2016 Tour of Sufferlandria

The 2016 Tour of Sufferlandria has started! Who is in? There is another thread here with the route announcement video and some comments, but no thread for Slowtwitchers to report their participation and suffering. That’s what this thread is intended to be.

Of course, this year’s course is insufficiently hard, according to this Sufferlandrian (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Hwl6kWRymg). I’m about to start ISLAGIATT in about 30 min. I have an additional challenge, courtesy of last night’s modestly twisted ankle while trying to find AA batteries in the dark garage. But it’s hardly swollen, so I should be just fine for nine consecutive days of suffering!

In…Did Islaggiat last night after work…Revolver X2 on deck in a bit. Good Luck!!

I’m doing the Tour as well. Did ISLAGIATT a few hours ago and my legs feel tired now…tomorrow should be very interesting. Good luck to everyone doing these rides.

So, I’m finished with ISLAGIATT - I’ve done it before, no surprises. I have my calendar cleared to get the weekday rides in - all are an hour or less except Tuesday’s 90 min stage (TGTTOS). I can ride most days early or after work, but Monday is tricky as I’m on family duty dropping off boys to school at 7.00, a full day of work and then Boy Scouts for one son at 7.00p. I wrangled a mid-day schedule break, so I’ll race home, do TBTITW, shower and get back to the office. Tricky, but the only way to get it done. Some stats of the ToS…9 stages with a total time of 743 minutes (12 h 23 m), or 83 min/day. From Trainerroad, the projected total TSS is 1046, or an average of 116/day.

In…Did Islaggiat last night after work…Revolver X2 on deck in a bit. Good Luck!!

How in the world do you do Revolver twice? I assume you just don’t hit the power numbers? I’ve done Revolver lots of times and am lucky to hit the intervals as prescribed just doing the workout once.

Have fun and good luck!

I’m riding my Kickr in Erg mode. Absolutely kicked my ass and hung on for my life.

I’m riding my Kickr in Erg mode. Absolutely kicked my ass and hung on for my life.

That’s impressive!

I’m in for my first real indoor training ever.
(When you live in SoCal why ever ride indoors - it was 78 today)
I’m going a day ahead using the 50 hours rules.
Every stage is totally new to me.
Just got a Kurt Kinetic Road Machine, didn’t get a chance to do a FTP test; so just going with 200. Maybe a bit low, but 9 days in a row will be tough no matter what.

Oh boy, ISLAGIATT was hard yesterday, but today I failed miserably on the 5th interval of Revolver. I’ll give it another shot tonight, but will scale everything down to 90% (TrainerRoad, erg mode with a powermeter). I really don’t see how anyone could to 2 x Revolver at 100% with an accurate FTP.

I’m in as well, did ISLAGIATT yesterday, it kicked my ass big time. Doing Revolver + Revolver after I finish my morning coffee. I’m planning to do the two back to back. I know that means I’ll almost surely have to lower the power a bit at various points, but need to get it done this morning, and figure it’ll be a better long workout that way anyway… :slight_smile:

In. First year participant (been out of country the week of the Tour previously). Did ISLAGIATT and very glad I got it over with early in the day. Took a good hard nap in the afternoon. Revolver+Revolver as soon as I get the kids sorted out…

OK, forget what I said about doing the two revolver workouts back to back…lol. Did the first one, stayed at full power on the kickr, but was near puke on the last two intervals… :slight_smile:

Kids here as well, so gonna hit the slopes for the afternoon, then second revolver tonight…

I’m planning to ride Revolver x 2 in about an hour. I’ll be using a Tacx Vortex Smart controlled by Trainerroad, so also erg mode. I’ve done a bunch of Sufferfest videos previoulsy, but not Revolver. With an IF > 1.0 and a total duration (combined) of over 60 min, this should not be possible to accomplish.

I am in for my third tour. ISLAGIATT kicked my ass yesterday but I do that workout all the time so I knew that was going to happen.

Double-revolver starting in about an hour. I have NO idea how I am going to get through it. I am a quivering puddle of jelly after that workout on the best of days, but twice? Glad I don’t have ERG mode on my trainer to force me to a power curve. I expect the second revolver will devolve into a mess.

Double-Revolver was quite possibly the most horrible thing I have ever done on a bike.

Double-Revolver was quite possibly the most horrible thing I have ever done on a bike.

^^^^ Totally agree. That was the most difficult trainer ride I’ve ever had. ^^^^

Can someone explain the falling out between TR and Sufferfest? It seems pretty bitter from the words on the website.

Can someone explain the falling out between TR and Sufferfest? It seems pretty bitter from the words on the website.

In a nutshell, two things:

  1. The Sufferfest launched their own service that is very similar to TR. ANT+ interface to read your power/hr/cadence/etc and matches to the sufferfest workouts. Similar price.

  2. Apparently some people thought that TR actually hosted and ran The Tour and that Sufferfest was just part of it, not realizing that TR was just a software interface “partner”. The Sufferfest wanted to make sure it was clear that the Tour was their own thing, and not connected to TR in any significant way.

My experience seems equally horrible. I took a short break between sets to refill bottles and find a gel. The 1st interval of the 2nd set - well, I knew I was in trouble. The next few intervals, somewhat surprisingly, were not much worse, so, maybe just getting back into the swing of things after the ‘cool-down’ at the end of set #1 and the ‘warm-up’ at the start of set #2. The 2nd half of the second set - terrible. The last three or four intervals? Ugh. But, hey, I’ve earned the Super Bowl drinking and eating later today, so there’s that…

Just finished TBTITW. At first glance, it didn’t seem like it would be too bad. I even ate the left over chips from last night’s superbowl before getting on the bike. The last 5 minute was a killer for me…the two worse moments were at the brief little dip in workload…in mind I had focused on getting to it, and then try and recover a bit before the final slopes…problem was that little dip was at 110%, a little high for active recovery…then the last 15 seconds of the workout currently hold the “most painful” moments of the tour title. No chips tomorrow!