Ahhh, Next Season ... Let the Slowtwitch Dreaming Begin

ZZZZZZZZZZZZ,yeah I’m dreaming!!

  1. goal #1 train my A$$ off to qualify for IMH at IMF.

  2. goal #2 see #1


Wow…some pretty elite company in this board. All these halfs and IMs have me a bit awestruck. I’ve been at this game since about 85 and I’ve yet to go as long as a half. Not sure if I should applaud you all or send out business cards to therapists. Seriously though…after getting hurt as bad as I did at work last spring and being told by my doctor that I should be thankful I can walk again getting back into the game again this past summer and proving her wrong good enough for me. As for dreaming about next season…I lucked out at the season ending draw for prizes in our local race series and won three months of coaching from Barrie Sheply (the Canadian Olympic team coach). Now that my aches from this past summer have subsided I’m looking forward to seeing how far back I can come (not that I was much of anything to begin with) under his coaching. Most of the stuff I do is short anyway so goals are limited to repeating my age group champion status in the try a tri series and beating some local friends. Best of luck to all of you (especially those planning on sub 8 Hawii and living in the lap of luxury thereafter) and if you ever get the urge to race north of the border drop me a line.

good question and good timing as I am sure a lot of people have visions of a great off season of training in anticipation of an even better 2004.

I have started really working a lot on my run in hopes of returning back to having that part of a triathlon as my strongest leg. I have been gradually raising my mileage over the past 5 weeks and am currently at 60 miles per week, all easy running. Plans are to keep building through the end of the year. I start adding back some riding next week.

I am still putting together ideas for next year and nothing is for sure yet, but some of the events I have peniciled in so far:

Desert Classic Duathlon in Phoenix in February

Powerman Alabama

Baker to Vegas Relay

Lake Tahoe Relay (with Team Slowtwitch again if Dan gets un-injured)

several Dannon Duathlons

USAT Duathlon Nationals

and for something very different I am thinking about doing Ironman Revisited. If you are unfamiliar with this event, it is the full Ironman distance on the original course in Oahu. It normally just has about 35 entrants and is a fundraiser for the Challeneged Athletes Foundation. http://www.challengedathletes.org/caf/template.asp?id=91

I hope to make that decision in the next couple of weeks and then I will be hitting you all up for a donation :slight_smile:

We’re waiting for the race schedule here in Norway, but next year will probably look something like this, after I have managed to avoid illness, nicotine and overdoses of coke and sweets all winter through:

April: Half marathon in my home town. I have done my home work and the result is a PB (It’s still veeerrrry slow, but…)

In may or June, marathon in Stockholm or Cöpenhagen. Pb with a couple of min.

Last of June “The little trail of strength”: Bike race from Lillehammer to Oslo, approx 190 km. Goal: finishing togethe with my friends.

4.th of July: My club arrange for the first time a triathlon that starts from a prison island (It’s still a prison there, and maybe the guards and some of the prisoners wil participate) with 2300 m swimming, 20 km mountain biking and a 8-10 km run. Goal: 80 participants and some publicity for triathlon.

First week of August is the second time we arrange the Norwegian Xtreme triathlon, and this year it’s my turn to be responsible. Goal: A fantastic race for 125 triathletes.

Also in August: Our new- started triathlon club dominates the result list if your read it backwards. At least 10 to the start.

But most of all: Having fun and trying to make our club grow from 30 to 50 members!

If you are one of my minions, you WILL win Hawaii.

My dream is different- I just want to forget 2003 with some great performances, some new hardware to stick in my garage and have no injuries this next season. And have either the Hooters gilrs or the girls from Larry Flint’s Hustler club be my massage therapists before and after my races…

Well since it is a dream…The Gobi March or whatever else its called.(Didn"t you do this Tom D).I saw the cover on Runners world. There is something about seing an adventure race like that that gets my blood going and me thinking…Could I do that and finish? Am I capable. Maybe one day…

Hey Chubbie, I’ll be seeing you at Eagleman. Are you planning on doing Chesapeakman? I sure wish I could but work pressure make training for a half tough enough right now. I don’t think I’ll be able to do another IM until I retire, but what a great goal: to be faster at 62 than I was at 49. I know I will be. Sure hope Chespeakman is a success. A non-WTC ironman is a tough sell right now. I don’t know why. Vigo does a great job on his races, he deserves the success!

lobsterman in freeport, me -


  1. dnf last year: hypothermia and broken chain
  2. i live in freeport
  3. the end of the season for me
  4. oly

i can’t wait. i haven’t worn the lobsterman shirt from this past summer, have my number from it posted up. goin all out for it.


and for something very different I am thinking about doing Ironman Revisited. If you are unfamiliar with this event, it is the full Ironman distance on the original course in Oahu. It normally just has about 35 entrants and is a fundraiser for the Challeneged Athletes Foundation. http://www.challengedathletes.org/caf/template.asp?id=91

I hope to make that decision in the next couple of weeks and then I will be hitting you all up for a donation :slight_smile:

2004 is going to be a year of big races for me and they are all around the world.

