2024 NFL Week 2

It’d be nice if we had a guard who could stay in their stance until the snap

Time for a kill shot on Stroud …you take a cheap shot on our QB we end your QBs season…that’s the Chicago way

We Trubiskied ourselves again…sigh

Caleb is gonna hit the deck every time someone passes him the hallway for a week

Yeah, this is why I don’t bet sports.

I just came here to say that the Saints had an NFL power ranking of 24 and the Cowboys were 8.


I can tell you as someone who has been against Dallas his whole life, Dallas has been grossly overrated every year since 1995.

Dallas sucks.


The Steeler Way :facepunch:t3:

“Just win baby!”

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After watching last night’s game one thing was clear, Williams is NOT the next coming of Trubisky. His O line did not do him any favors but he was still able to make some plays with his feet or to buy time. Better get your shots in at this kid now because he’s going to be really good down the line.


Only concern I have after 2 games with Williams is that his offensive line and OC get him killed. Good grief what the fuck was that last night. How do you not bring in a TE or RB every passing play for extra protection? He got slaughtered back there.

There really was no reason to spend money on a RB and Swift looks absolutely awful and got paid running behind an elite line in Philly. The money on Swift should have been spent on the interior offensive line.


Windy. C’mon, man. What is this?


I believe the technical term is ole block

Oh Nick you are such a dumb, dumb coach.

Don’t love Kellen Moore dialing up a pass when Saquon averaging 4+ yards a carry. Even if he doesn’t get the 1st, you kick and only leave them with 40 seconds.

WTF happened? I went to check on breezy and there was 1:56 left, the Iggles had the ball, and just needed to run the clock

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Narrator: They did not run the clock.

Saquan dropped a pass that hit him in a bad spot. Would have easily got the first down and ended the game.