2024 USAT Multisport Champs in Omaha NE

The 2024 USAT Multisport National Championships were held in Omaha NE from the 5th though the 9th of June. ST has little/no coverage of this age group event that is the primary qualifier for 2025 World Championships. I’ve participated in USAT Nationals since 2020 and have been on Team USA/participated in Worlds since 2022. Here is my report about the Omaha event and my race – it’s long, sorry in advance.

The Omaha race location was Lake Cunningham, northwest of downtown Omaha. The run courses were paths that adjoined the lake and that made for flat profiles, although the pavement was a bit narrow, creating congestion in some spots. The bike course is lumpy and more so for the Olympic distance events than the sprints (or so I am told – I competed in the sprint duathlon). The pavement was fresh on the fast downhills and much appreciated. As a race location, and compared to the Las Colinas site in Irving TX (in 2022 and 2023), Lake Cunningham seemed remote, lacking walkable dining or hotels. USAT and the Omaha Sports Commission recognized this and provided some end-of-the-day activities, but I was told that they were poorly attended (I did not go to these). That is no surprise since the morning events are over by 9.00 or so, awards happen at 11.15-ish – so who is going to hang around until the late afternoon for beer and music (as nice as that sounds)? Maybe attendance at these social events makes more sense from afternoon event participants, but I think that most folks – even the afternoon race participants - wanted to head back to their hotels and clean up – and not return to the race site. This is a big disadvantage for the overall appeal, although I can appreciate that permitting and road closures are easier in such a location compared to a busier area. Parking/access was also an issue. Parking close to the venue required an extra cost parking pass and those were quickly sold out. The other option was parking farther away and getting a shuttle to the race site. On site camping was also an option. To be fair, they provided a free bike valet, so you could drop your bike near the venue and leave it overnight – or overnights – so that the shuttle made more sense (no bikes on the shuttle). Omaha is the location for this event in 2025 and USAT should really think about ways to increase athlete engagement on site. There were extra cost options for VIP access – food, drinks, shade, etc. - and another extra cost option for a ‘comfort package’ to access showers, coffee, device charging, etc. The location is physically attractive but has insufficient amenities to keep athletes engaged except for their race. That’s different than Irving (and Tuscaloosa AL before TX) and a big disadvantage in my opinion. It was great to meet up with friends you might only see at Nationals and walk to a bar/restaurant after your race (in Irving and Tuscaloosa) to hang out - that is just impossible in Omaha. Now, there are other considerations (TX was wicked hot compared to NE but direct flights with your bike are generally far more plentiful into/out of DFW or DAL than OMA, for example). The attractiveness of Omaha depends on what you seek. If you are after a nice race venue and nothing more, Omaha is quite good. But if you also value convenient access and social activities after the race Omaha falls short.

Now, a note about my own race… I’ve been challenged with injuries in the run up to Nationals in 2022 and 2023. This year, my coach prescribed almost all z2 runs since December – a total snoozefest – but I arrived at Nationals injury-free. And - that strategy worked on race day. In the sprint duathlon, I had a terrific (for me) 1st run. The bike was a puzzle as you wanted to draft (it’s a draft legal event) but the course limited that. Everyone works their own pace on the uphills and drafting at relatively slow speeds isn’t a big advantage, anyway. Drafting on the downhills was risky as the speeds are pretty high. So, I kept trying to draft, but mostly compromised my overall speed to try to save some energy looking for a group to join. Then, near the end of lap 1 (of a 2 lap bike course), operator error caused me to drop the chain. Ugh. I tried to backpedal, but the chain was wedged between the small chainring and the frame. I pulled over to the edge of the course, made things right, had to wait for a pack to pass and later learned from Garmin that that error cost me 90 seconds. Normally, the start of my 2nd run is a slog before I recover a bit and gain some pace. But on Saturday, I was running smoothly off the bike and had a consistently high pace through the finish. I was 5th in the M60-64 (I race as a 64, so there were mostly young whippersnappers compared to me!). That was my best placement at Nationals and qualified me for Team USA and the World Championship in 2025 at Pontevedra ESP – and that was the goal. I am super grateful for the ability to do this at my age and for all the support from my ‘team’ at home that tolerates my training obsession. Pontavedra will be my 4th Worlds in 4 tries (2022 was Targu Mures ROM, 2023 was Ibiza ESP and later this year I’ll be in Townsville AUS).

