NYT Lance weighing doping admission?

It’s been 91 days since the USADA report and yet another allegation. As a taxpayer, I’m getting tired of Tygart dwelling on this issue. Tygart got his pound of flesh. The man doped. We get that. Let’s be done with it.

So what new allegations will Tygart come up with in another 91 days. Will it never end?

Love or hate Lance, if I was a pro/elite athlete, I’d be very concerned by USADA’s process.


Good post.

Sex with a 14 year old is fine in Maui5150’s book. At least it’s pales in comparison to anything LA might have done.

And this is exactly why Lance threads got banned. Maui5150 never said anything remotely close to that, and yet you accuse him of being sympathetic to the most heinous of crimes. Frankly, ST would be a much better place without you in it.

If you’d like to throw your support in with the guy who sees no issue with Sutton’s actions and will argue to support or downplay them at any opportunity feel free. Seems like a smart position to me.

Edit so the thread does not go to complete hell :slight_smile:

as soon as insults about reading comprehension come out, a thread has officially gone to hell


Lance apologists like TriBeer are way beyond pretzels. We’re talking Gordian knot level now.

Ah the vociferous defense of an indefensible position. Please continue.

My position is actually defendable, as well as I am 100% accurate.

Please state, for the record, one prepubescent child that Sutton was accused/convicted of. It cannot be pedophelia without that.

What is incredibly offensive, however is how you deminish and belittle ALL real victims of pedophilia. Say for example all the children that were molested my Rev Paul Shanley. That is a real pedophile

But I am not surprised. Lance Supporters are in denial, no matter how much the truth comes out, that their Binkie was a cheater, a liar, harassed, intimidated and is probably one of the most corrupt athletes in history

That is what is indefensible. You can try and defect and make this about Sutton. It is not. It is about Lance.

You can try and twist it and say I support Sutton, but that would be a lie, as I have already stated, but then again, I am sure you could care less about lying… After all, if you take after your binkie, you will do and say what ever you have to, no matter what you do underneath is really the true guilt.

So please.

Paul Shanley is a pedophile, Sutton is an Ephebophile. How old was Suttons victim?

Why do you keep refusing to answer that simple question???

How old?

Then again. We have come to expect this from the Lance-Bots.

Glad I don’t live in their delussional world

More importantly, what does it say about someone who not only lies for 10+ years, but harasses and sues others around them, all the time continuing to lie, and then when finally caught, basically says… Hey if I admit I was a complete cheat, liar, and fraud, can I play again???

Does not surprise me Lance-Bots want to focus on anything else other than Lance… nor the fact that they will lie, try to twist the truth, etc.

Suck on the teet of a false god for too long, and you too become corrupted.

Ok, I will grant you that Sutton is more likely a hebephile (or possibly a ephebephile) rather than a pedophile.

However. He was charged with 10 counts of child molestation, agreed to a plea bargain for 5 counts. Under Australian law as I understand it, that meant that he could make statements at his arraignment that could not be challenged by the defense. He is barred for life from coaching in Australia.

Do you or do you not support Sutton as a coach, given his convicted sex offender status (Under whichever psychiatric term you care to apply)?


I’m not apologizing for LA.

I can’t believe Tygart has more allegations. When will it stop?

Alas, Tygart has created this infinite loop.

Is this the world you want your athletes to live in?

I can’t believe Tygart has more allegations. When will it stop?

Is this the world you want your athletes to live in?

It will stop when Lance steps up and says “Yeah. This is what I did, this is how I did it.”

And Lance helped create this world that ALL athletes live in.


I do get it. I understand that people think he’s a Dbag for the way he operated. Get it.

But my whole point is that we need to divorce his PERSONAL actions from his DOPING actions.

And the bigger picture is the DOPING picture.

In the context of “life” LA may be the biggest Dbag in history. Although I’ve met a few that might rival him.

In the context of “doping in cycling” LA was just another guy doping although he was smarter about it. If LA bribed the UCI. Shame on them.
“Hey mister police officer I really can’t get another ticket or my license is going to be suspended. There’s an envelope on the dash you might want to pick up. Thanks for letting me go”. Who’s the Dbag?

I still think a lifetime ban is unjustified. Calling him a Dbag or whatever you’re preference is… totally justified.


LA has been punished. I’m done with it.

Move on Mr. Tygart.

Maui5150 5 - TravisT a big fat ZERO!

Give it up Travis you are just making yourself look stupid and ignorant here against someone who obviously knows his facts

I do get it. I understand that people think he’s a Dbag for the way he operated. Get it.

But my whole point is that we need to divorce his PERSONAL actions from his DOPING actions.

In the context of “life” LA may be the biggest Dbag in history. Although I’ve met a few that might rival him.

He’s not always a dbag in personal life.


He did that for a fraternity brother of mine. He also invited him to come hang out at his house after the ride this year. So he does have a human side. It just gets overshadowed by the cycling persona.


