2012/2013 Zipp 808

Hey ST,

What do you think a pair of Zipp 808 from 2012/2013 is worth if they were only used in 3 races? I am curious.


Not sure, but do they have the hub that is upgradable to 11 speed? If so they should be worth more. Also are they Firecrests?

Not firecrest but hub already upgraded to 11 speed.

Well, they are obsolete (rim brake, width), you don’t know how well they were taken care of regardless of how many races they claim they were used for, and the resale should be peanuts unless there’s some revolution back to rim brakes and narrow tires, so take whatever the asking price is and divide it in half, and you’ll be close.

the resale should be peanuts

Believe it or not but resale prices for used higher end rim brake wheels have been creeping up recently. The primary reason is that so few are being made these days yet there are lots of folks still rocking rim brakes.

Which is funny because light bicycle makes great rim brake wheels for a fairly reasonable price.

I had a set of 808 rims built on DT240 hubs - when they were tubular only. They were great on the TT bike, but were hard to control on group rides. That was likely more a factor of my skill than the wheels. I loved those wheels.