Official Ironman Hawaii race day thread

a tantalising glimpse of another male… then another shite ad.
oh well

Glad to see Josh Beck passed 500 racers during the first 30 mile section of the bike.

He’s still almost 20minutes down on the age group leaders.

See the little age group races can be exciting too.

He saw everyone right at the turnaround at havi, so he knows exactly how many and how far there were. He will not be happy either to see so many still in the chase. I know he was hoping to see keinle about 4 minutes back then a bunch of smaller groups. I think he really need the big kona winds today, good crosswind would change this race drastically.


How much does strategy change if the winds aren’t there?

Glad to see Josh Beck passed 500 racers during the first 30 mile section of the bike.

Go Josh, keep it up

Its pretty incredible to see him fly through so many people on the bike after that swim. Beast mode for sure.

as it is still out who will be a great runner today…//

No kidding, this is ironman and anything can still happen. Mark Allen came from 15 minutes behind off the bike and still won, beating a guy that ran good too!! We know pete is capable of a 2;40 run, he will probably need it today and hope that others are only running 2;50. Not in his control anymore, he has to do his best run and now hope others will all fall apart…

I like crowie’s position today, he is racing very well it looks like. I still think he has a sub 2;43 run in him, hell dave ran a 2;45 i believe in his mid 40’s!!!

Kinle looks a lot leaner than he did last year… wonder how it’ll improve his run?

Kienle is a monster.

Glad to see Josh Beck passed 500 racers during the first 30 mile section of the bike.

He’s still almost 20minutes down on the age group leaders.

See the little age group races can be exciting too.

Josh passed another 250 during the last 15 mile section of the bike. He went from 1534 after to swim to 747 through 45 miles of the bike.

Wait… There is a race going on? I thought this was the HSN channel.

Babbitt “I don’t know where he’s (Docherty) is at”. Neither do we Bob. Neither do we.

Well since the winds are not there the guys that are marginal great bikers will take more risks. For the uber bikers they just lose any extra advantage they might have had…

And looks like the next blow ups have happened, lots of stragglers behind keinle now with just a few clingers. And they continue to eat into starky’s lead, just a matter of time.

Could this be Van Lierde’s year?

I don’t think Kienle will be worried about catching Stary on the bike. Sebastian’s fastest marathon of 2:51:48 (I think he’ll beat that today) is considerably faster than Andrew’s.

“The girls are having a tussle”

Though I did just hear a “boys”

Kienle is a monster.

Was just thinking the same looking at the pictures… wow. Like the above post said, a lot leaner.

Bob seems to favour him in the interview.

Kienle is a monster.

Was just thinking the same looking at the pictures… wow. Like the above post said, a lot leaner.

Bob seems to favour him in the interview.

That interview was awesome.

Did anyone else hear “Milk is for babies. I drink beer?”

I don’t think Kienle will be worried about catching Stary on the bike.//

I agree, but starky is just in the way of what he is really worried about, getting a nice lead on the uber runners. Starky is a carrot and last time check he is under a minute behind, so he should catch him in the next 10 miles. Keinle is the real deal here for a win and he is taking the race by the balls so far…

I know, right? How dare they fill any 18 hours of continuous online coverage with any sort of sponsor plugs and commercials

Wait… There is a race going on? I thought this was the HSN channel.

Babbott “I don’t know where he’s (Docherty) is at”. Neither do we Bob. Neither do we.

Kienle and McKenzie working together. Taking turns pulling.

Well said Monty!