6 hours in San Francisco on my way to Kona. What to do?

I fly to Kona tomorrow and will have 6 hours and 15 minutes wait in San Francisco after 11-12 hours flight from Frankfurt. 6 hours is not a lot, but it is not nothing either. Any recommondations what to do and see? We will obsiously not get around the whole town but maybe se one og two of the best things and go some place to eat.

There is a train that leaves directly from the station and gets you downtown in 20 minutes give or take.

There are plenty of restraunts and nice areas to walk…you can ride a trolley car.

It would be harder to see bridge presidio etc in your short time unless you got a taxi to give you a tour.

1 delfina or yank sing
2 trannyshack

Thanks a lot. I guess we just take the train in to town. Any area it is “nicer” to walk aound in then others? We do not need a specific plan but would just like to stroll around and see the best of San Francisco in the short time we have.

If someone would ask me the same question about Oslo I definitly have a idea of what is worth seeing and what is not, but it is not certain that San Francisco is similar in that way.

the embarcadero is great to walk. start/eat at the ferry building, walk up to the exploratorium/wharf, take a streetcar.

hayes valley is the hip new place to stroll but scenic, it ain’t.

the embarcadero is great to walk. start/eat at the ferry building, walk up to the exploratorium/wharf, take a streetcar.

hayes valley is the hip new place to stroll but scenic, it ain’t.

Perfect! That sounds like a plan. I like hip new places also (find that it gives inspiration) and will stay in Hawaii for three weeks (so I will get my share of amazing views). Do I just start at Embarcadero, walk up to exploratorium and jump in a cab to Hayes Valley? It looks like it is to far to walk on the short time we have.

Perfect! That sounds like a plan. I like hip new places also (find that it gives inspiration) and will stay in Hawaii for three weeks (so I will get my share of amazing views). Do I just start at Embarcadero, walk up to exploratorium and jump in a cab to Hayes Valley? It looks like it is to far to walk on the short time we have.

I’ve never used it, but maybe consider using the bikeshare? Cycling from the Embarcadero to the Golden Gate Bridge with stops after spending time in the Ferry Building seems like a nice activity to me. I’d consider starting from the Embarcadero and bike up Columbus and stop by North Beach on the way before Fisherman’s Wharf

I personally would ride through Fisherman’s Wharf as opposed to stopping there as there isn’t that much to do or worth eating there. Certainly feel free to skip Fisherman’s Wharf as it is a tourist trap, but maybe it’s worth seeing once if you don’t know better things to do. I’d also try and squeeze in a viewing of the Golden Gate from the Presidio if you feel the need to see it.

I also like the Mission District, which is out of your way, but I also like to eat :slight_smile:

In the Ferry Building, I’d recommend to any visitor oysters at Hog’s Bay, cheese at the Cowgirl Creamery (Mt. Tam is their most popular), salume at Fatted Calf and ice cream at Humphry Slocombe (Secret Breakfast is their most popular).



Do not take BART (train) just take a cab, much easier to get where you want to get to and much much quicker. If time wasnt an issue i would say take BART but it is. Have fun, great city. Embarcadero, Wharf those are the tourist areas

Don’t forget to stop at Sports Basement:


You can get there from the BART but you’ll have to walk a few blocks.

I was just in SF this weekend and the BART take a half hour from the airport to Union Sq. Embarcadero is another .9 miles down the line. A taxi could be faster or it could be slower. I like the train.

So, you have to be back at the airport at least an hour early to get back thru security. 5:15 hours. Honestly I’d take the bart to the end of the line (Embarcadero?) it is going to be reliable (no traffic) and cheap. Cab will be $45+ each way. Bart will take 30-40 minutes. With only four hours or so I’d probably just rent a bike from one of the millions of places, ride down Embarcadero, stop in boudins for some French bread and a coffee, then ride to and over the gg bridge. On the way back get fat at ghirardellis. Ride/ walk back to the station.

Hei Allan

Gjoer som du har faatt tips om her. Ta toget som heter BART fra flyplassen til sentrum. SF har litt an hvert akkurat som Oslo, men det er mange bra steder aa spise der siden det er mye business.

Det kan ogsaa vaere moro aa bruke internet til aa finne spennende spisesteder som ikke er en kjederestaurant.

Hill intervals.

I fly to Kona tomorrow and will have 6 hours and 15 minutes wait in San Francisco after 11-12 hours flight from Frankfurt. 6 hours is not a lot, but it is not nothing either. Any recommondations what to do and see? We will obsiously not get around the whole town but maybe se one og two of the best things and go some place to eat.