NYT Lance weighing doping admission?

I’m sure Opra will ask the tough questions and to the bottom of this.

Why is Tygart reporting this now?

Sorry this news is important.

I believe Tygart didn’t want to open USADA up to any criticism: ***Maybe ***they received payments from other athletes, who are questionable. Interesting!

Give it rest. Lance doped and is a sociopath.

I’m talking about Tygart’s claim about a payment from Lance. No mention of doping.

Again, the claim is weird.

I just can’t see Lance giving any money to a lying doping piece of sh$t

I just can’t see Lance giving any money to a lying doping piece of sh$t

Why? Lance is “a lying doping piece of shit” too. Plus, he has to, or else faces Feds jumping in and owing at least double or triple. He has to testify in front of OIG, he can’t evade that, so if he settles Qui Tam before feds jump in, he can limit the damage, because they certainly join when he admits to OIG that he doped under oath. Oprah is about blunting the news that will come out of what will be certainly some tawdry testimony in the other lawsuits.

“Give it rest. Lance doped and is a sociopath

Inigo Montoya: You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.

Why is Tygart reporting this now?

Sorry this news is important.

I believe Tygart didn’t want to open USADA up to any criticism: ***Maybe ***they received payments from other athletes, who are questionable. Interesting!

No, USADA said they havent taken any payments. You’re gonna twist yourself in pretzels trying to make this look like USADA did something wrong. The last thing they wanted to do was damage their own case with what is not anything they can directly link to doping acts. It’s sensational, so it makes news, but it didn’t prove anything so no point including in case. But it certainly follows Lance’s MO.


Except for the “rip his head off and S down his neck” rhetoric, a bit melodramatic. Dopers are dopers. No need to consider them moral deviants. Not like they rape 14 year olds. Oh, snap. Can’t believe I just wrote that. :-p Low hanging fruit.

Anyone know what damage control specialist/PR firm he uses?


Except for the “rip his head off and S down his neck” rhetoric, a bit melodramatic. Dopers are dopers. No need to consider them moral deviants. Not like they rape 14 year olds. Oh, snap. Can’t believe I just wrote that. :-p Low hanging fruit.

Anyone know what damage control specialist/PR firm he uses?

he’s been with the same guy for years. Boggs is his PR spinmweister.

Been doing a pretty good job. But this is the gonna be a mother of a heavy lift.

I’m an LA fan (surprise!)- unapologetic (not fanboy, not apologist, just a realist- also an Ulrich fan interestingly) and guilty/not guilty big deal. Of all the cyclists/dopers he was the greatest and it is what it is but watching him navigate the PR aspect of post prosecution is going to be interesting. I see an angle (contrition/fallen angel) that most pols follow.

And really, LA is bigger than cycling. So operating as a pol is probably the best line of attack.

The Oprah interview will be the first indication of what direction his PR team is going to take.

Get out the popcorn!

Been doing a pretty good job. But this is the gonna be a mother of a heavy lift.

I’m an LA fan (surprise!)- unapologetic (not fanboy, not apologist, just a realist- also an Ulrich fan interestingly) and guilty/not guilty big deal. Of all the cyclists/dopers he was the greatest and it is what it is but watching him navigate the PR aspect of post prosecution is going to be interesting. I see an angle (contrition/fallen angel) that most pols follow.

And really, LA is bigger than cycling. So operating as a pol is probably the best line of attack.

The Oprah interview will be the first indication of what direction his PR team is going to take.

Get out the popcorn!

I share your sentiments. I wonder what type of PR team he has, because it’ll be “repair image” mode for the first couple of years while instilling the fact that the titles are still his “whether they were stripped or not” …

If they want to be aggressive they will pay past podium winners to give testimonials. Ulrich- “It das not madder wat USADA says, Lance is the winner”, etc. (No offense to the German members, just trying to cop a german accent).

I can see many ways that LA is able to repair his image. I have not mentioned his cancer stuff but that would be another way.

I don’t consider the people who decry LA and demand some sort of inhuman contrition (i.e. cutting off his last ball, blinding himself) to be necessarily unjustified but they are definitely unrealistic in their anger. And anger against doping is very misplaced.

Barry Bonds, Maguire, et al have done more harm to our youth than any fringe sport guy will ever do. Again, Doping is BAD. Don’t do it.

But I can only imagine what NFL players say about this elitist BS that is going on with LA. “Stupid muther…oops” You guys need to turn your anger towards the people/sports that actually influence our youth/culture (unless you live in Europe). Call you congressman/Senator and demand uniform drug testing in the NFL/NBA/MLB and see how far you get.

Now the ranting part.-Get the F over it!

Doping is bad. Those that get caught need their “time out” but come on… A scarlet letter.

We live in a microcosm of a microcosm (triathlon/cycling). Cycling is an ant piss in the sporting world. Did LA have a moral obligation to not dope? Absolutely. Should he bear all the sins of his cycling fathers? No.

We are in a village of 1000 people (so to speak) running around with a head on a stick decrying “we will not tolerate this”. Next to a city of 100 million (NFL/MLB/MLS/NBA and whatever Euro equivalents there are) going WTF?

Perspective is what matters. Our little LA case is only BIG because of his fame/cancer work.

Lance will bleed millions. Legal, PR, etc., but despite all the forum discussions, I think that LA has left our 1000 person village and moved on to the 100 million person city and will be accepted by the citizens of that 100 million person city while we in the 1000 person village continue to burn his effigy.

Oprah is his introduction to that 100 million person village. Get some popcorn ready! This is going to be good.

You still seem to be missing the bigger picture here re why people are more angry/upset with LA than other dopers, and why he received a more harsh punishment. Andy Petite doped, but his image is fully intact. Why? He came out and confessed and appeared genuinely contrite. People are forgiving. Heck, LA could potentially rebuild his image too if he’s perceived as being genuine in his confession, apology and contrition. But he has a lot of work to do given his history of intimidation, law suits and character assasinations against those who tried to speak the truth. THAT’s the difference between him and a run-off-the-mill sports doper like Ulrich or Bonds. To say nothing of the whole ‘giving-hope-to-cancer-sufferers-and-so-how-could-I-possibly-dope’ snake oil mantra he’s been selling all this time. Even you have to admit that’s pretty low. Or not?

Sex with a 14 year old is fine in Maui5150’s book. At least it’s pales in comparison to anything LA might have done.

And this is exactly why Lance threads got banned. Maui5150 never said anything remotely close to that, and yet you accuse him of being sympathetic to the most heinous of crimes. Frankly, ST would be a much better place without you in it.

It’s been 91 days since the USADA report and yet another allegation. As a taxpayer, I’m getting tired of Tygart dwelling on this issue. Tygart got his pound of flesh. The man doped. We get that. Let’s be done with it.

So what new allegations will Tygart come up with in another 91 days. Will it never end?

Love or hate Lance, if I was a pro/elite athlete, I’d be very concerned by USADA’s process.


Good post.

Sex with a 14 year old is fine in Maui5150’s book. At least it’s pales in comparison to anything LA might have done.

And this is exactly why Lance threads got banned. Maui5150 never said anything remotely close to that, and yet you accuse him of being sympathetic to the most heinous of crimes. Frankly, ST would be a much better place without you in it.

If you’d like to throw your support in with the guy who sees no issue with Sutton’s actions and will argue to support or downplay them at any opportunity feel free. Seems like a smart position to me.

Edit so the thread does not go to complete hell :slight_smile:

as soon as insults about reading comprehension come out, a thread has officially gone to hell


Lance apologists like TriBeer are way beyond pretzels. We’re talking Gordian knot level now.