, then I’ll add in that I would strongly recommend you have a discussion with your surgeon/physio about introducing pilates into your rehab and then keep that going forward. It’s been a massive game changer in terms of prehab and rehab. Happy to expand on this but as it’s a branch I’ll wait.

  1. Yes, definitely
  2. 100% they are all about the specifics. My fitter is actually a fully qualified physiotherapist, as well as a qualified fitter. Why I travel an hour to see her over some more experienced fitters locally. I have some specific issues that mean she has better overall understanding.
  3. No, different fits, although normally if you do them close together then you’ll get a discount. Note that for MTB then it’s less detailed. My first ‘fit’ took about 4 hours all up on the TT bike, then road bike was 2 hours. In my case I’ve not bothered with a formal fit on MTB as I move around so much and so although I’ve done up to 6 hours solo races, in reality most of the time it’s a half day ‘playing’.
  4. Can’t help then.
  1. Could getting a bike fit help me by getting into a better position as to not aggravate my condition? I understand this may not be an easy answer.

  2. Are physical conditions/limitations something that are discussed prior to the fit?

  3. Can a fit be used for both a road bike and a mountain bike or are those separate fits?

  4. I live in the metro Detroit area, anyone from MI have a recommendation for a bike fitter?

  5. Yes

  6. YES

  7. you’d need separate fits since the bike geometries are different.

  8. are you willing to travel?

Right now, this is one of the only places I’d consider for a bike fit in SE Michigan


Brian and his staff are great at bike fitting and so much more.

If you let me know what city you are in I may be able to find other options. You can send it to me in a PM if you’d like.

It’s possible you may know who I am as I have connections to FAST, Motor City Endurance, Ann Arbor Tri Club and Infinite Multisport.

Right now, this is one of the only places I’d consider for a bike fit in SE Michigan


Brian and his staff are great at bike fitting and so much more.

If you let me know what city you are in I may be able to find other options. You can send it to me in a PM if you’d like.

It’s possible you may know who I am as I have connections to FAST, Motor City Endurance, Ann Arbor Tri Club and Infinite Multisport.
one point I would make is that when looking for a bike fit it would be best that the fitter either be a PT or that the fitter is in contact with your PT and understands the issues you have with your body. most (but not all) fitters are not that aware of the issues that may be made better or worse from an issue such as yours and therefore can not be expected to provide the correct outcome for your unique situation. For that you need both the medical/ PT side as well as the technical fitting side. Further, this may be similar to a PT situation where the fit will need to adjust as your condition changes.

Right now, this is one of the only places I’d consider for a bike fit in SE Michigan


Brian and his staff are great at bike fitting and so much more.

If you let me know what city you are in I may be able to find other options. You can send it to me in a PM if you’d like.

It’s possible you may know who I am as I have connections to FAST, Motor City Endurance, Ann Arbor Tri Club and Infinite Multisport.
one point I would make is that when looking for a bike fit it would be best that the fitter either be a PT or that the fitter is in contact with your PT and understands the issues you have with your body. most (but not all) fitters are not that aware of the issues that may be made better or worse from an issue such as yours and therefore can not be expected to provide the correct outcome for your unique situation. For that you need both the medical/ PT side as well as the technical fitting side. Further, this may be similar to a PT situation where the fit will need to adjust as your condition changes.

Yes, and the place I linked is exactly what you describe. A sports medicine facility with PT’s on staff.

(you may have been saying this and I missed it)

Right now, this is one of the only places I’d consider for a bike fit in SE Michigan


Brian and his staff are great at bike fitting and so much more.

If you let me know what city you are in I may be able to find other options. You can send it to me in a PM if you’d like.

It’s possible you may know who I am as I have connections to FAST, Motor City Endurance, Ann Arbor Tri Club and Infinite Multisport.
one point I would make is that when looking for a bike fit it would be best that the fitter either be a PT or that the fitter is in contact with your PT and understands the issues you have with your body. most (but not all) fitters are not that aware of the issues that may be made better or worse from an issue such as yours and therefore can not be expected to provide the correct outcome for your unique situation. For that you need both the medical/ PT side as well as the technical fitting side. Further, this may be similar to a PT situation where the fit will need to adjust as your condition changes.

