ST Xmas-New Years Virtual Camp Dec 23-Jan 1 (10 days)

Thursday check-in

Run: 48 minutes
Trainer: 90 minutes

Total for the day: 108 points

6 day total: 639

Now time for a 7 hour drive…


Big morning to make up for yesterday. Pirates of the Caribbean 1&2 and 3.5 hours on the trainer. 140 pts. Did two 20 minute TT intervals, feels good to be back to training. Saw the Ortho yesterday and no more restrictions except no outside on the bike for 3 more weeks.


Damn, you’re done for the day, and I haven’t even started! :wink:

OTOH, I got the 4 CD Led Zep collection for Christmas, so I have been happily rocking out while updating the results spreadsheet. Even better, there appears to be no severe, long term damage after last nights’ dinner. Other than, of course, the difficulty I had collecting the numbers this morning.

I am also enjoying the battle at the top. Those guys must be putting in a good 4 hours a day. And Francois has worked himself nicely back into contention. What sinus condition? Must be some good meds. I wonder if Floyd has some of those? :wink:

You also have your hands full with SpinHo. She has left me in the dust quite a while ago.

For everyone else, there are a couple of graphs I want to add to summarize through Day 5, which I will probably get to early this evening. I also want to add an explanation paragraph for the results table to make sure everyone understands all the details. But right now, I really gotta go run.

12/27 totals

60 minute indoor trainer- 40pts
63 minute run-63 pts

Day Total 103 pts.

The Accounting Nazis are at it again:

ok, it is 10 PM and i am finally home and finished working out.
Today - day 4 12/26:
1:15 swim = 60 pnts Minor correction here: 1:15 swim = 50 pts.
:40 run= 40 pnts
(nap = 0 pnts)
3:15 track practice which I will break down into:*
1:15 run including warm up, drills, intervals, cool down = 75 pnts
1:30 strength/core/agility/plyometric training = 60 pnts

**235 pnts **

**Total for the day = 225 pts. **

This will updated on the Day 6 results.

Thank you.

you are really amazing. not only do you keep the tally of the numbers but you keep us honest as well.

thanks for doing this. i know it takes a lot of your time ( that you could spend doing other things).
you are my hero.

BTW: i am female so you can highlight my name too. (if I have to tell you, i am in the 50-54 AG)thanks, jana


50 min run = 50 points for the day

You can put me in the M35-39 bracket is you get a chance. And I have no goals, really.

Oh, and thanks!!

OK I am in the F45-49 group… if there is one. Here are my totals for 12/27:

12/27 Swim 50 minutes -33 points

Total for five days 260 points

Today consisted of a 1 hour 32 minute run = 92 points. That will be it today.

Thank you Rick for your condolences. We still have one litter mate left. He is quite confused as the two dogs had only been apart one day in the 11 years they both were alive. Thank you for your thoughts.

I have to work until noon on Saturday, but will try to come by the shop immediately after. I’ll be the one in scrubs!

weights 0:45 = 30 pts
bike indoor on trainer 2:45 = 110 pts
run 0:30 afterwards = 30 pts
total for today 170 pts

60 min spin + 20 min run = 60 pts
60 min swim = 40 pts

100 for the day.

12/28 UPDATE


12/23- Run 2:09:24, 129 pts
12/26- Run 0:44:00, 44 pts
12/27- Run 0:54:18, 54 pts
12/28- Run 0:56:00, 56 pts

Total: 283 pts

Getting screwed by another “blizzard” in Denver:

60 min treadmill run: 60 pts

90 mins trainer: 60 pts

I’m posting this now because I don’t think I’ll be getting in the pool tonight as the snow-apocalypse is coming. So, total for today: a measly 120.

28/12 run 40 min=40pts plus XC ski 1hr53min=75pts TOTAL TODAY=115 PTS

and spell checkers :wink:

Day 6

Indoor bike 90mins - 60 points

Run 57 mins - 57 points

Total 117 points

Heading off for a few days on the bike. Will post on Sun /Mon next

great. we will have a “tent sale” going on outside
( if the weather cooperates) so look out there for me first.
look forward to meeting you.

What’s going on? 4:30 pm EST and no posts yet from Spinho…what’s she doing, building a Ken Glad style salt mine in her basement, logging indoor miles in an attempt to win 40-44?
