2023 Ironman World Championship docu airing on Outdoor today

How to watch:


And on a world projection:
IRONMAN World Championship Documentary Special
📺 Premieres on @outsidewatch, on demand and for freeNot: https://watch.outsideonline.com/live-events/PTO


Putting out a nearly 3 hour documentary is certainly a choice. Can’t imagine many non triathletes deciding to fire this one up.

I am only 30 mins into this - but IMO the best documentary of the IMWC I have ever seen. Well done Ironman

I am only 30 mins into this - but IMO the best documentary of the IMWC I have ever seen. Well done Ironman

It’s a marathon not a sprint …

Amazing, and deserved, section on Cam Wurf - and of course Frodo! darn Ninjas cutting onions …

It’s a marathon not a sprint …

An hour in and it’s making the live coverage look fast paced

Two hours on the trainer watching this morning and I was very impressed at the pro racing focus that also lightly integrated the age 'inspiring" groupers without overdoing it.

Still it wasn’t so compelling to keep me on the trainer and I went and got breakfast and will finish it another time.

They did a great job, other than using outside gave me multiple errors trying to get it logged in on the TV.

They definitely made the most of the story of the also-ran pros who trailed the leader from start to finish.

Two hours on the trainer watching this morning and I was very impressed at the pro racing focus that also lightly integrated the age 'inspiring" groupers without overdoing it. . . .
They did a great job, . .
They definitely made the most of the story of the also-ran pros who trailed the leader from start to finish.Likewise two plus hours well spent though confess I fast fwd’ed the ads and the amazing participant stories.
And why did they waste time on the “also-ran pros” when they could’ve just had endless minutes of ‘lovely’ Lucy and ‘personal reasons’ Sam.

…and a few months on,what are the Champions up to? Looking forward to 2024…

I didn’t care for it. I thought the AG stories were too many and too long. I wasn’t sure if I was watching people’s life-struggling documentaries with a triathlon sprinkled in or a Triathlon with life struggles sprinkled in. Didn’t care how they went back and forth from male to female race either. I would rather they highlighted the male race in Nice then focus on the female race in Kona. It did keep me busy for 2 hours on the trainer though… Fast forwarding.

I downloaded it and will watch on double speed some time…that should cut it down to 1:25!

I didn’t care for it. I thought the AG stories were too many and too long. I wasn’t sure if I was watching people’s life-struggling documentaries with a triathlon sprinkled in or a Triathlon with life struggles sprinkled in. Didn’t care how they went back and forth from male to female race either. I would rather they highlighted the male race in Nice then focus on the female race in Kona. It did keep me busy for 2 hours on the trainer though… Fast forwarding.

Yeah I don’t mind a couple special interest stories but it was a bit much and too many. The tattooed chef was just too long and I was annoyed I wasn’t able to fast forward through some of it. Celebrities racing doesn’t interest me. I would have loved to see some coverage of the woman who escaped the war in Ukraine and made it to Kona. I think it would have been better to do two separate docs for the men and the women. Constantly going back and forth got old. And almost 3 hours was a lot in one sitting. (should have watched it on the trainer but my husband wanted to watch it too). Overall there was a lot of good coverage. I’ve raced in both Kona and Nice so it was fun to see the venues again and see the recent Kona race where I got to participate.

Can’t stand the Messick ass kissing and highlighting the athletes say 2 days is so amazing. lol, but to each their own…

Cannot watch the documentary right now… I’m in the US. Error message when I press ‘play’:

This is unexpected…
Something went wrong, but we’re working to fix the problem. We’ll be up and running shortly. In the meantime let’s discover more videos.

I use the Youtube app on my TV to watch most stuff like this.
It’s shitty that you have to watch it streaming through a web browser instead of putting it on Youtube.

I use the Youtube app on my TV to watch most stuff like this.
It’s shitty that you have to watch it streaming through a web browser instead of putting it on Youtube.

Lol all apps are basically websites just with a non generic browser view

I use the Youtube app on my TV to watch most stuff like this.
It’s shitty that you have to watch it streaming through a web browser instead of putting it on Youtube.

Lol all apps are basically websites just with a non generic browser view

As a software developer, I am well aware of this.
However, the TV in my pain cave does not have a web browser, just a Youtube app.
I could connect my laptop or iPad, but fuck that.

It will go on youtube I think at the end of this week. They just gave a week “exclusive” to Outside’s crappy service. It’s a shame their service sucks so bad (login issues, navigation/content finding issues, streaming quality issues, inability to cast issues) because they have some cool content on there.