Looking for a good spring marathon

Almost as bad as playing soccer one week before a marathon and I know what I’m talking about here :wink:

Yep, it definitely feels like the city really gets excited about the race - it creates a really great atmosphere there. But DAMN, those bridges hurt at the end of the race! I guess if the course has been reversed, you get them out of the way first. Some friends did Big Sur a couple years ago - I hear it’s unbelievably beautiful and very challenging - if that’s your pick, sign up fast - I understand that it fills quickly. Same is true for Grandma’s. Banjo, huh?! Cool instrument - as Steve Martin said…it’s impossible to play sad-sounding music on the banjo (or something to that effect).

yes. been wanting to learn for years, so i finally going to do it. it’s going to be a good challenge, banjo isn’t an easy instrument. so, i’ll be getting back to my knee slappin appalachian roots. :stuck_out_tongue:

Oklahoma City, yes OKC has a great marathon. I ran it last spring and was very surprised. It was super organised, there were some rolling hills and the scenery was beautiful(who knew). The support was unbelievable. There were about 5000 people at the start but only 2500 or so were marathoners the rest ran the 1/2 or 10k. Also, it is a memorial and there were banners with the names of all of the people killed in the bombing, kind of cool.

Yes, I am new. After lurking a while I decided to jump in…don’t string me up yet!!!

I came across this site for a bumper list of marathons around the world if its any use.


i’m trying Lisbon in December and Seville in Feb. I’d be interested in feedback for either of these.

Has anyone tried Miami or Tampa Bay?

When I first read the title of this thread, I thought it said, “looking good for a spring marathon” … I was going to suggest to keep working out throughout the winter!

Cleveland is May 21. It will be a TNT race next year; although my wife and a few friends are doing the TNT thing (yes, for their hometown marathon), so the purple contingent will be ‘cooler’ than normal. It’s a nice course that goes all over town, sort of like the Pig but flatter. Guessing around 1000 runners, including the relays. I’ll probably skip it and cheer for the girls or do a relay, as I am planning on doing the Triple-T the following weekend.

I have to say, though, that there is nothing better than rolling out of your own bed on race morning. I did the Pig in 2004, and except for the weather (50-ish and constant rain), I thought that was a great race.

The Shamrock Marathon in VA beach, end of march is wonderful.


Try the Ottawa Marathon…it’s absolutely spectacular, and the whole weekend usually draws in excess of 30,000 people to the 10k, 1/2 and full.


Scenery - absolutely spectacular. One of the most beautiful cities in the world, and with a few river crossings to give you great views.

Organization - first class all the way

Terrain - fairly flat (fast), but the scenery makes up keeps it interesting. You start in the historic downtown parliament area, cross over into Quebec briefly then cross the river back to Ottawa. The route then brings you through the “posh” neighbourhoods where you find all the estates of the various international consolates, then through the city to the beautiful university campus before returning back downtown for the finish. The last 1/2 (university loop) is all anong a river - beautiful.

Others - just full of fun-loving Canadians, usually sporting a few Leafs vs Senators jerseys, and a few Kenyans to show you how fast a marathon can REALLY be run

Date - May 26-28

Can’t say enough about this, except that it is without a doubt the premier marathon race in Canada. I just raced Toronto last weekend (disappointing) and have also been to Vancouver. Grandma’s in Duluth is fun, and Minneapolis is beautiful, but neither of them even come close to Ottawa. Positive, energetic weekend on a spectacular course.

I’ll be doing St. Louis on April 4 enjoyable scenery - Up to personal determination well organized and ran well - used for Olypic trials so some good organization as far as I know.interesting terrain…hilly to some hills are good. totally flat probably not as good - Moderately hilly (no offense) not chaulk full of folks with TNT or other charities - didn’t remember seeing the “menace” there last year

I’m doing a trail run to Death Valley in Feb. If you don’t mind travelling to CA check out Envirosports…kj

I have been thinking about Charlottesville VA on April 15th. Anyone have any input?

I second the recommendation for the Vermont City Marathon in Burlington, VT. Great location and course and not too crowded. On the other hand, if an attempt at IM-USA Lake Placid is in your future, the Lake Placid marathon held on the second weekend in June uses the same course as the Ironman.

The Salt Lake Marathon is the best-run marathon I’ve done. Great scenery. A bit pricey (I think $70). Good shirt. Tons of folks (about 3 or 4000). Great atmosphere. They just moved it to some time in June (used to be April).

Clawhammer or Scruggs style?

I have been thinking about Charlottesville VA on April 15th. Anyone have any input?


I was going to suggest the same…but I can’t believe it’s better run than St. George. This year it will be held on June 3.

Just do the pig, it is well run with great fan support. The only part that sucks is between marimount and eastern ave. Every other part is great with fan support and great views.

Don’t go out too hard up the hills (like me) and everything will be fine.

Absolutely no complaints about St George from me. But I did think that SL was better…but not by much.