7 cyclist hit by cars at race yesterday?

A lady posted on pathetics Facebook page that 7 cyclist were hit by cars at yesterday’s DRC Sports Olympic Triathlon in Jacksonville, Fl. Can anybody confirm this? A friend of mine saw 2 happen. I am suppose to do the 3rd race in this series in 3 weeks for the first time.

that’s terrible…if true

Yeah, I emailed the RD and asked for confirmation. I know there are some round abouts and wonder if some were cyclists crashing into cars, not turning tight enough, or running into the curbs.

I had a buddy at the race. He also said 7 crashes. One person got life-flighted out. His comment was that motorists were not obeying police and volunteers.

So there is this:

Activity title is:
Jax tri #2 swim. DNF’d after getting hit by a F250.

So it would seem like someone got hit.

disclaimer: I was not at tri, nor do I know Eric. Just happened to see it on Strava.

I had a buddy at the race. He also said 7 crashes. One person got life-flighted out. His comment was that motorists were not obeying police and volunteers.

Person in the Strava link one post up is the one who got life-flighted. Separated shoulder, and road rash, but apparently no actual life threatening injuries per his comments.

From the Strava comments:

Did you seriously get hit AGAIN??? You alright? Not an F150, but an F250!!! Dang!!!

-** **
Im pretty beat up. Separated shoulder and road rash. Pretty long day. 2 miles from the bike finish and I never got to run. I did get a life line flight to Shands Trauma in Jax. Got to cross that off the bucket list at least.

Assuming you never heard back anything from the RD?

I did. She said there were 4 accidents that she knew about. 1 was airlifted out. She has spoken to each person and all will recover albeit some time. 2 cyclists admitted it was their fault. Considering the high amount, they are working with local law enforcement to make it safer and considering a different start time to reduce traffic on Fletcher.

Four is still too many. I saw remnants of two incidents on the way back North, including one that still had the bike in the middle of the road next to a police car as I passed by.

I didn’t see drivers doing anything stupid, but there were definitely times that I saw evidence that the cars just didn’t expect bikes to be going as fast as they were and if a biker wasn’t willing to slow down in spots they’d end up putting themselves in really bad situations. Frustrating while you’re trying to race, but better than having a collision with a car.