7 Seas FL Swim Wetsuit

I’m looking for a cheapish wetsuit for a winter race. There is not much budget suits where I’m at. But I did come across these 7 Sea (GUL?) wetsuits for a decent price. But I only see mention of them in regards to swimming, and nothing about triathlon. In theory they have all the right buzzwords, 2/3 mm buoyancy etc.
Has anybody tried these in a triathlon swim before?

FYR (Not my location but most informative site I saw)

I can’t speak to that specific brand but about six years ago I bought a no name triathlon wetsuit off Amazon for about $100. I still use it today. Granted, in my part of the country we don’t do a lot of wetsuit swims - I may have used it 10 times since I’ve had it - but I have no complaints. I’ve used it water as cold as 59 degrees and I feel like it did its job.


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