2015-2016 100 Runs 100 Days Thread Dec 15-Mar 23

We’re on to year 10 back by popular demand. I am mainly cutting and pasting last year’s thread to get things rolling

The last few years we have had 500+ athletes from all over the world. Invite your friends and training partners. The more the better. Thanks to Slowman for accommodating us and hosting this virtual training camp on their website at no cost !!! This is the 10th year we’re doing it.

On Dec 15th we’ll start the 2015-16 edition of the 100 runs in 100 day challenge, commonly known as 100/100. The thing has evolved somewhat over the past few years, due to and contrary to popular demand. The basic “unit” that counts as a “run” is 30 minutes.

The goal of this entire challenge is to lay down a solid run base by doing volume through frequency. The goal of the challenge actually is not to randomly be doing a bunch of short runs, although some in the past may have chosen to. The goal really is to increase your overall mileage which will hopefully result in better performances next year as long as you don’t go overboard and injury yourself. Frequency is the carrot to get you overall mileage, but don’t end up using it to get injured!

The runs can be outdoors or on a treadmill, but it must be running (no water running, no elliptical trainer…). Walking does not count…there must be two feet off the ground at some point in every stride (the difference between race walking and running) and there must be forward motion so 30 minutes of jumping jacks will not count either :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :-).

You can take days offYou can do days with more than one run (doubles)You can and likely should take rest daysYou get no credit for going longer than 30 minute wrt number of runs, however it will help your distance totals. Over time, many of your runs will be in excess of 30 minutes.If you go fast, it will show up in your total distance over the challenge in less time and the speedsters get to beat the crap out of each other.You can go as slow as you want provided both feet leave the ground on every strideListen to your body if you need to take a day off…don’t get too sucked into what the other geeks on the ‘standings’ are doing (who am I kidding….talking to a bunch a type A tri geeks)By all means, use the overall standing as a motivator to push you up a level, but don’t put yourself in the injury/hurt locker in the middle of winterDon’t sprint out of the gate in the first 3 weeks…easiest way to get injured…start slow…perhaps take your aggregate mileage over the last 3 years and divide that total by 156 to get a gauge for what your average weeks for the first 4-6 weeks should look like before you ramp upIf you make it through 10 weeks (70 days), pour it on in the final month when your body and mind can take it. WHAT COUNTS AS A DOUBLE RUN?

For a run to count as a double, it must be separated by at least 1 hour. I have to pick a duration to separate 2 runs and it can’t be 1 minute or 5 minutes, and putting 1 hour in between means that I will allow you to count a run-swim-run, run-bike-run, run-wts-run, run-XC ski-run, run-McDonalds-run as 2 sessions as long as the thing in between lasts for at least 1 hour (be it 40K on the bike, or a session at the donut shop).

7 years ago EH, Jana and I put down 100 days in a row of running 30 min or more with ZERO rest days. Not really recommended. The last few years we have had approximately 50 or more hit 100 runs in 100 days, but that’s really not for everyone (nor should it be).


While some might go for 100 runs, the reality is that unless you are already running 4-6 hours per week, this is not a realistic goal. If you did over 2500K of running last year, you’re probably good to go to attack the full 100 (assuming you have no injuries)

For most a realistic goal is to start at Bronze “club pace” (or less) and then see how things go.
Platinum Club = 100 runs in 100 days (March 24th)Gold Club = 90 runs in 100 runs in daysSilver Club = 80 runs in 100 runs in daysBronze = 70 runs in 100 runs in days It is great training for anyone doing a spring marathon or an early season triathlon, and you’ll be shocked by how quickly you accumulate mileage, all without getting injured…because the focus is keeping them short and aerobic. By all means feel free to run longer than 30 minutes, but the main goal here is to get you out the door, 5-7 times per week, especially given that the weather is generally shitty for riding in many parts of the Northern Hemisphere.


The goal is to encourage people to run as much as possible. Sometimes, life gets in the way. We have lives outside sport.Something is better than nothing. So if you do 2 runs shorter than 30 minutes in one day (ex 20+15), you can count the total as 1 run, but beyond that, you can’t keep adding up incremental amounts to count for additional runs. For example, a 50 minute run and 10 minute run in one day won’t count as 2 runs and nor will 20+20+20. They will both count as one 60 minute run (you can add your short run amount to your large run amount to get full mileage credit).

