100 runs in 100 days 2008-2009 Official Thread with Rules, Questions and Smacktalk


Thanks to Slowman, Rappstar, Herbert and Petter for accomodating us and hosting this virtual training camp on their website at no cost but at their cost!!!

OK, here we go again.

Tomorrow is Dec 15th which means we start the 2008/2009 edition of the 100 runs in 100 day challenge, commonly known as 100/100. It ends on Mar 24th, 100 days later. The thing has evolved somewhat over the past few years, due to and contrary to popular demand. The basic “unit” that counts as a “run” is 30 minutes.

We now log runs, time and distance. Last year we used a google docs based spreadsheet. This year, thanks to a number of contributors on slowtwitch.com who have put effort and $$$ to host this thing, we will do it based on the on line training log at training.slowtwitch.com (more on that below).

The goal of this entire thing is to lay down a solid run base by doing volume through frequency in short bursts of running. It can be outdoors or on a treadmill, but it must be running (no water running, no bogus elliptical trainer…). Walking does not count…there must be 2 feet off the ground at some point in every stride (the difference between race walking and running) and there must be forward motion so 30 minutes of jumping jacks will not count L.

DO’S AND DON’TS You can take days off You can double, triple (or more) runs in a day You can take rest days you get no credit for going longer than 30 minute wrt number of runs, however it will help your distance totals If you go fast, it will show up in your average speed over the challenge and the speedsters get to beat the crap out of each other. You can go as slow as you want provided both feet leave the ground on every stride Listen to your body if you need to take a day off…don’t get too sucked into what the other geeks on the ‘standings’ are doing (who am I kidding….talking to a bunch a type A tri geeks) By all means, use the overall standing as a motivator to push you up a level, but don’t put yourself in the injury/hurt locker in the middle of winter Don’t sprint out of the gate in the first 3 weeks…easiest way to get injured…if you make it through 10 weeks (70 days), pour it on in the final month when your body and mind can take it.

For a run to count as a double, it must be separated by at least 1 hour. I have to pick a duration to separate 2 runs and it can’t be 1 minute or 5 minutes, and putting 1 hour in between means that I will allow you to count a run-swim-run, run-bike-run, run-wts-run, run-XC ski-run, run-McDonalds-run as 2 sessions as long as the thing in between lasts for at least 1 hour (be it 40K on the bike, or a session at the donut shop).

Two years ago EH, Jana and I put down 100 days in a row of running 30 min or more with ZERO rest days. Last year 48 people got to 100 runs in a time frame that ranged from 100-130 days. This year, the challenge ends the same day for everyon.


While some might go for 100 runs, the reality is that unless you are already running 4-6 hours per week, this is not a realistic goal. For most a realistic goal is to start at Bronze “club pace” and then see how things go. Platinum Club = 100 runs in 100 days (March 24th) Gold Club = 90 runs in 100 runs in days Silver Club = 80 runs in 100 runs in days Bronze = 70 runs in 100 runs in daysIt is great training for anyone doing a spring marathon or an early season triathlon, and you’ll be shocked by how quickly you accumulate mileage, all without getting injured…because the focus is keeping them short and aerobic. By all means feel free to run longer than 30 minutes, but the main goal here is to get you out the door, 5-7 times per week, especially given that the weather is generally shitty for riding in many parts of the Northern Hemisphere.


The goal is to encourage people to run as much as possible. Sometimes, life gets in the way. We have lives outside sport. Something is better than nothing. So if you do 2 runs shorter than 30 minutes in one day (ex 20+15), you can count the total as 1 run, but beyond that, you can’t keep adding up incremental amounts to count for additional runs. For example, a 50 minute run and 10 minute run in one day won’t count as 2 runs and nor will 20+20+20. They will both count as one 60 minute run (you can add your short run amount to your large run amount to get full mileage credit).
*So basically let’s say you do a 15 minute run covering 3K. You can’t enter this as a “complete run” for your “club status”, however, if you do many of these over the winter, they all add up to more base, so what you CAN do is add these 15 minutes in your entry for your previous run…so if your previous run was 45 minutes, and 9K, just put it in as 60 minutes and 12K and take some partial credit for it. *