I know that we (ST) are fixated on T100, IM and the Olympics/WT – but the USAT path for AG athletes can be a motivating goal to encourage training and provide opportunities to represent the USA on a world stage in interesting places – if that’s your thing. I clearly recall an older guy (older than me!) asking a group of us eating dinner in Tuscaloosa – ‘how was your race’? It was all over the map, of course, as each of my pals summarized their race day in a sentence or two. His enthusiasm was evident and I asked him if he would reveal his AG. M70-74. I immediately said – ‘I want to be you – enjoying the multisport lifestyle and competing in that AG’. That’s still true. I’m hoping to stay (mostly) injury-free and excited to show up to do what I can do for another 10+ years. Way better than, IMO, bitching about multisport from the sofa. Although, I’m getting the popcorn ready for the Olympics!

Great writeup and great race.

Great recap & racing OP!

I wish the World Triathlon events you can qualify for through USAT championships were a bigger deal but the reality is that a lot of AGers aim for 70.3/140.6 Worlds. The competition is a lot stronger at those events. I think USAT should find good venues & stick with them so that you know you’re going to the same place for the same event year after year. Or maybe alternate between 2 venues (1 east coast/1 west coast, for example) on a loop like USATF does for XC Nationals between CA & PA. It’s hard to build prestige/buzz for our big events when they’re constantly moving around. I thought Milwaukee was a good location for AG Nats & now it’s in Atlantic City. Would be cool to be able to easily compare past results, CRs, etc.

Good info. Personally, the convenience of travel to the city and walkable distance to and from the venue is just as important in deciding to go to nationals as the quality of the race course.

Milwaukee, I could jump on the bus from the airport and be at my hotel in as much time as it would take to pickup a rental car in some places. From there, I could walk to and from the venue and walk all over the city for restaurants, etc.

If I’m flying somewhere to race a shorter distance race, I want my prerace activities to be as convenient as possible.

I’m sure it’s not easy for USAT to find a venue. It’s nice to hear they tried to have the festival type atmosphere later in the day, but if everyone needs to go drive back to their hotel and fight for parking etc to return I can see how they’d struggle for attendance.

I was in Omaha for the races. I think maybe your experience of the venue being farther from hotels/restaurants (leading to less athlete engagement) might have been different if you had done what many people did: race more races. Many people raced once or sometimes twice a day, and just from that were at the venue, socializing after etc.
They have a mixed team relay!!!

Oh and I guess they had some camping trailer option at the venue which might help that issue for you also. As well as on-site camping but that wouldn’t work for those flying in.

I raced the SuperSprint Tri on Thursday…cut the ball of my foot in T1…foot got infected and I was unable to race the Mixed Relay Super Sprint Tri on Sunday. Which is too bad since that is the main reason I went to Omaha.

I did camp at the venue, and one nice thing about that was everyone camping was there for the race. Most of the time when I camp at the state park or wherever a race is held, there will be some other racers there but mostly the general public. So it was nice that we basically took over the entire park for the week.

edited to add: I wasn’t trying to diminish your experience, just trying to offer thoughts on enhancing next year for you if possible

I was also there and had a blast. I did the mixed team relays on Sunday (both tri and du), but also ended up registering last minute for the Friday aquathlon, and some of my teammates did other races (one doing every race possible). I have to say that the whole thing was a blast - more fun than the 70.3s and fulls that I typically do. I also liked the venue (except for the murky water, but I’m spoiled by the water clarity in Hawaii). The weather was pretty good overall, too - at least on the days I was there (heard it was windy the first day or two). Omaha isn’t even that hard to get to from the Big Island - two flights on Alaska (KOA-SEA, SEA-OMA), which is as good as it gets here unless you’re going to the West Coast.

