70.3 St. George logistics - Can We use Swim Venue and any other questions

Sometimes I find its just easier to ask here for nuances left out of athlete guide:

When can we use the swim venue to practice (I have not swam in a wetsuit since Aug last year)What is the water temp in LakeAnyone know how massive the climb is out of lake (water level)The run course looks different from 70.3 Worlds 2022, There is an extra out and back at the top end of the course. That seems like it would add more hillsOn the run course map the elevation profile of the first loop and second loop are different. Do we just run the extra out and back at the top end of the course on lap one but not lap two?Athlete guide says we can leave bike shoes and helmet on bike, so we may have nothing in the bike gear bag other than use it to dump wetsuit and goggles back in?Any parking tips for race morning to catch shuttle to swim start
Any other questions, place them here and we can help each other answer. Looks like Sat is hottest day of the week.

If anyone wants to join me for rides, I am in St. George on vacation all week and plan to do Snow Canyon Mon-Tue-Wed mornings.

A good spot for swim training is San Hollow Aquatic Center:


It is only a few miles from Snow Canyon too. I may do a swim there + snow canyon ride on Tuesday AM

Sometimes I find its just easier to ask here for nuances left out of athlete guide:

When can we use the swim venue to practice (I have not swam in a wetsuit since Aug last year)What is the water temp in LakeAnyone know how massive the climb is out of lake (water level)The run course looks different from 70.3 Worlds 2022, There is an extra out and back at the top end of the course. That seems like it would add more hillsOn the run course map the elevation profile of the first loop and second loop are different. Do we just run the extra out and back at the top end of the course on lap one but not lap two?Athlete guide says we can leave bike shoes and helmet on bike, so we may have nothing in the bike gear bag other than use it to dump wetsuit and goggles back in?Any parking tips for race morning to catch shuttle to swim start
Any other questions, place them here and we can help each other answer. Looks like Sat is hottest day of the week.

If anyone wants to join me for rides, I am in St. George on vacation all week and plan to do Snow Canyon Mon-Tue-Wed mornings.

A good spot for swim training is San Hollow Aquatic Center:


It is only a few miles from Snow Canyon too. I may do a swim there + snow canyon ride on Tuesday AM

  1. I believe Saturday during bike drop off otherwise you have to pay to get in to park and swim.
  2. 63 degrees as per Current Conditions | Utah State Parks
    3.It’s just a long boat ramp.
  3. It is, you run over and up Diagonal St. a bit further. They removed a loop through a park on the other side of the course.
  4. No it’s two loops but what you don’t do on the second is the run from T2 to the roundabout.
  5. If that’s all you need, then yes. I think you just can’t have anything on the ground.
  6. I just park in the residential neighborhood near where the bus pick up is.

See you there!

From the bottom of the Sand hollow entrance to the top of the sand dune hill, it’s about 300ft. The sand dune climb itself is about 200 ft. According to my garmin, which is sometimes high or low…

My pro tip is to make sure you stop by the Farmstead bakery when dropping off and picking up your bike.

Sometimes I find its just easier to ask here for nuances left out of athlete guide:

When can we use the swim venue to practice (I have not swam in a wetsuit since Aug last year)What is the water temp in LakeAnyone know how massive the climb is out of lake (water level)The run course looks different from 70.3 Worlds 2022, There is an extra out and back at the top end of the course. That seems like it would add more hillsOn the run course map the elevation profile of the first loop and second loop are different. Do we just run the extra out and back at the top end of the course on lap one but not lap two?Athlete guide says we can leave bike shoes and helmet on bike, so we may have nothing in the bike gear bag other than use it to dump wetsuit and goggles back in?Any parking tips for race morning to catch shuttle to swim start

Hey Dev,

Haven’t been to St. George in a year, but my best work at your questions:

  1. I’ve ‘snuck in’ at the beach at the south side of the reservoir (turn right going through the gate instead of continuing straight toward transition). I’ve also done this only at bike drop to avoid the entrance fee.
  2. No idea, its been 56-58F in years past, right? I find it to be really nice in the morning since the desert is so cold before the sun comes up.
  3. Spring is usually higher than the fall, I was quite surprised at Worlds. Boat ramp run is usually pretty short in May.
  4. It is different, it actually has less elevation gain though! Maybe a little more ‘rolling’ than previous years.
  5. Agreed, same question, but the mile markers line up with having 2 full, identical loops. This is on my list to ask at the race.
  6. I guess I should re-read the athlete guide, but yes this is usually the case in St. George (except at championship races).
  7. If I tell you my favorite place to park there may not be any spots left! :wink: but I like to park between S200W and S200E, and then as close to Tabernacle (but on the south side) as I can get. Avoids road closures both pre- and post-race.

See you soon!

Sometimes I find its just easier to ask here for nuances left out of athlete guide:

When can we use the swim venue to practice (I have not swam in a wetsuit since Aug last year)What is the water temp in LakeAnyone know how massive the climb is out of lake (water level)The run course looks different from 70.3 Worlds 2022, There is an extra out and back at the top end of the course. That seems like it would add more hillsOn the run course map the elevation profile of the first loop and second loop are different. Do we just run the extra out and back at the top end of the course on lap one but not lap two?Athlete guide says we can leave bike shoes and helmet on bike, so we may have nothing in the bike gear bag other than use it to dump wetsuit and goggles back in?Any parking tips for race morning to catch shuttle to swim start

Hey Dev,

Haven’t been to St. George in a year, but my best work at your questions:

  1. I’ve ‘snuck in’ at the beach at the south side of the reservoir (turn right going through the gate instead of continuing straight toward transition). I’ve also done this only at bike drop to avoid the entrance fee.
  2. No idea, its been 56-58F in years past, right? I find it to be really nice in the morning since the desert is so cold before the sun comes up.
  3. Spring is usually higher than the fall, I was quite surprised at Worlds. Boat ramp run is usually pretty short in May.
  4. It is different, it actually has less elevation gain though! Maybe a little more ‘rolling’ than previous years.
  5. Agreed, same question, but the mile markers line up with having 2 full, identical loops. This is on my list to ask at the race.
  6. I guess I should re-read the athlete guide, but yes this is usually the case in St. George (except at championship races).
  7. If I tell you my favorite place to park there may not be any spots left! :wink: but I like to park between S200W and S200E, and then as close to Tabernacle (but on the south side) as I can get. Avoids road closures both pre- and post-race.

See you soon!

Thanks for the pro tips. There is a couple from Argentina staying in the condo next door and they are itching to go try the swim venue, so I may take them using your access suggesting.

The ramp out of the swim to T1 is tough for me with my lumbar spine challenge. When I go from unweighted in the swim, to weighted on land, it is bad enough, but an immediate long uphill I can do major damage if I treat my 58 year old body like I am 28 and usually in the thick of race action I do stupid things that are ingrained from racing as a 28 year old or even 18 year old (did my first tri when I was 19 but ran track before then) so it is easy to do dumb things!

Maybe car pool is in order so I don’t take your parking haha!!!

Bryan will you be here for St. George? Or is this based on past year’s experience? I hope you are around. Would be nice to catch up for a coffee…or if you have not made up your mind, I have an extra bedroom that you can stay for free!!!

From the bottom of the Sand hollow entrance to the top of the sand dune hill, it’s about 300ft. The sand dune climb itself is about 200 ft. According to my garmin, which is sometimes high or low…

My pro tip is to make sure you stop by the Farmstead bakery when dropping off and picking up your bike.

re: Farmstead, see my post here about a meet up on their patio with free coffee and pastries, and a Wove saddle giveaway: https://forum.slowtwitch.com/forum/Slowtwitch_Forums_C1/Triathlon_Forum_F1/St_George_70.3_Meet_up%3A_Wove_Saddle_Give_Away_%2B_Free_Coffee_and_Pastries_P8120400/?page=unread#unread

And Dev, would love to meet in person after all these years!

Miles, I will come by at Thu at noon. Would be great to meet and maybe I can replace my 12 year old Bonetrager Hilo while I am at it!!!

Miles, I will come by at Thu at noon. Would be great to meet and maybe I can replace my 12 year old Bonetrager Hilo while I am at it!!!

Perfect 💪


Also what widths do those saddles come in? I generally go with 143 in specialized as a point of reference

That parking area is hardly a secret and may even be published on the race website :slight_smile:

I’ll try and find some pictures of the ramp. From memory, I wanna say in the spring it was 3-5 seconds from standing up from the swim to being on the parking lot pavement whereas in the fall for WC it was 10-15 seconds for that transition (due to the water level).

Bryan will you be here for St. George? Or is this based on past year’s experience? I hope you are around. Would be nice to catch up for a coffee…or if you have not made up your mind, I have an extra bedroom that you can stay for free!!!

I’ll be there racing! Would love to see you! I’m sharing a VRBO with a friend, but thank you!

The rear is 146mm, though when in the aerobars, the rider is on the nose. Here’s a comparison to other saddles and feel free to email me with more specific questions


I’ll also plan to have a pair of Ed’s VeloVetta Monarch shoes on display to check out in person.

And if you want to meet up with Brian for coffee, you two can have coffee and pastries on me 💪

I have a year of pastries that is slowing me down up snow canyon. I am up for the Macca approved cabbage and water diet this week LOL. There is something like 1400m to haul my extra mass between bike and run, so I may just need to go go in full fasting mode (all of the above optionally in pink).

I have a year of pastries that is slowing me down up snow canyon. I am up for the Macca approved cabbage and water diet this week LOL. There is something like 1400m to haul my extra mass between bike and run, so I may just need to go go in full fasting mode (all of the above optionally in pink).

I’ll be sure to get some Mortal diet drink mix for you …

One more question about the run loop. Does it have the steep uphill on the golf cart path like 2022 worlds and is the “on fairway” section the same. in 2022, the men had the benefit of 2500 women packing down the grass twice (thanks ladies fo the community service to make the run easier for the men). Is the grass part the same?

Grass appears to be the same. Lucky the ground is hard!

I don’t know for sure which steep golf cart path we’re talking about, but it sure looks like we’re avoiding that final climb up into the parking lot for the golf course. I vaguely remember a small steep section at the bottom of the lower leg of the golf course, but not certain… I don’t remember the fairways ever being too soft, even on the first lap for the women’s day (though I was NOT at the front of the field that day).

Been to the lake today and as soon as they realized me competing they said entry is free for Ironman participants.

For the bike gear I am not sure, in the athlete guide they mention that no shoes clipped on the bikes are allowed due to the narrow path leading out of T1. However some pages later they say you can have your shoes on the bike.

I really don’t know why this is a question every single event (and why the QA/QC is so bad on the athlete guide). And how strict enforcement will be on said question of shoes on bikes.

Page 8, Gear Bags
With the narrow mount line area and bike chute, we don’t feel it is safe to have shoes clipped to bike

Page 28, Bike Course
Helmets, bike shoes, and other cycling gear can be placed around the bike in transition.

Which page said shoes COULD be on bike?

Great to hear that state park entry is free!