48h with Magnus Ditlev


Interesting video and a bit of a different approach than some of the other regular Youtubers.

But those watt numbers :open_mouth: 330W=Z2

I think his run off the bike was even more impressive. 15 min 5 k off the bike is massive for a big heavy guy without the best running technique and after a 6 km swim and hard bike with 500 W efforts. LS would have needed three different videos by Talbot for all three of those workouts :wink:

No doubt a really good video.

What was most interesting for you?

I think his run off the bike was even more impressive. 15 min 5 k off the bike is massive for a big heavy guy without the best running technique and after a 6 km swim and hard bike with 500 W efforts. LS would have needed three different videos by Talbot for all three of those workouts :wink:

I agree, seemed hard but less than all out too. Equally eye popping was dropping down to 16min 5k for the second one and registering a lactate of ~1.

There is of course all the crazy numbers.
But key take aways:
Super solid setup with coach, swim coach, and NT swim coach all working in common direction.

Training with a group as a swimmer, getting the social inputs etc. Too, even in a crowded pool as a world star.

The lengendary bike cave (hope no bike thiefs find out where it is). In the video you see girlfriend sif training there and her father, and yes she is the sister of other pro triathlete thor bendix madsen.
Living with parents keeping a stress free life etc.

No doubt a really good video.

What was most interesting for you?

I’m always interested in his bike part choices


Didn’t realise Sif was his girlfriend-think she got pinged for doping but only got banned for 1 year (instead of 4 years) because she was 17?

It could be another Dane I’m thinking of.

Agree! And in zero degree celcius humid Coldpenhagen! I am not and expert but Coach Jens mentions that they worked on running tech and I think I see Magnus running more “firm” now, rather than past more looking like he is a bit more “flimsey” and not as biomechanical coordinated! Kudos on that!

I think his run off the bike was even more impressive. 15 min 5 k off the bike is massive for a big heavy guy without the best running technique and after a 6 km swim and hard bike with 500 W efforts. LS would have needed three different videos by Talbot for all three of those workouts :wink:

Didn’t realise Sif was his girlfriend-think she got pinged for doping but only got banned for 1 year (instead of 4 years) because she was 17?

It could be another Dane I’m thinking of.

She got saline water infusion, so the i fusion part was the illegal thing, really the most minor thing ever. And it was provided by the sports director of the danish federation, guess he did not know the rules either.

Didn’t realise Sif was his girlfriend-think she got pinged for doping but only got banned for 1 year (instead of 4 years) because she was 17?

It could be another Dane I’m thinking of.

She admitted to getting a saline solution infusion. Not judging or making any ruling, but wanted to make sure this is added to the discussion as “pinged for doping” can easily spiral into a ton of possible methods and drugs.

ah right, thanks for clearing that up, appreciate it. Definitely wasn’t trying to make the story bigger than it actually was!

No doubt a really good video.

What was most interesting for you?

I’m always interested in his bike part choices

This type of quasi-superman position is beginning more common in triathlon. I think the sport is finally moving past the influence of UCI position rules.

Is “infusion” the same as IV? If so, what kept them for getting a post dated TUE? That’s the acceptable process because if it’s done post race obviously athlete’s health is more important than not receiving medical attention due to no TUE at the time of getting a post race IV. Curious why they didn’t accept a post dated TUE and actually sanctioned an athlete?

He was pointing out that he uses a Wove saddle.

500w+ attack for 5mins!!! and doesnt crack 2.0 mmol/ !

No doubt a really good video.

What was most interesting for you?

I’m always interested in his bike part choices

This type of quasi-superman position is beginning more common in triathlon. I think the sport is finally moving past the influence of UCI position rules.

A couple of threads on these progressive bike fits:



an excerpt from an upcoming Instagram post we’re working on regarding these progressive bike positions and the role of the saddle (edited any promotion of our product out of the below excerpt):

“In the 42 year history of professional triathlon, we’ve seen many pros riding with steep seat tube angles in an effort to shift more of their mass over the pedal stroke. In recent years, we’ve seen pros using a new generation of aerobars that allow them to get their pad reach significantly further forward, stabilizing the athlete and preventing the falling-forward feeling that often accompanies riding with 82-84 degree seat tube angles. These progressive positions on the bike have also included athletes tilting their saddles forward to open their hip angles ”

**have also included athletes tilting their saddles forward to open their hip angles ” **

How do you tilt a saddle forward? I have heard of tilting it up or down, and pushing it back or forward, but not familiar with tilting it forward, is this some new metric folks are using now??

**have also included athletes tilting their saddles forward to open their hip angles ” **

How do you tilt a saddle forward? I have heard of tilting it up or down, and pushing it back or forward, but not familiar with tilting it forward, is this some new metric folks are using now??
saddle tilt is a rotation around an axis.
when rotating from a fixed point, we can describe it as leaning, falling, pivoting forward because down can be in two directions (the rear of the saddle can move down). Can also say clockwise drivetrain side. or saddle nose down. not a metric; use of language.

We’re seeing the nose of the saddle at -3 to -7 degrees.

on the technology side:
I love that he’s using the 3T Torno crankset. For a short time, 3T owned THM and THM uses the Team Zwatt spindle based powermeter in their Clavicula crank. I’d love to see that PM in the Torno so that pedal choice could be freed up from being the PM source. LOVE the massive Digirit carbon chainring - curious when Gemini will release massive Rigel chainrings for the TT crowd.

Equally eye popping was dropping down to 16min 5k for the second one and registering a lactate of ~1.

Exceptional aerobic system fueled by high carb diet while working out during the day + greens at night.

Basically his diet sounded like « whatever works in my tummy as long as it gives me the energy to train ».

Overall i really liked the video. It was refreshing to see it was all about enjoying the grind.

Everybody is fawning over watts posted on the screen and the GPS-estimated minutes per kilometer, but what made the biggest impression on me is the willingness to call “lunch” a plate of pasta with nothing.

This is Blummenfelt-level sacrifice.