Anyway, the mixed team relays were really fun - I even got to work with another guy on the bike during the du, trading pulls. I have a few things to work on (transitions matter a lot, and also need to do some more VO2max workouts to be ready for the higher intensity), but I hope to go back next year and maybe do a few more events.


I could see that camping there would have made a difference in the ‘feel’ - your home base was next to the race site and my hotel was 10 miles away… And, also true that more racing (for me) might have connected me to the venue. I was thinking about racing the standard duathlon, but it was the day before the sprint du (the event I was using to try to qualify for Worlds) and I could not trust myself not to bury myself during the standard and compromise my effort on the sprint the next day. I also tried to schedule the mixed relay on Sunday, but there is only one direct flight from OMA back home and I couldn’t make that flight if I raced the mixed relay - and I needed to be home Sunday for family reasons. Bleh. Maybe next year I’ll be able to do more b/c I’m not so interested in Abu Dhabi in 2026, so perhaps I’ll just race everything possible for me in Omaha and try that. Not sure if camping is feasible from a ‘fly in’ - maybe I just rent an RV, drive, and stay on site - did you notice if there were RV facilities in the campground?

I could see that camping there would have made a difference in the ‘feel’ - your home base was next to the race site and my hotel was 10 miles away… And, also true that more racing (for me) might have connected me to the venue. I was thinking about racing the standard duathlon, but it was the day before the sprint du (the event I was using to try to qualify for Worlds) and I could not trust myself not to bury myself during the standard and compromise my effort on the sprint the next day. I also tried to schedule the mixed relay on Sunday, but there is only one direct flight from OMA back home and I couldn’t make that flight if I raced the mixed relay - and I needed to be home Sunday for family reasons. Bleh. Maybe next year I’ll be able to do more b/c I’m not so interested in Abu Dhabi in 2026, so perhaps I’ll just race everything possible for me in Omaha and try that. Not sure if camping is feasible from a ‘fly in’ - maybe I just rent an RV, drive, and stay on site - did you notice if there were RV facilities in the campground?

Congrats on your race! I completely understand your stance as I don’t understand why one would compromise their A race by racing many mediocre races. USAT was very big on their posts in making everyone want to become a “legend” (in their own mind…) and doing many races (more entry fees for them…$$$$$), so I’m glad to stuck to your goal. As far as their recent choices in locations…wow! Real poor choices and all the photos I saw them post online shows the same old characters that have found their place in doing a lot of poor races in the TeamUSA uniforms. Congrats and Spain will be glorious.

Thanks for starting this.
Full disclosure, I don’t focus on the amenities outside the race venue.

I competed in the SS. DL sprint Tri and the MR Tri.

One the whole, I thought the event was fantastic. From what I could tell everything ran like clockwork. That’s amazing considering there two, sometimes three events a day. The support staff were fantastic. Tons of friendly volunteers.
I really love the ability to race multiple times at an event. I especially love the relay events. The team aspect is so cool and different than what we normally do.
We camped on site and didn’t have to deal with any shuttle or bike storage issues. It made for a logistics free weekend. The sites were great. All had concrete pads and an electric hook up. Water was available from a central source we could fill our freshwater tank from and they had a dump station.
I wish I understood why the Multisport Festival isn’t more popular. They had about 1200 athlete’s and 4500 distinct race entries.
Can’t wait to go back next year.

I could see that camping there would have made a difference in the ‘feel’ - your home base was next to the race site and my hotel was 10 miles away… And, also true that more racing (for me) might have connected me to the venue. I was thinking about racing the standard duathlon, but it was the day before the sprint du (the event I was using to try to qualify for Worlds) and I could not trust myself not to bury myself during the standard and compromise my effort on the sprint the next day. I also tried to schedule the mixed relay on Sunday, but there is only one direct flight from OMA back home and I couldn’t make that flight if I raced the mixed relay - and I needed to be home Sunday for family reasons. Bleh. Maybe next year I’ll be able to do more b/c I’m not so interested in Abu Dhabi in 2026, so perhaps I’ll just race everything possible for me in Omaha and try that. Not sure if camping is feasible from a ‘fly in’ - maybe I just rent an RV, drive, and stay on site - did you notice if there were RV facilities in the campground?

