Check this out…
“No one ever went broke overestimating the bad taste of the American public.”
-H.L. Mencken
Hell, I won’t even run with my shirt off for fear one of my neighbors will die of a heart attack and their estate will sue me!
…wearing nothing but a black thong…
He IS wearing a black head band thingy (hmmm…wonder why), not just the thong.
Wonder his his mother knows???
We had a male jogger up here doing the same thing a few years back. The guy’s got more cofidence than I do. A speedo on a tri is as far as I’ll go!
A few years ago in Ontario, making everything equal with the guys, the government passed a law allowing women to go topless on public beaches. I am walking down the road and some young babe roller blades by me wearing only her thong bottom. Now that put a smile on my face.