2024 goals check in - 8 months done

How are you doing on your 2024 resolutions or goals?
I searched only briefly for my old thread…

I made another calendar month (so May, June, July, August all COVERED in stickers) and have had 144 days in a row of my healthy coping skill / eradicating the particular thing I seek/sought to eradicate. Today is day 145; I have promised myself of it and I keep my promises to myself.

I’m gratified to see that your healthy coping skills are still effective now that you are away from home, your sabbatical is over, and you are back in regular teaching mode. Congrats.

Only activity of note for Aug. was the completion of a summer bucket list goal. I waited most of the summer for the wind to be right, and hit the water for a 13mile end/end paddle session on the big lake near home.
Omelette AND French Toast after. :wink:

nice! I hope your french toast, if it had syrup, used real maple syrup

thanks. Same skills, different sh*t to deal with

Syrup from a local guy - sells from the roadside… North of the 45th parallel.


Haven’t really set any hard and dast goals this year; maybe that’s part of my issue.

Not back to where I want to be, fitness-wise, but the bike is getting there: did a gravel ride today that I’d been tryi g to get to for a while now, and although it isn’t a set route, it went pretty well. Other than taking some wrong turns and having to back-track several times, and then looping way around in order tp get home. Essentially, an hour and a half/ 15-ish miles longer than I’d planned, but found some great dirt! And elevation ended up pretty impressive: 5700’ in 45 miles.

I’m still not back to running, like I’d been hoping to be. Knee got dorked up toward the end of skiing, and even on some good walks/hikes (and the occasion bike ride) it can be bothersome. I guess my goal is to use September to get back on that horse. Maybe this thread will keep me honest…

My coping mechanisms are running and biking, so take that as you please…

  • Jeff

I’m sorry your knee is bugging you.

yesterday made 21 weeks in a row (147 days) of healthy coping!

yesterday was day 151 in a row of healthy coping, climbing to the 5 month mark (155 days)

yesterday made 22 weeks in a row - 154 days.
Today I have promised myself is the 5 month mark (155 days, calling all months 31 days long)

5 months in a row of healthy skills instead of the particular thing I sought to eradicate :smiley:
6 months coming up

156 days in a row!
5 months, 1 day, climbing to the 6 month mark