Ahhh, Next Season ... Let the Slowtwitch Dreaming Begin

Ah goals. I have some definite goals for 2004.

  1. Ralph’s Half IM–definite time goals, which I don’t want to put out there at this time. ** (Met the goals and went beyond that to a PR. Another HIM PR at Half Vineman and lowered it yet again at Barb’s Race.)**

  2. CaliMan–finish the damned thing! Not end up in the medical tent. (Did it! And, set a 40 minute PR. Plus another 49 minutes off that PR in September at Ulramax.)

  3. Do some bike races and see how I like it. (especially on the track) (Did some crits and one ITT. No track, no road races. RRs definitely in 2005.)

Event I’m most looking forward to? The TOUR baby!! Belgium beer, French wine, Aussie cyclists and LANCE going for #6! I can’t wait!! (Lance did it and lots of Belgium beer and French wine was drunk and I got to spend time with my Aussie buds. Totally perfect trip.)


With an IM PR this past weekend of slightly more than 10 hrs I decided against signing up next year and will only race 1/2 IMs in 2005 - first time in 6 years no IM to focus on. Will do the 3 1/2s I have been doing the last 3 years which are Eagleman, Buffalo Springs, and Muncie…3 great races in 5 weeks and then spend the rest of the summer doing something else instead of training for the usual IM.

Planned to do 3 triathlons, ended up doing 4 and enjoyed them all (even the triathlon that turned into a duathlon because the swim got cancelled). Even ended up with a 2nd place in my age group at a small triathlon that I just trained through (There were 25 in my age group).

Didn’t plan on doing a half marathon but after doing a double on Memorial Day (10K followed immediately by a 5K) I realized I could probably run 13 miles. And on Labor Day I did! By that time I knew I could because I had built up to a long run of 15 miles 3 weeks out from the 1/2.

Also did a 5K open water swim in September but am still paying the price from that with a sore left shoulder - no plans to repeat that in 2005.

Next year will include more half marathons and 2 half-IMs plus some Olys. Then if the body holds together, the plan is to do the Milwaukee marathon at the beginning of October.

Thanks for awakening this thread - it is fun to read how everyone else did in 2004.
