I posted this link earlier on the Boston thread, but in case you didn’t see it there, you can find video, pictures, articles, and results of the 1984 Cape Cod Endurance Triathon (full Ironman distance) won by Marc Suprenant: http://recoveryourstride.blogspot.com/2012/02/1984-cape-cod-endurance-triathlon.html also you can find video and results from the inagural 1983 race through a link on the page.
Thanks for the link; it brought me waaaaay back. My first IM was the Endurance in '88.
Thanks for the great stroll down memory lane, and for those that did not know Mark, he passed recently. It is nice that he is at least remembered in the old archives of dusty video tapes…Had a lot of good times with that dude…
thanks for the stroll down memory lane. really apreciated
wow. that was very cool. i was only 4 at this time, but I remember my dad doing this race. my older brother raced another new england IM but off hand i cant remember what one. i have yet to full fill my IM obligation; its just too much fun racing sprints and oly’s. i have raced a 1.2 dozen 70.3’s but this video reminds me that I have to ‘suck it up’ and race an IM eventually. thanks for the post! it seemed like all of the athletes were happier in this video then they are now. there is something very pure about all of the athletes out there.
awesome post! my mom tied for 4th woman with her friend back when she was on Saucony Racing team. I showed her the video and made her day! Amazing how the sport has grown
very cool, thanks for posting, i like that you scanned all of the original flyers, results etc, very museum like. . I found Pat Griskus in the 1984 results, even that computer paper and type is nostalgia. Pat was first at the distance as I hear it, though before my time in the sport.
Norton, I did the first five 1983-1987 CCET races. I missed 1988 which was the last year it was held on the Cape.
BeastTri, Which year did your mom race it? Some day I hope to put up pages on the other CCET races.
Twilkas, Yes I believe Pat was the first and the leg he ran on was nothing fancy. It just looked like some plastic form shaped like a leg.
Everyone else, thanks for the comments. I don’t want this great race lost in history, so it is fun to put it on the internet.
Tri or Die, I liked you comment a lot, “it seemed like all of the athletes were happier in this video then they are now. there is something very pure about all of the athletes out there.”
wow. that was very cool. i was only 4 at this time, but I remember my dad doing this race. my older brother raced another new england IM but off hand i cant remember what one.
Was it Mt. Sunapee, NH Endurance IM distance race? This was my first and 2nd IM back in '89 and '90. Great swim and tough bike and run. Rolling hills and the finish was at the Mt. Sunapee ski resort at the top of the mountain. Whew. Beautiful location and the local people were super nice.