Here is something I do have an issue with. I kinda scratched my head when within 12 hours of the Lance decision, we had USADA officials out on the espn radio car wash tour (being interviewed on every ESPN radio show). I dont want the face of USADA out in the public talking about how they got their guy. Send out a press release, and stay the hell out of the media. To me it kinda clouds just the entire process. Have an investigation, make a ruling and announce your ruling and be done with it. In dealing with some athletes issues with USADA, it’s very concerning from an high performance standpoint how they seem to be flaunting this out in public a little too much.

I completely agree: Thank you.

Now USADA is going to flaunt it on Showtime, an entertainment channel. Unbelieveable!

And maybe it has to do with Lance always throwing back his barbs at authority or anyone that goes against him, but as the governing body for doping, they have to stay above all of this, just from a pure credibility standpoint.

Bust him forever, good for the sport, but now we get the car wash media tour at times, that’s what kinda bothers me. I dont know, I just find it troubling and almost losing sight of what the actual values/statements that USADA is really there for.

Ok, I will grant you that Sutton is more likely a hebephile (or possibly a ephebephile) rather than a pedophile.

However. He was charged with 10 counts of child molestation, agreed to a plea bargain for 5 counts. Under Australian law as I understand it, that meant that he could make statements at his arraignment that could not be challenged by the defense. He is barred for life from coaching in Australia.

Do you or do you not support Sutton as a coach, given his convicted sex offender status (Under whichever psychiatric term you care to apply)?


Hi John.

I have never supported Sutton as a coach, or more importantly for that matter as a person. To the contrary, I see him more as a sick individual. Some athletes can succeed from being beaten on a daily basis, but that is also the way fighting pitbulls are made. You draw your own conclusions.

I did make issue with him being labeled a pedophile. The whole issue was brought up because a Lance Binkie Wanna Be was trying to distract and I called them on in. I see hebephiles and ephebephiles as both sick people, but at the same time see pedophiles as far sicker and even a level further, infantophiles. To me it is dismissive and degrading to the victims of the later two for such hyperbole. Hyperbole is not even the right word, fear mongering is a more appropriate classification, because in hyperbole, the exaggeration is intentionally made to be demonstrative, where in this case, it is just plain wrong.

This is much in the same way I would take issue with someone who did a few Sprint distance races claiming to be an Ironman

In the process, I was labeled a “Sutton Supporter” by TravisT because I did not agree with his hyperbole/fear mongering, when in truth I just disagreed with his assertion and mislabeling. I think, and always have thought, Sutton as a creep, to be polite on this board, for being a 27 year old who engaged sexually with a 14 year old. What I took exception too was the over exaggeration with TravisT and the label because the exaggeration becomes dismissive it is exaggerated overuse. It is mainly semantics.

Yesterday when I heard the news about USADA claiming LA made a payment offer/donation, my first thought was this takes credibility away from USADA. They should have added this to their report.

USADA needs to stop. They did their job. Move on! Look for other dopers.

I’m not apologizing for LA.

**I can’t believe Tygart has more allegations. When will it stop? **

Alas, Tygart has created this infinite loop.

Is this the world you want your athletes to live in?

Tygart said he has emails and letters threatening his life & those are under investigation with the FBI. Do you really think anyone should get away with this? Never mind, don’t answer that! The “donation” offer is consistent with what was found with the UCI.

When I heard the news about the USADA payment yesterday, my first thought was this takes credibility away from USADA.

USADA needs to stop. They did their job. Move on! Look for other dopers.

Except there was no payment. There was only an attempted donation, which USADA turned down, without hesitation.

Ok, I will grant you that Sutton is more likely a hebephile (or possibly a ephebephile) rather than a pedophile.

However. He was charged with 10 counts of child molestation, agreed to a plea bargain for 5 counts. Under Australian law as I understand it, that meant that he could make statements at his arraignment that could not be challenged by the defense. He is barred for life from coaching in Australia.

Do you or do you not support Sutton as a coach, given his convicted sex offender status (Under whichever psychiatric term you care to apply)?


Hi John.

I have never supported Sutton as a coach, or more importantly for that matter as a person. To the contrary, I see him more as a sick individual. Some athletes can succeed from being beaten on a daily basis, but that is also the way fighting pitbulls are made. You draw your own conclusions.

I did make issue with him being labeled a pedophile. The whole issue was brought up because a Lance Binkie Wanna Be was trying to distract and I called them on in. I see hebephiles and ephebephiles as both sick people, but at the same time see pedophiles as far sicker and even a level further, infantophiles. To me it is dismissive and degrading to the victims of the later two for such hyperbole. Hyperbole is not even the right word, fear mongering is a more appropriate classification, because in hyperbole, the exaggeration is intentionally made to be demonstrative, where in this case, it is just plain wrong.

This is much in the same way I would take issue with someone who did a few Sprint distance races claiming to be an Ironman

In the process, I was labeled a “Sutton Supporter” by TravisT because I did not agree with his hyperbole/fear mongering, when in truth I just disagreed with his assertion and mislabeling. I think, and always have thought, Sutton as a creep, to be polite on this board, for being a 27 year old who engaged sexually with a 14 year old. What I took exception too was the over exaggeration with TravisT and the label because the exaggeration becomes dismissive it is exaggerated overuse. It is mainly semantics.

That’s what I thought. Well played. And absolutely correct on all counts.
