2007 Cervelo aluminum P3 BB

Looking to change out the BB in my 2007 Cervelo P3 aluminum 50cm tri bike.
I bought it last Sept. Changing out the chain today and am thinking how long do BB last?
How do I find out the size? is it BB30? I have a wrench to change it out. I’m replacing the rear Ultegra deraileur tonight. Great riding and comfortable with the Adamo seat.
Thought I’d be cramped and slower on the 650c tires and 50cm frame. But I’m not. I’m 5’8"/9" and my Trek road is 54cm 700c.


the aluminum p3’s used a standard English thread bottom bracket… something like an external cup shimano / fsa / etc.

It is not bb30.


OK. Great. Any idea where to order on online?

anywhere that sells bike parts. Just get the one that works with your crankset.

My opinion - if you do not notice a problem with your present BB then I would not change it - Examine a few different BBs on friends’ bikes and if yours feels similar leave it alone. David K

I don’t notice any problem, just did not know how long they last. Bike is 7 years old.

Age isn’t the relevant factor. How many miles is.

What crank is on the bike right now? If you plan on keeping the crank, that will be the biggest determining factor of what BSA bottom bracket you get.

Its not the years its the miles (how many and how hard) that matter. It ought to be pretty easy to figure out if its still good or could use replacing when you are replacing your chain. Good luck. DK

‘‘It’s not the years, honey, it’s the mileage’’


Yep, I was thinking about Indiana Jones as I typed my reply… DK

Depending on the usage, and the quality of the BB 7 years is nothing. I wouldn’t change it until it’s no longer smooth. You’ll know what then happens. :-p

that encouraging. I have Ultegra crank. The previous owner raced in college with it. California. How do I know if the BB is going bad?