*So basically let’s say you do a 15 minute run covering 3K. You can’t enter this as a “complete run” for your “club status”, however, if you do many of these over the winter, they all add up to more base, so what you CAN do is add these 15 minutes in your entry for your previous run…so if your previous run was 45 minutes, and 9K, just put it in as 60 minutes and 12K and take some partial credit for it. *

However, we just added a fairly major change to this for 2015-16 to encourage people a bit more. What we will allow is twice per week have two days where 15 min counts provided you make up the time the NEXT day…read below:

New in 2015-16 is allowance for 2x per week minimum run of 15 minutes which must be followed up by 45 run the next day. A 15 min run earlier in the day, followed by a 45 min run later in the day does not count for 2 runs in that day, it still counts as the usual 1 run of 60 minutes. The reason for this is that the minimum on 2 days per week of 15 min run is being instituted to assist people in not over doing mileage on days when perhaps a short jog or transition run off the bike or swim is all they should really be doing in the context of an overall triathlon program"

  1. Go to training.slowtwitch.com
  2. Sign up for a training log account if you don’t already have one
  3. Then go to training.slowtwitch.com/challenges
  4. Look for the 2016-16 100 runs/100 days challenge and sign up for it, or just click here and sign up for it.
  5. Now start entering your runs in the slowtwitch log. Make sure you only enter runs =>30 minutes as one entity. If you have a 20+15 day, enter it as one workout of 35 minute or it will not get rolled into the results sheet
  6. Please ensure that you log a distance along with the time. If you don’t know the distance, please try to estimate…this will also get you finely tuned to your pace at various times/distances…great for racing
  7. Your runs will automatically get entered into the challenge results sheet with everyone else
  8. From the challenges home page, click on the link to go to the 100/100 challenge, which will allow you to view the results
  9. Once click on this link you will end up at the results page. You can click on any of the column headers, and it will sort the sheet based on that category (frequency, time, distance, aerobic points.
  10. Please note that you must be logged in to actually enter your data. You can’t enter data without logging into your account (seems obvious…)

I’ll update this post as other questions come up.

And as was the case in previous years, there is lots of tough love around here, but everyone means well. If you think I/we might be hard nosed, let me just say, that offline, I get beaten up by even more hard core guys accusing me of making the challenge too “soft”. So the rules are the rules (we had a discussion thread about that every year) They’ve been refined over the past few years and love them or hate them, they kind of work and out of respect to previous years’ finishers, let’s stick with what works OK.

Please put any questions on this thread. Better to put them here than send me PM’s or emails, because they may not be answered n real time if sent directly to me, but if you post on this thread there are a bunch of guys and girls who will likely answer questions for your immediately. It’s like being in a big training camp with a bunch of veterans. You don’t need to ask the organizers all the questions. There are a bunch of vets who probably can provide much better insights than I can.


On my front, most years I shoot for 85-100, but this year, my goal is 1/100. I have some complication from a 2011 accident at IM Switzerland that are currently limiting my mobility (both walk and run), so I might just have to swim that often this winter while you guys run!

call me thick…but…if someone does 15min on day1 and 45min on day2, how do they enter it ? 30 + 30 ?

In for a second go-round…and since I am in HK right now, have already bagged my first run. . Gotta love time differences!!

We’ll see how it goes…had to bail halfway last year due to a bone contusion on my foot and last week felt a little niggle in my R heel that I worry may be the onset of PF. So I am taking things carefully and focusing on shorter, more frequent runs vs. mileage / days.

call me thick…but…if someone does 15min on day1 and 45min on day2, how do they enter it ? 30 + 30 ?

On day 1 initially they enter nothing having run 15 minutes. On day 2 having run 45 minutes, they now go back to the log and enter 30 min for day 1 and 30 min for day 2. This way it keeps the structure within the ST training log consistent, while relying on athlete honor system to manually implement things while getting credit. Not ideal, but we have no way of dynamically setting the minimum on 2 days per week and 30 minutes for the other 5 days.

Hope that helps!

Hey it is already 8:43 AM Dec 15th in Tokyo. How come the slacker on that part of the world are not shooting ahead yet?

In for a second go-round…and since I am in HK right now, have already bagged my first run. . Gotta love time differences!!

We’ll see how it goes…had to bail halfway last year due to a bone contusion on my foot and last week felt a little niggle in my R heel that I worry may be the onset of PF. So I am taking things carefully and focusing on shorter, more frequent runs vs. mileage / days.

OK good to know the Hong Kong visiting contingent is getting a leg up. How about posting some pictures on this thread. I love Kowloon area!

Staying on the HK side and it was a treadmill run…not too exciting from a pic perspective. Heading into Shenzhen today and then flying to Taipei tomorrow night. So likely more treadmill time tomorrow…

BUT, there is a decent trail along the river near my hotel in Taipei so will definitely post some pics from there.

Currently leading the challenge, BTW…but I am also the only one to have logged a run yet.

Staying on the HK side and it was a treadmill run…not too exciting from a pic perspective. Heading into Shenzhen today and then flying to Taipei tomorrow night. So likely more treadmill time tomorrow…

BUT, there is a decent trail along the river near my hotel in Taipei so will definitely post some pics from there.

