$1,200 for IMNYC 2013

Sorry if this was already mentioned, but it’s 1200 for next years IM. At the registration site waitin to sign up. Amazing, I thought there would 2000 people waiting, but only about 30 people so far.

That is just fucking stupid…Hahahahahahaha!!!

Is that for real?

That is unbelievable to me. I can’t wrap my head around spending over $1000 for a race fee.

glee this is not directed at you, but I know people will line up to bitch about the $1,200 at some point. You seem more than happy to do so and good for you…everyone has their limits.

WTC is pure genius. I think it’s great…they know there are thousands of people dying to get a medal and IM logo finishers t-shirt and are capitalizing on it. Anyone who bitches about the entry fee has made a choice to bypass the laundry list of non M-dot races throughout the year around the globe.

Racers vote with their wallet and every time a race sells out that sends a message to WTC that their pricing structure has yet to reach it’s threshold.

Is that for real?

That is unbelievable to me. I can’t wrap my head around spending over $1000 for a race fee.

Online registration for 2013 IRONMAN U.S. Championship will open at 5 p.m. EST on Sunday, August 12, 2012.
2013 Entry Fees:
General Entry: $1,200.00 USD
Premium Entry: $1,700.00 USD

I coudnt believe the price from what the OP stated, so I checked it out myself. IT IS TRUE!

I do believe in capitalism, but this is just down right greed.

What’s a premium entry get you?

Which will just push the price of all the others up as well…Too funny!!

My next triathlon entry is “only” $485…Twice as long…Twice as fun,:wink:

I may be wrong, but isn’t that the charity slot price?

What’s a premium entry get you?

Special hot dogs at the finish line…

I may be wrong, but isn’t that the charity slot price?

But isn’t that normally labeled as a Community Entry/Ironman Foundation slot? with wording about the tax deduction portion

will it sell out in 8 minutes? And some said IMLT was too expensive. Oh well, supply and demand. If it fills up, $1500 2014.


So, did it sell out in 8 minutes? And some said IMLT was too expensive. Oh well, supply and demand. If it fills up, $1500 2014.


Haven’t heard any news of a sellout yet…The sensible man in me says it will take a bit longer this year but then again all sense seems to have been thrown out the window as far as this race goes.

Which will just push the price of all the others up as well…Too funny!!

My next triathlon entry is “only” $485…Twice as long…Twice as fun,:wink:

My first IM Brasil was about $200US. Glad to switched to bike racing where I pay $15/race here!

Guess it took more to pay off the police this year than they thought.

What’s a premium entry get you?

Special “clean water” swim lane.

Not that I’m gonna sign up but still would be the cheapest IM I could do given that I live 20 miles away.

The main reasoning behind the higher price is that it ends up being cheaper for people in the NYC area. Once you figure plane tickets, shipping a bike, hotel for 2+ nights, and miscellaneous crap, it is the same or cheaper. This is reasoning from the RD last year.

The main reasoning behind the higher price is that it ends up being cheaper for people in the NYC area. Once you figure plane tickets, shipping a bike, hotel for 2+ nights, and miscellaneous crap, it is the same or cheaper. This is reasoning from the RD last year.

That is an awesomely bullshit spin on raising prices…“Since you guys don’t have to spend so much we can charge more”…Nice!!

What was the ‘standard’ entry fee for this years (so 2012) race?