2023, 2024 goals

Not bragging here, but looking for ideas for new goals to set (and not just faster on my 2023 goals, kind of feel burned out there). So what were your '23 goals and results, and do you have '24 goals.
sub 30 min 20k road bike - ✔ 29:57
sub 17 min 1k swim - ✔ 16:59.59
sub 19 min 5k run - ✔ 18:58
sub 30 sec 200m - ❌34.00
300w for 20min - ✔303

The sub 30s 200m gave up on when i got injured over extending my leg so kind of scared to go at it again

For me process goals more than outcome

2023 was my first year in 55-59. My A race was IMAZ where I wanted to win my AG and take one of the two Kona slots on offer. I succeeded with an almost perfect race day. So that was a great feeling. I also ended up ranked 5th in the AG with USAT, which is my highest ranking since I started back in 2006. So for 2024, I would like to try and be competitive in Hawaii. I’ve finished in the mid 20’s range twice before, maybe I can try and crack top 10 in 2024.

For me process goals more than outcome

I failed all my outcome goals for 2023, but succeeded all my process goals.

I love me some process goals.

For me process goals more than outcome

I failed all my outcome goals for 2023, but succeeded all my process goals.

I love me some process goals.

I’m with you

I could say ok I want to take first place in my age group at nationals. Do it but none of the big guns showed up. Hollow victory

Or some retired pros show up and I finish off the podium. Feel like crap because I missed my goal?

For me process goals more than outcome

I failed all my outcome goals for 2023, but succeeded all my process goals.

I love me some process goals.

I’m with you

I could say ok I want to take first place in my age group at nationals. Do it but none of the big guns showed up. Hollow victory

Or some retired pros show up and I finish off the podium. Feel like crap because I missed my goal?

Yeah, for me the outcome goal is the cherry-on-top of a damn good cake. It would’ve been pretty cool if I got them goals too, but the cake is still damn solid without the cherry 🍒 .

After crashing big on 2022 new year’s eve, my goals were to stay healthy with no injuries and no bike crashes.

I rode 13,300 miles with 866,000 ft of total ascent and I just had once to stop in the ditch on a rainy day. So very happy and hoping it lasts in 2024

Failed all my goals. But ran regularly and got a bit better again this year, rode more and improved 5min and 20min power, still no swimming still injured. Got a promotion (that wasn’t a goal though, I was focused on doing better) and I think I’m a more patient dad.

One of my daughter’s best friends decided that she wants to run a marathon in 2024

“So you will do it with her, right Dad?”

Um, yeah, sure

I had a difficult several years. After a 3-years doing too much my 2023 goal was to relax and train as less as needed to feel good and not to hate an idea of racing. This was a success. I trained about 5 hr/week and did plenty of shorter races without feeling burned out or sick.

2024 goal is to come back to long course and do a paced (not quick) open marathon and an IM. I’m happy with any time as long as the pace is even.

I made my 2023 goal of qualifying for Boston.

Since you never know who shows up on race day, my goals are time focused vice podium.

So for 2024 I aim to get PRs in my A race tri, my A- tri, and my A race 10 miler.

Modest but achievable.

I made my 2023 goal of qualifying for Boston.

Since you never know who shows up on race day, my goals are time focused vice podium.

So for 2024 I aim to get PRs in my A race tri, my A- tri, and my A race 10 miler.

Modest but achievable.

Yes placement goals can definitely be gamed by choosing easy races. Maybe might have merit if you see top 3 winners from last year and try to shoot for that time. But it’s easy to forget everyone else probably doing this type of thinking too hit the time but only end up 25 spots back

2023 - fix broken body
2024 - be consistent and build back on fixed body……

Sub 40min 10K run in oly tri
Sub 18min 5K run standalone
~2:15 Oly Distance Time
Win at least 1 Oly distance triathlon (age grouper overall win)
Improve cycling power to mid 200s FTP. This will be my biggest challenge.
Stay Injury free

  • Eat healthier (more fruits and veggies)
  • No alcohol in January (and maybe the rest of the year too)
  • Workout 6-7 times per week
  • Cut 57lbs by mid June

Current progress:
Jan 1: 242.2lbs
Jan 2: 239.0lbs
Jan 3: 237.6lbs

For me process goals more than outcome

I failed all my outcome goals for 2023, but succeeded all my process goals.

I love me some process goals.

I’m still trying to wrap my head around the whole ‘process goal’ thing. Isn’t a process goal basically just doing what you do? Or, as F Overton puts it, FTFP?

For me process goals more than outcome

I failed all my outcome goals for 2023, but succeeded all my process goals.

I love me some process goals.

I’m still trying to wrap my head around the whole ‘process goal’ thing. Isn’t a process goal basically just doing what you do? Or, as F Overton puts it, FTFP?

Yeah, I guess so. For me it looked this:

I had an accident at the beginning of 2022 that stopped me from training for several months, coupled with depression and eating edibles to for pain management it meant that I had gained a crap ton of weight and lost all my fitness.

I set some goals: drop weight down to 78Kg, FTP around 310W, and ride a sub 2:30 at IMAZ 70.3.

To achieve those outcome goals I have to setup some process goals:

  • Train consistently
  • Eat clean and control calories in.
  • A lot of strength training to recover lost muscle from the accident

I did all the things above but I just couldn’t get the outcome goals. At the end my weight was 80Kg, FTP was 290ish, and I rode a 2:35. I did everything right but I just fell a bit short of the outcome goals.

Hope you succeed. My goals are a little similar.

2023 Goals: Place in top 3 of all races within age group and Perform well in my 70.3. Kinda met my first goal, but with an asterisk. I crashed after my first race and was done for the year-so didn’t meet goal #2. I then proceeded to gain 25 pounds because I thought it would be a good idea to eat and drink whatever I wanted…

2024 Goals:
*Overall Goal: Be content with the equipment I have and stop chasing after things I don’t need. Hopefully you’ll see things in the classifieds soon.
-Lose 25 pounds
-Build FTP back up into mid 200s
-Improve running: Distance and speed. I’d like to improve my mile time and 5k time and run either a 10 mile race or half.
-Swim: get back to where I was, maybe improve if time permits.
-Top 5 (really hope top 3) in age group.
-Focus on long rides on weekends and maybe hit 100 miles.

Both types of goals are what you HOPE to achieve/do. The difference lies in process goals are items and means that you have control over along the way; whereas, outcome goals are things that you have very little direct control over such as placing XX in YY race or nailing PP:OO time.

Hope you succeed. My goals are a little similar.

2023 Goals: Place in top 3 of all races within age group and Perform well in my 70.3. Kinda met my first goal, but with an asterisk. I crashed after my first race and was done for the year-so didn’t meet goal #2. I then proceeded to gain 25 pounds because I thought it would be a good idea to eat and drink whatever I wanted…

2024 Goals:
*Overall Goal: Be content with the equipment I have and stop chasing after things I don’t need. Hopefully you’ll see things in the classifieds soon.
-Lose 25 pounds
-Build FTP back up into mid 200s
-Improve running: Distance and speed. I’d like to improve my mile time and 5k time and run either a 10 mile race or half.
-Swim: get back to where I was, maybe improve if time permits.
-Top 5 (really hope top 3) in age group.
-Focus on long rides on weekends and maybe hit 100 miles.

Thanks! Good luck to you as well this year. We got this!!!