  1. Go to training.slowtwitch.com
  2. Sign up for a training log account if you don’t already have one
  3. Then go to training.slowtwitch.com/challenges
  4. Look for the 100 runs/100 days challenge and sign up for it
  5. Now start entering your runs in the slowtwitch log. Make sure you only enter runs >30 minutes as one entity. If you have a 20+15 day, enter it as one workout of 35 minute or it will not take
  6. Please ensure that you log a distance along with the time. If you don’t know the distance, please try to estimate…this will also get you finely tuned to your pace at various times/distances…great for racing
  7. Your runs will automatically get entered into the challenge with everyone else
  8. From the challenges home page, click on the link to go to the 100/100 challenge, which will allow you to view the results
  9. Once click on this link you will end up at the results page. You can click on any of the column headers, and it will sort the sheet based on that category (frequency, time, distance, pace, speed).
  10. Please note that you must be logged in to actually enter your data. You can’t enter data without logging into your account (seems obvious…)

I’ll update this list as other questions come up. Age group categories will come later in the challenge

Last year we had several 100 people from all around the world. This year, there are 100 Euro’s doing their own including Kona overall age grouper Clemens Coenen, so you guys have some serious competition!!!

By the way, don’t expect any love around here. If you think I can be hard nosed, I get beaten up by even more hard core guys on this accusing me of making the challenge too “soft”.


I am ready and well trained for the challenge and have enough clothes where I won’t have to wash running stuff after each run. Nor will wet shoes throw me for a loop.

Let’s also post some pics here of worn out running shoes and nice running routes or crappy weather conditions. :slight_smile:


…and just so it is clear to everyone, go enter the “beta 100/100 challenge today”. Late tonite I will simply change the title of this challenge and edit the start and end dates, so if you are already in the beta challenge you are good to go. Herbert, good idea on getting people to post pics. There should be some good shots over the time frame!

it is possible to get distances from mapmyrun.com

I’ve found the site useful.

I’m heading out now for run number 1.

Unless you are in Japan where it is no 5:50 am on Dec 15th, first run is Dec 15th :-).

No fair, it ain’t Monday yet (here) : )

I am in Japan. Being on this side of the world has it’s benefits. :slight_smile:

1 down 99 more to go!

In order to fit this into my current schedule i’m going to run to and from the gym (3.2km). My workouts are normally one hour long. i believe this would be counted as 1 run for the day (assuming 3.2km takes me greater than 15 minutes.) Am i correct?


I would also encourage people to log their milage on this website: www.plus3network.com

By logging your miles here, you support various charities such as The Breast Cancer Research Foundation, The National Center for Safe Routes to School, Rails to Trails, International Mountain Biking Association, etc. . You get to pick the charity from the list and sponsor companies like Trek, Pedros and Rock Shox contribute to the charities.

redtdi, that will work.

To everyone, we have zero’d out the beta test challenge and flipped it over to live since Japan is already on Dec 15th!

Not to forget Europe. It is already the 15th of December there too, and some folks might want to run after midnight. Go 100/100 challenge.

Are there guys on the Euro 100/100 challenge logging data on both challenges? It would be great if on our ST profiles, we can add “region” and pick from a drop down menu. This would allow Dan to see where all users are from (if they offer the info) to use for marketing purposes…piggybacking on this, the various challenges could then see automatically have “regional competitions” by having a future sort view by region with aggregated totals…

Ok, I’m in. Need something to keep me running while on the road!



#1 Bronze or BETTER, i am horribly in-consistent so this will be a challenge.
#2 Drop 20lbs, now is the time to make my nutrition COUNT!
#3 Have FUN with it.


p.s. #4 Beat my wife ‘sriesub2’ in the number of runs, shhhhhhhhhhhhhh

First run done!

Nice to be in Sri Lanka and have a head start. Temperature here will make it a bit easier although I really miss Quebec’s snow. Winter running is so beautiful!

Thanks for putting this up.
Good luck to everyone!

Richard…very cool…please post some pictures from your runs in Sri Lanka…how long are you there for…the Canadiens are finally having a good year…we’ve been waiting since 1993…

I’ll try to post some in the next few days. I’m here for a year that ends at the end of March so the challenge is perfectly timed. To spice up the challenge I have a bet with another slowtwitcher : The one who does’nt succeed has to pay dinner to the other couple. This helps making sure the wife push us out to run :slight_smile:

I haven’t followed hockey at all but I’ll be home in time for the playoffs! The Canadians had a few good season start but it rarely holds! I’m surprised that your not a Sen fan…

What can I say…grew up watching Lafleur and Shutt so each time the Senators crap out, I’m back on the Montreal bandwagon…have a good stay in Sri Lanka…what are the temps like where you are? Must be fabulous ocean swimming!!!

Oh no… I’m already starting to get competitive looking at the guys that have already started :frowning:
At least it’ll get me out the door when the weather sucks.