Congrats on your race! I completely understand your stance as I don’t understand why one would compromise their A race by racing many mediocre races. USAT was very big on their posts in making everyone want to become a “legend” (in their own mind…) and doing many races (more entry fees for them…$$$$$), so I’m glad to stuck to your goal. As far as their recent choices in locations…wow! Real poor choices and all the photos I saw them post online shows the same old characters that have found their place in doing a lot of poor races in the TeamUSA uniforms. Congrats and Spain will be glorious.

You’re really criticizing a group of athletes because they they don’t approach an event like you do?

Do better.

I could see that camping there would have made a difference in the ‘feel’ - your home base was next to the race site and my hotel was 10 miles away… And, also true that more racing (for me) might have connected me to the venue. I was thinking about racing the standard duathlon, but it was the day before the sprint du (the event I was using to try to qualify for Worlds) and I could not trust myself not to bury myself during the standard and compromise my effort on the sprint the next day. I also tried to schedule the mixed relay on Sunday, but there is only one direct flight from OMA back home and I couldn’t make that flight if I raced the mixed relay - and I needed to be home Sunday for family reasons. Bleh. Maybe next year I’ll be able to do more b/c I’m not so interested in Abu Dhabi in 2026, so perhaps I’ll just race everything possible for me in Omaha and try that. Not sure if camping is feasible from a ‘fly in’ - maybe I just rent an RV, drive, and stay on site - did you notice if there were RV facilities in the campground?

Congrats on your race! I completely understand your stance as I don’t understand why one would compromise their A race by racing many mediocre races. USAT was very big on their posts in making everyone want to become a “legend” (in their own mind…) and doing many races (more entry fees for them…$$$$$), so I’m glad to stuck to your goal. As far as their recent choices in locations…wow! Real poor choices and all the photos I saw them post online shows the same old characters that have found their place in doing a lot of poor races in the TeamUSA uniforms. Congrats and Spain will be glorious.

You’re really criticizing a group of athletes because they they don’t approach an event like you do?

Do better.

LOL! Do better yourself. The criticism was leveled at USAT in case you missed that.

I agree with your assessment. I went to Dallas, and that was great. I wouldn’t want a permanent venue, but that one would be nice to go back to often, it was so convenient. I could fly in and not need a car. I drove the 800 miles to Omaha, which cost me less than air fare, bike fees, and a rental car (which are through the roof these days). The cost of travel is the one reason I may not go back next year. I would add they had food trucks (I guess), but they showed up after I crossed the finish line, and hadn’t set up yet by the time I left. I was starving for breakfast on Thursday, and would have gone to the donut truck if he had been open. I did the super sprint du and the draft legal du. I liked the venue and the course, but the level of competition is the only reason I come to the event. I got onsite parking, I feel bad for those who did not. There were lots of big hills if you tried to bike there from a hotel. I was also glad awards are after the race, not once ceremony every night. The other thing they need to do is have later registration hours on Wednesday, you had to get there by 4:30 if you were racing the duathlon super sprint.

The multisport festival is a good idea, but that’s got to limit the places it can be if it has to have an open water swimming venue. I don’t see anything wrong with getting people to do a lot of races so they make more money, it’s got to save costs that they added all of these events on top of the duathlon championships. I say better they make money this way then find ways to milk us that don’t provide value (world championship membership plan fiasco). It cost me a larger chuck of change this year, and they only get a fraction of it in registration. The hotel I got wasn’t on their member benefits website so no kickback on that either.

I would say USAT and the Omaha organizers did a great job, it’s just that the location is difficult. Well, other than the hat thing. It would be better to give me nothing than that trucker hat, and keep the money. Last year the volunteer even wanted to give me three shirts for three races haha.

