1 x group set up

Hello Guys

Going 1x on my TT, got a cheapo china narrow-wide but just ordered a bigger QXL rotor ring (fond of ovals)
So my question is:
If I use a non-NarrowWide-nonsingle spaced ring (like the rotor Q ring) can I get by with a regular road RD (sram) or should I use a sram 1x I have laying around from my cross bike.

I would be going from NWide + Road RD to RoadChainring + clutch’d RD. Always half-ass’in a system I know, trying to keep it in a budget.
Lastly : should I attempted to machine the Qring to make it more “centered” ?

Many thanks

why not just get a proper narrow wide oval ring from Wolf Tooth or Absolute Black?

Rotor makes a 52T QX1 and Aerocoach offer 52T, 54T and 58T oval narrow/wide chainrings.

Narrow-wide is more important than a clutched RD. If you had to choose one, it should be but proper chainring.

thanks for the input, Woolftooth and ABlack dont make any 130 bcd options so those are out of the picture. I could either do Aerocoach or Rotor QX1 (which seems a bit hard to find), both options still being very pricey, so no point of using a clutch rd?

You don’t NEED a clutch RD. I have been rolling with 1x for the last 2 seasons with a normal short cage Red RD. But I have always used a Narrow Wide chainring. Last season went with 50 tooth 110 BCD but this year am going with 52 tooth 130 BCD. SRAM makes a lot of different sizes of their X-Sync chainrings.


Not sure if you’re looking for something more specific though.

@jrielley Thanks man, I currently have a round NW 50t, pretty fan of the oval rings (getting a regular one in 54t) seems like their isn’t any cheap options for NW ovals… was hoping the clutch would make up for a half-sketchy set up

It might but never used an oval ring so not sure. Good luck though!

Gotta ask… what is a narrow wide chainring??

Gotta ask… what is a narrow wide chainring??

I could try to describe it, but a picture makes it easier to understand.


This type of front chainring is less likely to drop a chain because of how it engages the links (narrow teeth engage the narrow chain gaps, wide teeth engage the wide chain gaps)
