Not your typical Slowtwitcher

Right now, my quads feel like they could be working harder and my hams are working too hard. I don’t feel like I’m gettng enough push-power -make sense?

long time no chat - hope you are well and finally getting some good weather :slight_smile: boston is just now hitting spring.

mine is also too low, so i was told this past weekend. :slight_smile: (i set an appt to get better fit, i’ll just totally screw it up if i try myself!)
Yup - I’ll take credit for that :slight_smile: along with everyone else on the ride who noticed. BTW, nice job hanging w/ us! Even though we were out for an easy ride before the big race the next day, there were most certainly some serious hammerheads and NO slowpokes there at all. I have to laugh when we say “easy” as it still means 18-20 mph avg, just no sprints to signs, hill bashes, pacelines, etc.

well, that’s sweet of you to give me some props, let it be known that i cried out a few good curse words along the route, lol! Roger and Mark in Cin were blocking some of those gusty winds for me–(you remember the ones that were like 40mph), but it was still fun!

i just found out today that my brake was rubbing. gee, no wonder i felt a little off. (ha, ha, ha)

hey you must come out for a Campus ride. the guys are like caged animals, so it’s just your type of thing :wink: i ride out with them, and then go my own route. it’s fun to see all of the Flyers jerseys!

long time no chat - hope you are well and finally getting some good weather :slight_smile: boston is just now hitting spring.
you too babe! i’ve been wondering what you’ve been up to. i’m knitting you something pink!!! :slight_smile:

Right now, my quads feel like they could be working harder and my hams are working too hard. I don’t feel like I’m gettng enough push-power -make sense?
That makes me think you should move it forward some. The more you move back, the more your hams get involved. If your hip flexors aren’t screaming, saddle height is probably not too high.

That makes me think you should move it forward some. The more you move back, the more your hams get involved. If your hip flexors aren’t screaming, saddle height is probably not too high.
I was thinking I felt a little too far back as well. My hip flexors are fine, I just feel like I’m not maximizing my massive quads (ha). Thanks!

Pink! Sweet!! I’ve been around - last semester of grad school is kicking my ass. Not a lot of time on ST.

yeah, when you get out of there you should come visit, meet the girls and then drink too much with me (did i just say that? LOL!)

That would be SO fun! I’ll think about it for July - God knows it’ll be a long job search. Can I bring my bike??? Bring on the wine, lots o wine :slight_smile:

Best method is have an assistant measure your knee angle with a goniometer. Should be 145-150 degrees. Slowman even says 145-155 degrees. Lower your seat towards the lower range if you have tight hamstrings.

Another method is take a photo and measure with a protractor. Put a white dot over your greater trochanter area for the photo.

There is a formula of inseam X .883 = seat height. Seat height is measured from center of BB to top of seat along the seat post. Inseam should be measured in socks, bike shorts, feet 8 inches apart, book tight up against your crotch your back to the wall. Have an assistant help you. Measure from floor to the top of the book. This is a good ball park measurement and you can fine tune by adjusting the seat up/down as how it feels.

Are those measurements the same for a road bike? Maybe I should have mentioned that I’m not on a tri bike…

That would be SO fun! I’ll think about it for July - God knows it’ll be a long job search. Can I bring my bike??? Bring on the wine, lots o wine :slight_smile:
hell yes bring your bike! and all of your other stuff, we’ll train and have lots of fun :slight_smile: my patio will be in full effect at that time, and i’m sure marisol, mighttri, trigone, and all the chicks will be up for some good fun.

I will DEFINITELY keep that in mind. Even if I can’t make it out in July, September would be awesome too - plus it will be post season = more wine!

You’d use the same measurements on road or tri as a starting place. Some people like to raise their saddle a bit on the tri bikes. I run my saddle a few mm higher on my tri bike.

either time is great here! :slight_smile: i gladly offer up my giant couch to you, and all the good eats (AND WINE) you can handle. lol…

Sweet, kitty! Sounds like a good time :slight_smile:

Cool - thanks.

i have a giant couch, but no second bedroom, as we live in a cape cod and the second bedroom is my office :slight_smile: so i can make it up to you in wine! lol…

hey - that’s the best form of repayment! i’ll even bring a bottle or two.