Yes, and the place I linked is exactly what you describe. A sports medicine facility with PT’s on staff.

(you may have been saying this and I missed it)
Yes you are correct I wanted to ensure this was a clear point.

Thank you all very much for the responses.


  1. Surgeon’s plan was what they call a full 360 fusion procedure, two surgeries. One from the front (replace Disc) and one from the back (install hardware to start the fusion). I was very freaked out as there are very few post op success stories to be found. I’m not saying that it may not be needed eventually, I just want to put it off as long as I can.
  2. When surgery seemed imminent, I took to Google. Most positive post-op stories I did find included Pilates. This is on my list of things to chat about with the PT.
  3. Good to know about the fits.

Desert Dude

  1. Good to know about the limitations being part of it. I thought that would be the case but i wasn’t sure.
  2. Was hoping to find somewhere local, but thanks!


  1. I’m in Berkley, Funny enough my appointment next week is with Adams. A friend of mine is a PT and she recommended that I go to Adams initially, but because of my insurance, I went to Team Rehab. My Therapist was great and I was going to follow up with her to determine next steps but she moved to a different location that is not convenient to me. According to my insurance, I am out of approved PT time so I thought I would give Adams a try. I will ask about bike fitting when I am there.

  2. I’m sure we at least know some of the same people. Triathlon is a small community!!


  1. That is exactly what I was hoping to find and it sounds like I have that with the place that jaretj suggested

I will let you all know how things go, thanks again.

Regarding pilates there are several different styles. Won’t go into too much detail, but the more ‘clasical’ you can go the likely the better for what you are seeking. And by classical, then that refers to the teaching style - the order and range of the individual exercises and the way they cue you. It doesn’t refer to if they use bed/carriage type things (known as reformers) or beds covered in scaffolding (cadillac).
Joseph Pilates, a bare knuckle boxer, developed the exercises through his internment as a POW, and so wanted to find a way of keeping strength and fitness mainly through self bodyweight as he didn’t have access to other things. Then post war he developed the apparatus to mean that it was easier for people to do the exercises correctly as the springs generally are used to work with you (more springs, more help).

Look for Romana Pilates (she was taught by Joseph and his wife) and is one of (the?) more recognised clasical pilates. There are others that are also good, but be aware of ‘dynamic pilates’ where they have added things like hand weights and increased the tempo of stuff to try to blend/add cardio. This is fine for many many people, indeed is a way of getting strength and core into programmes for people who otherwise only do cardio machines, but won’t give you the focussed core control that you really are lookign for. Also, increased injury risk as you are doing things at pace/tempo and not in a very focussed controlled manner. You quickly end up letting dominant muscles take over when explicitly you are wanting to be getting the weaker/supporting muscles to be stronger to protect the weak/injured areas…

I went to Team Rehab in Northville a few years ago, I was very happy with them. A friend of mine worked there at the time and I know she was trained in bike fitting but I don’t know how much they do that sort of thing.

I talk to Brian Adams at the Velodrome every few weeks. He normally brings a few people with him to race weekends. Really nice guy with a talented staff. You’ll like his work.

I wasn’t aware he raced at the velodrome. Send me a PM next time you go, I go sometimes when I’m bored.

You race there?

I wasn’t aware he raced at the velodrome. Send me a PM next time you go, I go sometimes when I’m bored.

You race there?

He races every once in a while. He normally brings a few of his crew on race weekends to help out.

I haven’t been racing much lately. I fell at Madison Nationals in November and hurt my shoulder. I’m just getting back to swimming now with 1000 yd workouts until it feels better.

When I race, I’m just pack fodder in the AA or B groups. Maybe I’ll start by the end of the month.

I’ll ride a few times during the week to work on my team pursuit.

Edit: Big race this weekend, I’m sure he’ll be there.