$120 in swimming lessons bought me ~3 minutes of time in an oly

With bike aero parts that would take a pair of sweet heds or zipps, a sweet helmet, and a sweet frame.

something to consider =)

$2400 an hour damn this sport aint cheap.

with my 12:03 IM at Looeyville i could get a kona spot for approx $5grand. but thats how much a charity spot costs anyways, right?

$2400 an hour damn this sport aint cheap.

with my 12:03 IM at Looeyville i could get a kona spot for approx $5grand. but thats how much a charity spot costs anyways, right?

no its much worse than that
see the next $120 in swimming lessons will probably buy me 1 minute

the next $120 will buy me 10 seconds

the next $120 won’t do anything at all!

actually the charity/e-bay spots are well over 30,000.

actually the charity/e-bay spots are well over 30,000.

thats a lot of swimming lessons and carbon frames right there

lessons…? plural? lucky you, in NYC you would get 1 session for it.

lessons…? plural? lucky you, in NYC you would get 1 session for it.

every swim coach in NYC has the same price? damn

jamdavswim here on ST coached me in Austin.

yep, the prices range from $100 to $140. but then, rents here are higher as well :slight_smile:

With bike aero parts that would take a pair of sweet heds or zipps, a sweet helmet, and a sweet frame.

something to consider =)

There was no way the course was short, right, so it was definitely a 3 minute improvement.
When is the last time you did a 1000K time trial in the pool? Did you take 2 minutes off your time?

I agree in practice with your idea, that swim lessons are cheap compared to other things that may save time in a race. However, are you a 22:00 minutes swimmer going to 19:00 (in which cases lessons may be needed as you probably already captured all the long hanging fruit) or are you a 28:00 minute swimmer trying to get to 25:00 (in which case a $15 swim technique DVD may be an even smaller investment which can yield very good results). Not saying the coach is not worth the money, but if you are really short on cash…

tri yoda, I went from being like 25th in my age group to fourth in the swim

of course I don’t know the exact time improvement, thats what “~” is for, it means “About”. Its a guess comparing actual and relative times.

and yeah I’ve gone from 1:30 per 100m to 1:12 per 100m in the pool during the same time so, its been a big help!

but yeah, good point, if you are nailing 20 minute swims already, a coach won’t help you as much as it did me!

Congrats JM! Now, are you going to give us some details or do we have to beg? :slight_smile: If you don’t tell us about this metamorphosis, we shall always feel that we missed something.

and yeah I’ve gone from 1:30 per 100m to 1:12 per 100m in the pool during the same time
Seriously? Wow, a few lessons and all of a sudden you’re faster than 99% of the triathlon world…

(nice selective wording there mate…LOL)

well if you are in austin pm JAMDAVSWIM

I wasn’t smart enough to learn to swim by internet, so I doubt I can communicate it.

I will say that from reading about swimming I knew I was supposed to rotate.

first thing coach said was “ok, so you aren’t rotating at all”


Congrats JM! Now, are you going to give us some details or do we have to beg? :slight_smile: If you don’t tell us about this metamorphosis, we shall always feel that we missed something.

being 6’3", skinny, and fit I ought to be allright at swimming if I can swim partly non retarded right?


and yeah I’ve gone from 1:30 per 100m to 1:12 per 100m in the pool during the same time
Seriously? Wow, a few lessons and all of a sudden you’re faster than 99% of the triathlon world…

(nice selective wording there mate…LOL)

So what was your swim time?

24:30, no wetsuit

not a fish yet

but a lot better than 25:30 with a wetsuit =)

So what was your swim time?

Very cool.

Is your 1:12 per 100 y or m, short or long? Describe the set?

i need 3 minutes…

i’m down to about 28:0x (from 32:xx last year!). Another 3-5 and we’d be feeling good

25m pool
I’m still too much a noob to flip turn, touch, turn around, kick off the wall and go

Very cool.

Is your 1:12 per 100 y or m, short or long? Describe the set?

That’s encouraging. My wife got me a four pack of lessons to Swim Labs. Passing a lot of people on the bike is fun but I wouldn’t mind having to pass less.