8 Gold rules by DESERT DUDE to lose weight and get in racing shape!

These are the rules i received from desert dude to get ready for ironman azizona. He is very hard on is athletes and when you are accepted to train at the Laveen high performance training center…you need to step it up… so for anyone that need to shave off a few pounds for the coming season, stick to this…it really works!!!

i went from 149lbs(ironman hawaii) to 137 lbs (now)

**By Desert **Dude strict rules for eating while at the LHPTC. They are as follows:

  1. No eating after 7:30 unless coming back from a late evening workout over 30min. If under 30min you may have 1 gel and a piece of fruit or 1 energy bar.

  2. Dinner is all you can eat, as long as it fits on the coffee saucer the first time. There are no refills in this all you can eat establishment.

  3. Hungry at night? Tough - you should have eaten more throughout the day. Have a glass of water instead of whining. Whiners pay rent irregardless if they trained that day or not.

  4. eat something within 20 min of completing all workouts.

  5. Insure you are taking in adequate calories during your day

  6. Eat a bigger breakfast or lunch if you feel you need more food

  7. Make sure you are fueling properly when in your training sessions.

  8. Still hungry? Pay rent for whining

Send all complaints to the administator of the facility to the address below:

Gabi K9
3546 Who Cares Dr.
Stop Whining, AZ 85552

Brian Stover

I thought there was some caffeine rule/assistance in there somewhere …

sorry…caffeine is ok as long as it s consume before 5 pm!!! so a lot of coke and coffee!!!

What jonny doesn’t know, is I replace all the caffiene coke with decafe coke.

Once again, great advice from DD, but I would have thought rule # 1 would have been No Whining.
I have a question for the Jonnyo though, have you been sticking with these strict eating rules while down in Austin staying with the little one? I heard that you were doing a little cooking. If you were cooking for her and losing weight, she must be down to about true garden gomne weight.

hummm…are you saying that i got sick with the flu last week because of these rules??? if so, i m changing the rules to ice cream all you can eat and mexican food and burgers morning and night…

yes, i do cook for my wonderful host…but she work harder than i do so she deserve some help!

Forget regular or decaf coke.

Flat Coke is where it’s at!

The title says ‘7’ rules but you have ‘8’ listed. Am i missing something?

137? are you male or female?

Sometimes we call Jonnyo “Cardinal Ximenez”…

137? are you male or female?

LOL! I think Sergio, Paulo, Jonnyo, and Francois all add up to 1 NFL lineman. Natural selection in the desert I guess …

The Spanish Grand Inquisitor? That Cardinal Ximenez?

No, Michael Palin’s interpretation of Cardinal Ximenez… THAT Cardinal Ximenez :slight_smile:

Glad there is no mention of Beer in the rules. For that reason alone, I’ll follow along too :slight_smile:

Ok now I’m with you (I think). Monty Phython, Fish Called Wanda etc…

“Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition”

No didn’t know you had the flu last week, news from that part of the county has been slow comingh the last couple of weeks. Sorry to hear that.
I thought that was the only ice cream rule in that house.
Yes, she deserves some help. You stay there as long as you can (it will be warm soon)… do some cooking, maybe a little laundry. Why go back to the house in the desert till you have to?

Hey Joe! where do you fit ice cream in this diet?

Thanks for the tips. I just had three bowls of ice cream as my post workout meal. ( I ate it all within 20 minutes.) I can’t wait to start dropping the pounds!

DD, don’t tell Jonnyo the second half…that you are not only replacing his coke with decaf coke, but also diet coke…

2. Dinner is all you can eat, as long as it fits on the coffee saucer the first time.