Marathon des Sables in April

Great Wall Marathon 22 May

Royal Windsor Olympic distance 13 June

Roth 4th July

Ironman Korea (29 August/4 Sept)

Beijing Marathon 17 Oct

New York Marathon Nov

Any other races will be dependent on where I happen to be at that time!

MdS and Roth are my ‘A’ races.

Ambitious? Sure, but this is a sport for motivated people and I enjoy the challenge.


I did my first 1/2 IM this past season, so next year I want to do 2 or 3 more and get much faster at that distance. I want to do an IM in 2005, but only if I can get faster. So, my goals are all about trying to improve my incredibly slow paces:

  • My time in the pool is limited, so not much speed improvement expected here, but it would be nice to break 40 min for the 2k distance

  • I can go forever on my bike, but my average speed is stuck around 16 to 17 mph. I would love to average 18+ mph in a race next year. Winter training will be focussed on that (any ideas to attain this are welcome!!).

  • Run consistently through the winter and spring to get my running under 9 min/mile.


Last season I attempted to move up to my first 1/2IM. Actually I had 2 1/2IM’s planned. I bombed on both.

  1. chain broke ~3km into ride

  2. total quad seizure 2 weeks out - couldn’t even run 2km without a total shut down.

This year I will not be denied. I’ll be like Superman on steroids. All I have to do is lose some weight, sign up for some Pilates classes, join a gym and build those quads into the locomotives they cry out to be.

races for 2004:

Peterborough 1/2IM (note: use new chain)

Ottawa 1/2IM (borrow supermodel from Ze Gopha’s dream to massage quads - don’t tell wife)

Should be a fun year. Focused primarily on short distance in '03 and am back to the long stuff in '04.

Georgia RockNRollMan Half in June - top ten

Boulder 5430 Half in July - top five

Duke Liver Cancer Center Half in September - top three

Great Floridian Triathlon in October - beat Joe Bonness!

Mmmm, let’s see.

L.A. Marathon - March 7?

Los Angeles Triathlon Series at Bonnelli park - mid-April, mid-May and early June

Wildflower IM/2- my 6th attempt at sub 6 hours.

La Palma Fitness 10K - July 4

Pigman 1/2 late August

Great Floridian - win AG, break 12 hours. I’m more confident at breaking 12 hours at a ful IM than 6 hours for 1/2

San Diego Triathlon Challenge - CAF’s other benefit triathlon. Too close to GFT so I’ll relay this one again.


Davet Marathon des sables Awesome…Maybe one day…I sure would like to try…Thats a “CHALLENGE”

This last year was blown off due to new business and new baby. (All run, no bike, no swim.) My hopes for 2004 are to be able to put in enough bike time to simply enter a few duathlons and relay tris (bike+run). Mostly, I need to build my business so I can buy some training time.

“A” race of the year will be Rock N Roll Marathon in San Diego. I *really, really *need to run 3:30.

2003 SUCKED a$$ for me and still does somewhat. Several transatlantic flights, a new job, a custom built TT frame that showed up with out the fork 3 months after the due date, 2 months being sick from more stress, I just found out I’m being transferred and start Jan 2 in Phoenix and finally my partner in a little side business wants to retire.
So next year I’m going to take all my pent up anger and frustration out and race in the early season duathlons and bike races in AZ in Feb and March. Then off to CA to requalify for duathlon worlds.
I’ll visit Powerman Bama for some southern hospitality and maybe even head out to NC for some duathlons and Mom, Dad and grandfolks bonding time.
Worlds and some fine Belgium beer, nationals, and more duathlons and bike races to follow.
I’ve got lots of frustration that grows daily so I need to race or I’m going to need meds.

OK all Slowtwitch bretheren, and sisteren (man is that a forum word) all the above goals, ambitions, trials are notes and now printed and filed in the Chubby Hubby tri filing cabinet. Maybe the’ll be posted again for all to read sometime in February. You are an ambitious bunch. That’s what’s so great about this sport - the participants. Stay healthy, train hard, do unto others, etc. and keep on with the Slowtwitch Dreamin’ …


As promised, this thread is being brought back to life to let all read about aspirations, goals, challenges, etc. for this season that you all put down on paper (sortof) back in November. Actually, I am in a hotel room in the very northeast corner of New York State and just read the entire thread on Tri Newbies and bike handling started by CVGuy. Two hours later, it was time to start thinking about the upcoming season.

And might I say something here. Base building requires the patience of Job. If I do one more 6 miler with no accelerations, I think I’m going to die. But, this season starts here.

So, feel free to ammend your comments, add to them, post new, whatever. But what are you going to do this season. And remember, Chubby Hubby is in EagleMan country. So send PMs with any questions you out of towners might have and we’ll see you all in June.


Just for fun, let’s look back at all the 2004 predictions and goals. How did you do? Any surprises … anything you would have done differently? Have fun flipping through the archives.
