2 weeks 2 70.3 Advice

Hoping to tap into the expertise on the forum to help inform what kind of sessions to do between 2 70.3’s that will be 2 weeks apart.
The first is the A race with full taper. It’s flat and all going well aiming for sub 4:30 finish. The second race is a bonus race, last of the season, but as always when racing it would be nice to take advantage of the built up fitness.

Thinking the weekend between the races is the opportunity to push, if the body cooperates. So thinking all easy Z1 for at least the first 5 days post race 1. That weekend between the races, if feeling well and energetic thinking 4 x 5 mins at threshold in a 2hr bike ride and 4 X 1k just faster than 70.3 race pace run the next day. If the first interval is off in terms of RPE etc then pull the plug. Normal taper of small injections of 70.3 race pace then into the 2nd race.

Any critiques on this? I’m guessing with the mad season some of the pros are doing with pro series and T100 there’s probably some examples on Strava or in a blogpost that could serve as a helpful reference (obviously scaled down for mere mortal status).
Thanks in advance!

crushing things the weekend between races isn’t going to help. If you really want to crush things you need to be thinking 4-6-8 weeks before the first race. The time between race 1 and 2 should be used for recovery, some sharpening work and shedding any residual fatigue/soreness from the first race.

The reason the pros can race so often is their training volumes and frequencies are somewhat to a whole hella of a lot higher than a mere mortal.

A lot of top FOP AG athletes are in that 17-23h range. A lot of pro’s have a recovery week around 20-23h.

I’ve done what you are planning. I recovered and then just ticked over with some short race pace efforts, strides … basically just staying fresh and feeling good (essentially what Desert Dude is recommending you do). Found that worked well - I raced pretty much at the same level in the 2nd race vs the 1st.

Good luck!

I don’t have any type of coaching certification, and haven’t even read any of the training books out there, but I have experimented with a few things over my time as a runner and triathlete.

  1. If I just had one “A” race on the calendar I would would start my total volume at about 6 hours a week and slowly build up to about 12 hours a week a few weeks out from the race. I would do a “metric” race simulation 2 weeks before the race were I would swim 1.2km, bike 56km, run 13.1km. The race simulation would be practice in all of my race day equipment for transitions, nutrition, pacing, mental toughness, weather, mental toughness, etc. Following the race simulation I would taper to race day with a short “priming” workout 1-2 days before the race at race intensity to flood the muscles and get them ready to fire on race day .

  2. If I had an “A” race two weeks following a “B” race I would cut my taper to the “B” race from my typical 10-15 days down to about 4-7 days and I would use the “B” race as my dress rehearsal to get familiar with my race-day equipment, transitions, nutrition, pacing, mental plans to get through when it gets rough in the race, etc. I focus more on hitting target paces at the “B” race than pushing myself to my limits (which is how I do my race simulations). I would then taper from the “B” race to the “A” race.

  3. If I were to have a “B” race two weeks after an “A” race. I would do all of my training to the “A” race. I would do my metric race simulation two week before the “A” race and then taper to the “A” race. After the “A” race I would do my two week taper I followed going into the A" race day in reverse going into the B race if I felt good at the finish line of the “A” Race and good the days following the “A” race. If I struggled late in the “A” race or was dead after crossing the finish line, I wouldn’t do any structured training for two weeks going into the “B” Race.

Note: I tend to have my best races at “B” Race that are done 1-week after an “A” race. Most of those “B” races were not planned until after the “A” race. Most of those “B” races had zero planned workouts between the “A” race and the “B” race. I know of others who have also had their best results from what is called the “couch taper”. It is generally frowned on from a coaching/training standpoint, but you aren’t going to reap any training benefits in a 2-week period so sometimes it is better just focus on rest and recovery.

This year I intentionally planned a “B” race 6 days before my “A”. I did that because of my unexpected results over the years of doing better at unplanned “B” races about 1-weeks after an “A” race than I have done at my “A” race. This year I felt a little dead Legged at the “A” race and possible didn’t race as well at the “A” race as the “B” race but both races went as well as could be hoped for.

If you feel like you have to push it the second week after the “A” race I would recommend swimming and cycling. I wouldn’t recommend a lot of running between races.

I like having 2 weeks in between races versus 1 or 3. Treat the 1st week as a reverse taper & week 2 as a taper week. 1 week isn’t a lot of time to recover + race again & 3+ means you have to do some real training but might not have enough time to get fit again. You have it mostly right for week 1. Take a day or two off. Race #1 is your “A” race. Feel good about what you just accomplished. Then get back into easy sessions. Ok to add some work in later in the week. Think about the workouts you were doing 1-2 weeks out from your 1st race. Do some Z2/Z3 work on the bike. Don’t get carried away with faster stuff. You’ve done the work already. You’re just trying to get back to the next start line with the same fitness. Maybe some short over/long unders (of 70.3 pace) on the bike in a 2-2.5 hour ride on the weekend. Easy 60-75min run. Race week can basically be a repeat of what you did for your goal race. Maybe cut a little bit of volume but do your sharpener workouts & get ready to race again.

Great - thanks everyone for the input.
Nice to hear peoples experience with this and good to hear a good 2nd race is possible!