Currently leading the challenge, BTW…but I am also the only one to have logged a run yet.

Take a taxi and then run up Yangming Mountain in Taipei. I am yet to do this, but when Slowman was working in the Taipei region with QR what he would do is take a taxi to the base of the climb and then tell the driver to drive up and wait for him at the top…then run up and meet your cabbie. If you do it at dusk and time it so you arrive at the summit just before dark the views of the city are astounding. I’ll post some pics later. I have only rode my bike there.

Check out this ride with 2x climb of 700m each for a total ride of 1400m. Running it would be fun:


I’ll look into it…don’t think I will have time this trip, but I am coming back next month for our Chinese New Year party. May give it a while then as I’ll have a bit more time / flexibility.

Our corporate office kinda frowns on us leaving before 5, so early AM runs are my best option and the river trail makes it convenient. We stay about 5km west of the Grand Palace, for reference, right near the shopping mall with the Ferris wheel.

In. going Platinum. My life feels like it has added purpose (sincerely). Thanks Dev.


I signed up and we’ll see how it goes.
50/100 would be a big improvement for me - would that get me a tin medal?

PS Your listing of levels has typos for all but the platinum of 90 runs in 100 runs in days

Very excited to begin logging the runs tomorrow! I can’t remember exactly but last year I think I hit like 97 runs and came into spring super strong. This year I would like to at least do 100 for a nice push to Boston.

what is the price purse for the winner?

who win, the most milage or the most # of runs? i m asking as no one want to finish second :wink:

if i start my run tonight at 11:31 and finish at 12:01AM… does it count as #1 run of the challenge for me?

what about water running?

bonus point for losing weight?

what s the record for most runs in a challenge?

we need more stats!!!

Ok ok Dev. I surrender to your pressure and I’ve signed up. Should be fun!

Been lurking for few years now so no more excuse not to do it.

I am in Dev. Got myself a head start since I started as of Dec. 1 so today is day 14 for me but I will restart the counter as of tomorrow.


In! And and kicking it off with a little jog through London. I thought with the time zone difference I’d at least have a chance of leading the board for a couple hours but no such luck.

Aiming for 70/100 this year. Although I convinced the better half to join me and he seems focused on 100/100. Let’s see how this one plays out.

Happy running all!

Okay, I’m in and shooting for Platinum… right on the cusp of 2,500km over the last 12mths, so might as well give it a shot, particularly seen as I managed my first run into work this morning even after a little too much indulgence at the Xmas party last night…

The guys in NZ have the biggest advantage on you…but then again, their 100th day ends earlier too. One way of betting the max advantage is start on day 1 in NZ and end day 100 on Guam and pop back over the international date line.

Actually the first year I did this 2006, I ran every day in a row for 100 and did not want to miss any. There was one day when I got up at 5 am on a Monday to cram in a run before my flight to Japan. I arrived at my hotel in Japan on Tuesday evening around 10 pm. I had to get out on the road in Yokohama at 11 pm in cold driving rain to get that day’s run in so as not to miss an entire day. I left home at 5 am and got to the hotel at 10 pm which makes it 41 hours door to door minus 14 hours time difference so 27 hours door to door with a run crammed in on each side. Whatever it takes to keep the craziness going. I am certain if I had the option of running on a treadmill in the airplane during the flight I would have taken that over what I had to do. But you know how things are, you remember the most miserable stupid things fondly.

Hey Rob, if you can post some of your runs and pictures of them for your prep to Ultraman Florida it would be really cool. Plus when you have tough miles between 30 and 50 on race day, you’ll have everyone here cheering for you to get to the final 6 miles of fun (should be less than 2x30 minutes for those 6…I hope).

Ouch! So I guess I have no excuses for missing runs / days next week when I embark on an hellacious long-haul trip to spend Xmas in NZ? I leave the UK on Sunday evening and touch down in NZ at 23:55 on Tuesday so it looks like there may be some double run days in my immediate future. At least they will be in beautiful surroundings and under a summer sun. :slight_smile:

On a side note, thanks Dev for organizing this annual stupid human feat. Especially this year when you aren’t spreadsheet chasing yourself. Heal fast!

Wow, just checked to challenge page to motivate me to get out there today and first place logged 9 miles in 45 minutes! 5 minute pace for 9 miles is pretty quick. I know that there are people that can run paces like that but is that really the way to start out a 100/100 challenge? Or did they think they were putting in 9km in 45 minutes?

I’m not calling anyone out but was just curious if people have ever been suspected and confronted on inflating numbers in the challenge? If so, has anyone ever been removed from the challenge?