70.3 Washington - Tri Cities

Does anyone have more information on this race? I was poking around on the USAT website thinking about races for next year and this caught my eye as another “local” race for me but there isn’t anything on the Ironman website yet. https://member.usatriathlon.org/events/30816

Seems like it could be susceptible to the same smoke issues we had at IMC this year.

I think Ironman didn’t embargo the info and USAT published, all by accident. IM is still showing Maple Valley, even though it was known at this years race that it would be the last at MV.

As far as smoke, that’s a roll of the dice on the east side of the mountains just like it is on the west. There’s potential upside to the race being held in the tri-cities compared to MV - pro’s & cons with both locations.

This confirms what I heard from a source at Maple Valley! Should be same time frame as MV. So 2 dead Washington races… Sounds like a good idea.

Maybe now GMan will believe the Alaska rumor as well :slight_smile:

Edit… River swim was also discussed. 20deg from race week. I’m now going to speculate wetsuit legal and downriver…

Care to elaborate on that Alaska rumor? Probably late summer in Anchorage?

I have no information but…for real? I know western WA much better but is there anywhere to swim there that’s NOT the Columbia River? I am so tired of downriver swims (as someone currently registered for a downriver swim in 20 days).

I have no idea where they’d swim that isn’t the Columbia, and the current out there could make the Willamette look slow.

It’s a cool area, but it seems like it will be a very downhill swim, flat bike, and hot/ exposed run. Probably a fast race but certainly not the most interesting. I hope they prove me wrong and have an interesting course though!

I am interested in an anchorage 70.3. Would love to make a trip to do that.

I hope they prove you wrong, too. I didn’t do Maple Valley but I did race at Lake Wilderness this summer, that was a very cool venue :frowning:

I know a little bit about the area, as the Tri Cities area is the nearest bit of civilization to where we now live (NE Oregon east of Pendelton) so we go there for better food, shopping, etc. There is a small lake southeast (28 miles) of Richland that Google Maps labels as “Smiths Harbor” in Wallula State Park, near the intersection of Route 730 and Route 12. It’s on the other side of the Columbia River, so that strikes me as an unlikely candidate. Apart from that lake and the river, there’s no place else we’ve seen or that appears anywhere close on the map.

I live near Seattle Washington, it perplexes me that they have this on the calendar so late in September (weather up here gets rainy about mid September) Though the east side in the Tri Cities area has a higher chance that it will be dry.

Not of fan of Downhill swims!

downriver swm2.JPG

Frankly, I’m all in for a down river swim. BUT, there are opportunities for a reservoir swim if that’s what they want to do. They could do it like St. George and shuttle us up to Charbonneau park above Ice Harbor Dam on the Snake. 27 miles from there to Richland - so well within a reasonable range for a 70.3. Run will likely be pretty exposed, but I love running the path by the river do that would be fine. Hopefully it’s cooled off by September- summers can get really hot there.

Well they finally announced it: https://www.ironman.com/im703-washington-tri-cities. Too bad they didn’t use our new “Downhill Swim” logo :frowning:

The swim will be interesting. That is peak salmon season and where LOTS of boats anchor up before dawn to fish. Run should be pretty shaded

Ya, at least on the way back. It’s been awhile since I’ve been out there but at first glance it looks like the outbound will be more exposed on surface streets and the return should be in the shade along the water. Looks like a pretty good run. I’m still intrigued to see what they do for the bike though.

Although the English description of the run is still for the Maple Valley version, as it refers to Lake Wilderness.

Another downstream swim? Ironman is really watering down their race selection.

But really, can we stop making it easier?

Another downstream swim? Ironman is really watering down their race selection.

But really, can we stop making it easier?

I totally get the sentiment. But also - you need to find communities willing to host. It was unclear what the reason for leaving MV was, but it sounds like the community didn’t love it. Tri-Cities is in - it doesn’t make a lot of sense to have the swim 28 miles out of town in a lake probably.

I would love all swims to be “legit” but also - the race is what the race is at this point. I just think if you don’t like the river swims, don’t do em but they are here to stay.

I’m not disagreeing with you, and I will probably find myself in a downstream swim in 2024, but IM is clearly catering to their bread and butter clients. They sell the new race by being in “wine country.” That’s how Oregon is sold. Isn’t that how Santa Rosa was characterized, too? Idk. It just paints a picture of a bunch of MAMILs doing winery tours during race week. There’s nothing wrong with it, but its just pretty apparent now.

They sell the new race by being in “wine country.” That’s how Oregon is sold. Isn’t that how Santa Rosa was characterized, too? Idk. It just paints a picture of a bunch of MAMILs doing winery tours during race week. There’s nothing wrong with it, but its just pretty apparent now.

Maybe it’s a recognition that their core audience is MAMILs with a wife and three kids who want to make a vacation out of it rather than being stuck out in the arse-end of nowhere because it’s a great place to have a tri but unappealing to supporters?

Augusta, Oregon, Chatt, North Carolina, and now this. Any others I missed?

I wish we would see some new races added to the south or south east. I really miss that Raleigh race.