A billion here, a billion there

Approximate value loss of Trump’s holding in DJT…today and after close.

Hide the ketchup.

I think people are playing with it. IIRC, it had dropped to low 30’s, then went up in to mid 50’s and now down again. I would like to see it crash.

I think people are playing with it. IIRC, it had dropped to low 30’s, then went up in to mid 50’s and now down again. I would like to see it crash.
Oh it will.

The second Trump dies it will become a penny stock. Be patient young padewan.

I think people are playing with it. IIRC, it had dropped to low 30’s, then went up in to mid 50’s and now down again. I would like to see it crash.

100% a “meme stock” at this point.

It’s fun to toy with the idea of “taking money from MAGA people” by trying to time one of the roller coaster dips, but then I remember that there are probably legions of professional meme stock manipulators who are not MAGA at all. And while it may be possible to get lucky now and then, outsmarting them regularly is probably tough.

rent free

rent free

Are you arguing the DJT stock will have any value once he’s dead?

Or are you so far into the cult that you believe that he will live forever?

rent free

Losing $357 million on $4 million revenue. I would hate to be that landlord.

rent free

Are you arguing the DJT stock will have any value once he’s dead?

Or are you so far into the cult that you believe that he will live forever?

I’m saying you and kenny let Trump live rent free in your head.

I’m saying you 2 being bitter about the fact that Trump has money comes out of your pores.

Who cares. Trump, Musk, etc etc. Just bitter toward people who are successful.

It’s not like Trump didn’t have money before DJT. It’s not like he’s running around talking about DJT. That’s you who’s doing that.

You and kenny should just be happy with the place in life you’ve chosen rather than being bitter towards people who have made more money.

I just responded with truth. DJT is a penny stock waiting to happen.

It’s only a matter of time.

Unless Trump is immortal. In which case, well fuck, I should have bought some.

I see DJT valuation as a proxy for public sentiment of the Trump “brand”.

I think the interesting question is, “Does the DJT stock price serve as a forward-looking indicator of his future political success?”

I’m saying you 2 being bitter about the fact that Trump has money comes out of your pores.

Who cares. Trump, Musk, etc etc. Just bitter toward people who are successful.

It’s not like Trump didn’t have money before DJT. It’s not like he’s running around talking about DJT. That’s you who’s doing that.


Convicted Felon Honest Don has money??? I don’t think so. We have seen now into his books, he be broke. All his legal fees are being funded by PAC’s his DJT stock is paper money, and he cant sell. His real-estate is overvalued and mortgage heavily, and he will soon owe a very large payment to NY.

CFHD house of cards is quickly starting to fall down. If he loses in Nov, I would not be surprised to see him file for bankruptcy number 4 or will it be 5 after the NY case is done and he owes big bucks.

You really think that people don’t like trump because they are jealous of him and his money? You might want to be like him, but few of us would.

I don’t have trump’s money (however much/little that is) but I do have things he doesn’t have
The love and respect of my one and only wifeNo criminal convictionsNo upcoming criminal indictmentsNo huge settlements (or little) against meNever filed bankruptcyNever been sued for lack of paymentRespect from people in my industry for being fair and honest
There is nothing about him that I envy at all. He can have his money, we see how miserable he is - so it isn’t like it does him any good.



Do you know what will help that?

Trumps plan to eliminate income taxes and cutting business income taxes.

That should really help.

It will help one thing though… prices of everything would go through the roof.

there is one aspect of criminal behaviour that always baffles me, the idea they will never get caught. If you believe you will get caught then there is no logical reason to engage in criminal behaviour. It is rare that criminals stay ahead of the law. I have to believe that is the ultimate state for DJT as well, immunity or otherwise.

Trump successful like Bernie Madoff. Suckers born everyday.

rent free

Are you arguing the DJT stock will have any value once he’s dead?

Or are you so far into the cult that you believe that he will live forever?

I’m saying you and kenny let Trump live rent free in your head.

I’m saying you 2 being bitter about the fact that Trump has money comes out of your pores.

Who cares. Trump, Musk, etc etc. Just bitter toward people who are successful.

It’s not like Trump didn’t have money before DJT. It’s not like he’s running around talking about DJT. That’s you who’s doing that.

You and kenny should just be happy with the place in life you’ve chosen rather than being bitter towards people who have made more money.


Trump successful like Bernie Madoff. Suckers born everyday. with luck he suffers the fate of Madoff.

Trump successful like Bernie Madoff. Suckers born everyday. with luck he suffers the fate of Madoff.

We can only hope!


Is this in the wrong thread? Not sure what this has to do with DJT stock.