2016 ST Womens Camp

Since a lot of people are trying to set their racing schedule for next spring, we are looking at April 13-17 for the womens camp.

How does this date work for everyone and who is interested in coming?

Shoot. Literally the week afterwards would have been PERFECT for me, but that week has a 0% chance of me attending.

Just out of curiosity, has a venue been picked out for this year?

The venue is always Xantusia.

Dang…signed up for the Dark Side half marathon @ Disney that weekend.

What about the following weekend April 20-25?

As of right now, any weekend works. Does the later date mean possible better weather?

Second weekend is Passover, which is a pretty big holiday, but may not affect anyone else but me… So, I’d vote for first weekend… Would loooove to return this year! Thanks for organizing Cathy and Kristi for posting to FB!

I can do either but the second weekend is preferred.

Earlier weekend better for me.
Got to start collecting items for the goodie bags!

Either week works for me! And please stay longer than an afternoon this time!

The later weekend works for me.

What? you don’t want snow? :slight_smile:

I’ll definitely be trying to come this time around, its been too long.


Either week works for me! And please stay longer than an afternoon this time!
After I get dropped on the ride, then I have to sleep it off for a couple of days.

Someone please come early and go ocean swimming with me! I promise I have extra goggles and will teach you how to get through the break, as needed!

I’m not familiar with this – is there a backgrounder somewhere? Thanks.

UPDATE - Dates confirmed

No dates will work for everybody so what works best (Including Monty and Dan’s schedule) is

April 13-17

I’m not familiar with this – is there a backgrounder somewhere? Thanks.

Do a search for Womens Camp and there are quite a few reports or links to blog sites. We’ve been doing it what! for more than 10 years?

I’m in!!

Sounds like a good time! I don’t know how feasible logistically it will be to fly in with my bike from Michigan, though. But I’ll keep an eye on the thread just in case.

In the past there have been rental bikes available so we will let you know closer to the date. That’s what I did my first year when I had to fly instead of drive and it worked out fine.