This was my 10th Du Nats/Multisport Nats in a row and something like my 30th year of racing duathlons starting with the Bronx Biathlon in the early 90’s. I have always competed as a duathlete since I only swim when the waves are good for surfing. I will preface my thoughts in that I come to Nationals to podium in my AG and hence I am a one-and-done event participant so YMMV.

Location: Like others have mentioned, it is a bit remote from the city. I flew and stayed in an AirBnB. Remote parking and a shuttle bus were painful for many. Unlike others, I actually miss the big end of day ceremony as it was a great opportunity to hang with friends from far away. The general layout really was not conducive to hanging out as there were few services available.

Courses: I did the Standard Du. The 2-lap bike course was hilly like Greenville. Lots of climbing and coasting/tucking and few opportunities for steady time trialing. The run was basically flat with a few modest rises. Coming from New England, the lack of shade and the heat early in the year for me was not much fun but everyone else ran in the same conditions.

Awards: the metals were nice and at least with hats there is no more running out of National Champion shirts like in the past several years.

Stupid Stuff: The encouragement of racing multiple races by USA Tri with a mostly older competitor base seems like it is just asking for trouble. At best it probably dulls the competition beyond the handful of morons like me at the pointy end. Seems more race-touristy than competitive and it certaily showed in the results.

Vibe: To me, the whole event seemed a bit depressing. Duathlon is clearly on its last dying breath as few competed in the standard distance. The lack of excitement during the week was palapable due to the venue and event timing. I might have to actually learn to swim for reals!

Omaha Extras: If you are an aficionado of quirky and interesting bike shops, Ponderosa Cyclery is very cool in the Jan Heine/Grant Petersen vein. Modern Love is a vegan restaurant downtown that even an avowed carnivore like me really enjoyed.

I also raced in Omaha. I was there for the Stand Distance Duathlon. I only did one race. I also did the Standard Distance Duathlon at Nationals in Texas in 2022.

I didn’t have any really preference between Texas and Nebraska. I show up for the competition not for the course. The course in Texas was much faster with no elevation change on the run and basically a flat bike course. There were some hills in Omaha on that opening 10K run. The bike course also had hills to deal with. My only complain with the course was the 180 degree hair pin turns on the double out-and-back bike course. I like restrictions to flow to be eliminated on race courses so I can go full speed the whole way. I don’t like coming almost to a stop to do turn-a-rounds.

Yes, it was hot at race time in Omaha but I have done 70.3 triathlons in temperature close to 100 deg F so I know what I needed to do to beat the heat. Being able to adapt to the course and race condition at each event is one of the skills to multisport racing that is frequently discussed but poorly executed by many. I did get some leg cramps late on the closing run but I don’t think that was heat related. That is just what happens when I am at my 1-hour threshold pace for two hours. :slight_smile:

There are not a lot of participants in the non-triathlon multisport events at local races. Nationals is the best competition that ever see in duathlon. It is also the most diverse filed of athletes that ever see. I have been in running pack of 5-6 people with people made up of people from California, Colorado, Michigan, Texas, New York City, etc. That never happens at my local races.

I am a specialist. I just do one event. I was the same way in high school. My track coach would sign me up to do the 800m, 1600m, 3200m, and 4x800m and I would almost cry. All I wanted to do was to PR in the 1600m then be done for the day. If I tried to do well in all the events I would have two good races at the most and the other two would be an embracement. So…I started to choose my race and would race 1-2 event and sandbag the others. Some guys at Nationals were racking up 3-4 national championships. There are thoroughbreds who can race back-to-back-to-back with almost no slowing down and there are specialist that can do well in one event but are useless in any races after that. I would not encourage everyone to do a lot of races at the Multisport festival. Some can do multiple events and should others can’t and shouldn’t.

I would however like to see my race team field a mix relay team at Nationals in the future. We had six from the race team there this year. It would have been 7 but one lady had to pull out of her three events because she was battling injuries. Everyone was there doing there own thing though so we weren’t able to make it happen. Team racing is something that I would like to do again. I have always been able to accomplish more working with a team than working by myself.