
Alex, what is the amount of damages found by the jury in the Giuliani defamation case?

Weren’t they asking for $24,000,000 each?

Weren’t they asking for $24,000,000 each?

The jury awarded $16,171,000 in compensatory damages to Ruby Freeman, $16,998,000 in compensatory damages to Shaye Moss, $20 million each for intentional infliction of emotional distress, and $75 million in punitive damages. This was a unanimous decision among the eight jurors. They had asked for $24 million each in actual damages but said they would leave it up to the jury to determine the amount of punitive damages that was necessary “to send a message” to others who would use lies to put election workers’ lives in danger.


Flounder says it all

I guess we know who lost more so far between Rudy and the my pillow guy

I don’t think anyone in history has ruined the people closest to him as much as trump has. Almost everyone outside of his family is in financial ruin and/or in jail

Well that certainly sends a message.

Rudy messed with the bull and got the horns.

Fuck that asshole.


Chump change to Donny. Powerball is paying $535 million. Better get lucky Rudypatoody.

Can he appeal?
If so, I expect he will try and extend this as much as possible.
Has it been decided if bankruptcy will protect him from having to pay? Word is he has near no money anyway.

Can he appeal?
If so, I expect he will try and extend this as much as possible.
Has it been decided if bankruptcy will protect him from having to pay? Word is he has near no money anyway.

“Intentional torts, like defamation, are not dischargeable through bankruptcy”

So they can go after every penny he has or ever will have.

Weren’t they asking for $24,000,000 each?

The jury awarded $16,171,000 in compensatory damages to Ruby Freeman, $16,998,000 in compensatory damages to Shaye Moss, $20 million each for intentional infliction of emotional distress, and $75 million in punitive damages. This was a unanimous decision among the eight jurors. They had asked for $24 million each in actual damages but said they would leave it up to the jury to determine the amount of punitive damages that was necessary “to send a message” to others who would use lies to put election workers’ lives in danger.
Just asking out of curiosity, but do the plaintiffs get to keep the punitive damages? I get them getting paid for actual damages, but punitive seems like a way of the court to discourage this kind of behavior so why give that to the plaintiffs if they didn’t merit that much compensation?

Can he appeal?
If so, I expect he will try and extend this as much as possible.
Has it been decided if bankruptcy will protect him from having to pay? Word is he has near no money anyway.

“Intentional torts, like defamation, are not dischargeable through bankruptcy”

So they can go after every penny he has or ever will have.

It may be a little more nuanced than that.

My limited understanding, not being a bankruptcy attorney, is that it has to be an “intentional or malicious injury” for it to be nondischargeable, as opposed to an “intentional or malicious act.” In other words, the intent (malice may be assumed) must be to cause the injury as opposed to the intent to act. That said, assuming it’s correct, is that he probably still has an uphill battle if he tries to discharge this through bankruptcy.

He may have a good argument on appeal to reduce the amount of the punitive damages portion of the award. (Don’t know about the other damages.) But regardless, it still will be a lot, as I suspect any chance he has on overturning the jury’s decision on the facts is slim.

My experience and understanding with people like him is that, no matter any rumors or claims of poverty, they have assets.

It has been stated many times, but this verdict shows yet again, anything associated with trump dies or at least loses. So much losing.


Why would any attorney work with him on the appeal at this point? It seems clear he has no money, so how would they get compensated? I don’t think the association with Rudy would be beneficial either.

What are the chances that he will actually pay?
Is there an income tax on this kind of windfall?

Why would any attorney work with him on the appeal at this point? It seems clear he has no money, so how would they get compensated? I don’t think the association with Rudy would be beneficial either.

Lots of unknowns. Perhaps there is a legal defense fund covering this. Or, perhaps he has already paid a retainer which gives the lawyer some protection. A long-shot possibility is that the lawyer has not been paid, won’t get paid if RG declares bankruptcy, and thinks that winning an appeal is the best chance of avoiding bankruptcy. But, that sure feels like putting good money after bad.

The lawyer does not appear to be a bozo.


What are the chances that he will actually pay?
Is there an income tax on this kind of windfall?

Yes, the plaintiffs normally would pay income tax on defamation damages and punitive damages. There can even be a problem with double taxation – being taxed on the full amount, even though a portion went to your attorney. The plaintiffs’ lawyer is very smart and they probably have made good use of his firm’s tax experts.

Why would any attorney work with him on the appeal at this point? It seems clear he has no money, so how would they get compensated? I don’t think the association with Rudy would be beneficial either.

Lots of unknowns. Perhaps there is a legal defense fund covering this. Or, perhaps he has already paid a retainer which gives the lawyer some protection. A long-shot possibility is that the lawyer has not been paid, won’t get paid if RG declares bankruptcy, and thinks that winning an appeal is the best chance of avoiding bankruptcy. But, that sure feels like putting good money after bad.

The lawyer does not appear to be a bozo.


Gotta put this out there on your website: Joe is a Christian.

But will Rudy use the Alex Jones’ duck, dive, deceive, avoid, run approach to avoid paying anyone a penny?

And l hear that whacko Alex Jones is still living it up. And still hasn’t paid up.

Weren’t they asking for $24,000,000 each?

The jury awarded $16,171,000 in compensatory damages to Ruby Freeman, $16,998,000 in compensatory damages to Shaye Moss, $20 million each for intentional infliction of emotional distress, and $75 million in punitive damages. This was a unanimous decision among the eight jurors. They had asked for $24 million each in actual damages but said they would leave it up to the jury to determine the amount of punitive damages that was necessary “to send a message” to others who would use lies to put election workers’ lives in danger.
Just asking out of curiosity, but do the plaintiffs get to keep the punitive damages? I get them getting paid for actual damages, but punitive seems like a way of the court to discourage this kind of behavior so why give that to the plaintiffs if they didn’t merit that much compensation?

Yes, they get to keep it (though the IRS and the lawyer will get a cut). You’re making a fair point. But: (1) The virtues of punitive damages (eg, deterrence) will be largely lost if the plaintiffs (and their lawyer) don’t get the money. They might hate the defendant so much that they’ll fight for punitives even if they don’t get any of the money, but that is probably an uncommon situation. (2) Plaintiffs might reason that the jury will focus on a total pot of money (as seems to have happened with the jury in the E Jean Carroll v Trump case) and, if so, each dollar the jury allocates to punitives is one less dollar allocated to compensatory damages.