How much of a pain it would be to switch handlebars back and forth say a couple of times a year? I mean from aerobar with bar-end shifters to a road handlebar with STI-shifters and clip-on aerobars? And would that damage the bike too much?
Also is there that much difference and benefit on a relatively flat course (IM and 70.3) to have bar end shifters? I know that on a hilly course it’s wise to have STIs.
The change over depends on the bike. If it has internal cabling that requires a new cable each time and they are difficult to thread, then yep…it’ll be a pain. No damage will occurr when you change over, its just a matter of your “time”.
The best thing to do is have 2 stems. I find it easier to change if I can remove the cables and stem and replace with the other set.
You can have one setup with barends for TT and one for road biking with STI. Remember…you may also need to change your seat position from one setup to the other.
Assuming external cable routing and that each set of bars is set up with cables, switch would take 10-30 minutes depending on how good you are at it. Not a pain at all if you’ve done this type of work and no damage to bike. With internally routed cables it all depends on how easy they are to thread (I don’t have much experience with internal routed. If you have internal, what kind of frame do you have?). I’d think it is a rare 1/2 or I’m where you’d want to switch to sti. You could list your planned/potential races and get opinions.
IF you have the two sets ups complete (stem, bar, cables, shifters tape) all complete, all you would need to do is undo cables from brakes and deraileurs, then the stem, lift off replace with other setup, tighten stem, thread new cables, and dial in brakes and derailleurs.
Not too bad of a job, pretty simple. The hardest part for most would be re-dialing in the derailleurs - beyond that easy…of course, this is assuming external cables.
Well, I’m getting a new tribike frame (Jamis Xenith T2) and I’m just thinking on how to build it. I think I will do pretty hilly races. 70.3 Germany, Monaco next year and maybe IM Lanzarote or IM Nice in 2009. Trying hard to qualify for Kona…