Official FIT ASSISTANCE for Cervelo TT and Triathlon Bikes

The numbers is the fit on my trek speed for years. I will have and more enhanced fit when this one comes in. Here’s a pic



Ok, this complicates things… you’re more cramped and upright than I as a fitter would like, and I hypothesize that with a few postural coaching techniques and a new or better relationship with your saddle you’d be longer and lower than you are now and would need the size L.

IOW, my best advice for you changes depending on what we are trying to accomplish, and i would be remiss or negligent if i didn’t advise you as such. Get you on a new bike? Sure get the medium. Get you on a bike with a comfortable powerful aerodynamic fit and you will probably want the large.

Does this make sense?


Yes, totally makes sense. I’m going to order large and get a proper bike fit. Thank you

Yes, totally makes sense. I’m going to order large and get a proper bike fit. Thank you

Where are you located? I might be able to recommend someone…

Fresno, California. There is a place by my gym. They have a retul setup, cameras lasers, seat pressure test, flexibility test. It looks like an alignment rack lol. 350 and he said it takes 3 hours. But if you know someone that would be great. Thank you for all the help.

Hmm… they could be amazing for all I know but you threw out some red flags… seat pressure test and flexibility test for sure and even the Retul stuff makes me scratch my head, and I have a Retul Fit bike.

Retul is just a tool, a fancy ruler if you will… the quality of the fit depends on the craftsman. Further, the measurements the system takes are descriptive, not prescriptive… it’s really up to the fitter’s eye and feedback from the athlete to make it work.

Saddles either work or they don’t, and there’s really only a few that I’d recommend. I don’t need a pressure tester to know if a saddle works… I’ll see it or you’ll tell me. Instead, look for a fitter that can tutor you on the proper way to sit on a given saddle, and one who can explain how your relationship to the saddle changes with every position change on the Retul bike… it’s essentially a new saddle every time you make a big change.

Let me do some checking and I’ll get back to you.

Fresno, California. There is a place by my gym. They have a retul setup, cameras lasers, seat pressure test, flexibility test. It looks like an alignment rack lol. 350 and he said it takes 3 hours. But if you know someone that would be great. Thank you for all the help.

ok, thank you. My ISM 1.0 saddle has been awesome and I’ve tried many.

Ok, so far I can’t personally vouch for anyone in Fresno but there are two in LA if you’re by up for a 3.5hr drive… Ian Murray and Jim Manton, both on this forum. I’m sure there’s others is SF as well.

I’ll keep digging.


ok, thank you. My ISM 1.0 saddle has been awesome and I’ve tried many.

Ok perfect LA isn’t a problem. Do you habe there contact info. I’ll call and set an appt. Thank you

Ian Murray

Jim Manton

Ok perfect LA isn’t a problem. Do you habe there contact info. I’ll call and set an appt. Thank you


This thread is really helpful. I’m looking at potentially a P3 or P5, likely used. The attached fit report is from my Guru. Could you suggest a bike and size?



Fit Data.pdf

OK, your Guru fit report gives you a Pad Stack of 726 and a Pad Reach of 424 to mid-pad, which normalized for rear of pad is 374. Your stack is quite high, and your reach is quite short… how tall are you? Can you post a pic?

So stack of 726 and reach of 374 puts you off the charts for a P3x, but if you had a more normal reach you’d be a size XL.

You’d also be a size 61cm P5-6 with the High-V mount, again with a more orthodox reach.

I think we need to do more research here…



This thread is really helpful. I’m looking at potentially a P3 or P5, likely used. The attached fit report is from my Guru. Could you suggest a bike and size?




Thanks for the feedback. I’m 6’0" with a short torso/long limbs. I’ve attached a pic of the bike but unfortunately I don’t have any pictures riding. The pic will give you some perspective on a configuration question.

With your feedback and looking at the frame diagrams on Cervelo’s website I went out in the garage and measured on the same points they list for stack/reach.They seem to measure stack from the BB to the top of the top tube versus pad and measure reach to the base of the stem. In measuring my Guru, the numbers are ~560 and ~420-430, corresponding to a 58cm P3 frame. (The P5 looks like the 58cm frame is 20mm shorter than the P3?)

Using Dan’s Pad X/Y method, I get a stack of 740 and reach of 480. Since the newer P5’s integrated headset limits fit flexibility, I’m wondering if I can get a P5 to the right dimensions or if I’m better served looking at a P3?



Ok these numbers make more sense but you’re barely on the charts… you’re still very high and very far back, so I’m wondering if you couldn’t be a little more optimized with your fit.

That said, you’d be a size XL in the P3x, and a size 61cm with all the spacers and the High-V mount on the P5-6.

You would probably not be able to fit on the P5d, not without a fit change, and you’d need the P3x EX10 mono-riser to achieve that.

There’s nothing about you that says you need a P3, but you’d probably need a 58cm or 61cm P3 with aerobars that can be adjusted well back. P3s are a great bike with an aftermarket aerobar like TriRig Alpha One as a matter of fact.

does this help?


Thanks for the feedback. I’m 6’0" with a short torso/long limbs. I’ve attached a pic of the bike but unfortunately I don’t have any pictures riding. The pic will give you some perspective on a configuration question.

With your feedback and looking at the frame diagrams on Cervelo’s website I went out in the garage and measured on the same points they list for stack/reach.They seem to measure stack from the BB to the top of the top tube versus pad and measure reach to the base of the stem. In measuring my Guru, the numbers are ~560 and ~420-430, corresponding to a 58cm P3 frame. (The P5 looks like the 58cm frame is 20mm shorter than the P3?)

Using Dan’s Pad X/Y method, I get a stack of 740 and reach of 480. Since the newer P5’s integrated headset limits fit flexibility, I’m wondering if I can get a P5 to the right dimensions or if I’m better served looking at a P3?



Very helpful! Thanks for your thoughts. Gives me good questions to ask my fitter.



Eric, I’m trying to decide between a P5 and a P3X

A fitter last night placed my Pad Y at 640 but I have been riding 660
Pad X (Rear) is 450
Sorry, I don’t know the Pad Z
Saddle height is 795

Thanks for the help!

It’s all about the saddle… try as many as you can and find the one that works.

good luck



Very helpful! Thanks for your thoughts. Gives me good questions to ask my fitter.



I guess it depends on what you’re intending to do with your bike… not that both bikes can’t do all triathlons.

P3x incentivizes long course athletes with fluids and calories. With a Pad Stack of 640 and Pad Reach of 450 you could fit on M or an L, sort of “high mid-forward” on the M and “middle back” on the L.

P5 is likely faster in a “light” configurations… you’d be a 54cm or a 56cm… “high-mid” on the 54cm and “mid-back” on the 56cm.

Do you have a pic from your fitter? My recommendation would depend on where you might go with your position in the future.


Eric, I’m trying to decide between a P5 and a P3X

A fitter last night placed my Pad Y at 640 but I have been riding 660
Pad X (Rear) is 450
Sorry, I don’t know the Pad Z
Saddle height is 795

Thanks for the help!

Pad x: 600
Pad y: 465
Pad z: (center to center) 170
Seat height (center of BB to top of saddle in middle) 758

I’m interested in the P5d. I’m currently on a 56 cm 2011 P3C, which fits well, but it looks like I could drop down to a 54 P5d with no problem.
