2018/19 100 Runs in 100 Days Airing of the Grievances Thread

Its that time of year. Can Kosmo Kramer help with putting up the festivus pole and we can complain about the 100/100 and all other assorted complaints about Ironman, ITU, Lionel Sanders’ coach, Kona Pro Drafting and other assorted first world problems before the running starts on Dec 15th.

I’ll get mine out of the system:

I have been too busy with tech startup stuff to be on ST which balances out my obsessive personality to do too much of one thing and my life is skewed into tech world. I used to be more balanced LOL. Of course that same obsessive mindset got the 100/100 started (so I am blaming my old self for starting this thing)…now I am on this drive to get to 1200km swimming for the year…I need to do 3.8K per day every day for the rest of the year to get there.It sucks not being able to run like old times, but hoping to do some easy jogging on my woodway treadmill during the challenge (thus my over swimming routine)The Canadian healthcare system takes forever, no laser spine surgery here…gotta go down to Tampa some time to get my disc fixed (see above)Someone get Lionel to sign up for the challenge so we can complain that some guy is running too fast for every run and life is not fairOK…this is the main one so I will get it out there early. I am pre complaining about all you heros who will triple your mileage in the first 2 weeks and then complain to us that you got injured because of 100/100 and it is stupid. No one has to run every day, or multiple times a day. I am complaining that you’re not “listening to your base” and overcooking it in week 2 out of 14.

OK, all kidding aside for me it will be a win if I can get to consistent treadmill jogging of 10-15 min by end of challenge.

Here is last year’s front page article that takes you to all the details:


Alright, lay in…the FESTIVUS Pole is set up over there ------->

Last year’s thread title said “Dec 15-Mar 23”

100 days takes us to March 25th, I believe?

Get that right next time; y’know, to get the bibs right



wah wah waaah I will have a well built running base from prepping for indian wells and no actual excuse to not do it this year… pink…ish

But for real, I have a marathon in early february, if I get a PR can’t I get mulligan for the day after? just one?

Sonofabitch! I’m entering into this year’s foray coming off a nasty sinus infection and day one is a 5 mile race, which I’m wholly unprepared. I guess we’ll see how much 30 years of running background comes into play.

On the bright side, the Radio Freq Ablation I had done on my left SI joint in October seems to have me 99% pain free. I will not be aiming for 100 runs but whatever 4-5 runs per week will get me.

No real grievance here, outside of being a little chubby…curbing expectations, if I can hit 70 days, I would have to call that a successful 100/100

How the hell am I supposed to do 100/100 in the middle of a swim focus for cripes sake! This timing sucks!

How the hell am I supposed to do 100/100 in the middle of a swim focus for cripes sake! This timing sucks!

Then you do 100 days/100 runs/100 swims…I am pretty sure during last year’s 100/100 I did log 100 hours of swimming given my pathetic run mileage!

Only grievance is for those that try to find ways to claim 100/100 while taking off days. It’s not complicated: Run 30 minutes per day for 100 consecutive days.

Some runs are harder than others, but there is no excuse for missing a run other than injury.

Thanks Dev for getting this together again.

How the hell am I supposed to do 100/100 in the middle of a swim focus for cripes sake! This timing sucks!

You can always do what I did during the Summer, and do your OWN Off-the-ST-Grid 100/100


I have considered that. What would be the rule for a swim to count? 1000 yards?

Is that poster saying that you did an off the grid 100/100 and managed 37?


I have considered that. What would be the rule for a swim to count? 1000 yards?

I think we would have to take this offline to the fish thread, but I’d vote for 1500m to keep it roughly in line with 30 min of running.

Hey! The fish thread is polluted with all kinds of dryland stuff these days! Jason is doing Jumping Jack’s for gosh sake!

Surely the grievance thread can suffer a small swim sidebar. :slight_smile:

Wahh…when I go sub-29 in my New Year’s Day 8k it won’t count…wahh

Add a 1 minute cooldown jog to the winners circle.

Wahh…when I go sub-29 in my New Year’s Day 8k it won’t count…wahh

Yeah, well Mo Farah, already lodged the same complaint when he took the 10,000m at the London Olympics in 2012


and then did the victory lap or two and still had time to spare and he could not apply it for challenge approved 30 minutes. Sucks to be fast!

Hey! The fish thread is polluted with all kinds of dryland stuff these days! Jason is doing Jumping Jack’s for gosh sake!

Surely the grievance thread can suffer a small swim sidebar. :slight_smile:

Well, I want to complain about the two people polluting the 100/100 run thread with fish talk. They better go back to the fish thread and then banish Tigerchik over to this thread where she can talk about running all she wants. That should cover it!

I’m injured. Hurt my back. Can’t run consistently. Is there a ride equivalent?

I’m injured. Hurt my back. Can’t run consistently. Is there a ride equivalent?

We need to ask Mo Farah about that! Maybe 100 Stelivio climbs in 100 days, but it might be a bit frigid out of Bormio right now!

Many years ago I used to not suck at this challenge. Hoping to make a comeback.